I swear this time I mean it

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"Jake, please, call me when you get this?"

I had already left 7 messages in Jakes phone after a previous 6 unsuccessful attempts at calling and texting him. The receptionist confirmed that he hadn't been back to the room all day. 

My phone rang and I was hopeful for a second. The caller ID read Jenny and my heart sank.

"Hello?" I answered. 

"Guess who I found?" She replied.

"Where are you?" I almost shouted  down the phone making no attempts to hide my happiness.

"Don't worry he's coming to you" she said.

What does that mean? I thought. 

She had hung up before I had chance to ask. I was about to start a cursing rant when I felt two strong arms circle me from behind. 

"Hey" He whispered. His voice comforted me immediately and I could've collapsed into him with relief. 

"Hey" I whispered back, turning to kiss him through my giant grin. 

"I talked to Jenny" he said "she explained everything" 

"We're just friends now Jake, I told her" I spluttered.

"I know" he smiled, hugging me back into him. 

"I love you" he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too" I replied. 


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