💜Chapter Twenty 💜

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"What has been your biggest physical health struggle?" the interviewer asked, and Jin instantly glared at me.

"Y/n has something to share, don't you Y/n?" Jin said as he glared at me, wanting me to tell everyone about my cancer.

"No, actually, I don't." I lied.

"If you don't tell them, I will." Jin pressured.

Everyone was turned to look at me, wanting the answer to what Jin had started.

"I have cancer." I said as I chewed my lip nervously.

"We're talking about this later." Namjoon told me.

"Can you tell us more about your cancer?" the interviewer pressed.

"It's stage 3." I said nervously as I bit my lip out of nerves before, shifting in my chair uncomfortably as I could feel all the stares on me.

"How long have you had it?" the interviewer asked.

"I'm not sure, a year maybe?" I answered nervously, not sure what else to say.

I was diagnosed in 2014 sometime and it was January of 2016 now, so that was a year.

A year had flown by.

Thinking about it, I didn't do any cancer treatment for a while, I was too focused on work and Ji-a that I hadn't started straight away.


How much I missed her could never be put into words, how much I wanted to cry and cry was more than I wanted to die but I had no more tears left to shed.

I'd give anything just to talk to Ji-a one more time, to see her face, to fulfil the promise I broke.

I'd give anything in a heartbeat just for Soo-min and Ji-a to have a happy childhood, I'd give everything and anything, my place in BTS, my happiness, my life.

"Here's what everyone wants to know; what happened to Ji-a and Soo-min? They used to be in most of your Instagram posts and your lives, why the change?" the interviewer asked, and my heart skipped a beat.

I thought they knew.

"Oh, um, they died." I answered.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, when did they die?" the interviewer asked, pretending to be sorry, but I knew, I knew she was happy, I knew she was happy she'd get loads of views. "How did they die?"

"Ji-a died October 2014 to lung cancer and Soo-min died 2 weeks later to suicide." Namjoon said when I gave him a nod.

"Oh my, so Soo-min died during the Red Bullet Tour?" the interviewer realised.

It had already been a year since they died.

Time flew.                                                                                                                                                            Depression grew.

A/N: Sorry if that placing is a bit off, I'm writing in my laptop FYI it's supposed to be one below the other 

I was still grieving, I was starting to think I always would be, they would always hold a special place in my heart, the world was empty without them, life had no meaning without them.

I still had Min-Seo.

But without Soo-min and Ji-a, it wasn't the same.

They'd never get to see me successful, happy, and I'd never get to see them growing up.

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