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**Chapter 1: The Unveiling**

Life has a strange way of flipping everything upside down. One moment, everything is as it should be, and the next, the ground is ripped from beneath your feet. For Yashika, this was the cruel reality she faced as she turned eighteen just last week. The world that had seemed so stable and predictable suddenly crumbled when her father met with a fatal accident.

Yashika's father had been her hero, the man who held their small family together. As a single child, she had always known that the weight of their family's future rested on her shoulders, but she never imagined it would come so soon. The accident, however, wasn’t just a tragedy—it was a mystery. Deep down, Yashika knew that it wasn’t an accident at all. It was planned. Someone had deliberately taken her father away from her, but who? And why? These questions gnawed at her day and night, fueling a fire of determination within her.

The accident left her family not just heartbroken, but financially crippled. Her mother, a simple housewife who had dedicated her life to raising Yashika, was in no position to work. She was uneducated, having never had the opportunity to study, and Yashika couldn't bear the thought of her mother struggling to make ends meet. She knew she had to step up, even if it meant sacrificing her own education and dreams.

With a heavy heart but unyielding resolve, Yashika decided to leave school and find a job. She applied to several companies, but there was one in particular that caught her attention: The Sherawat Group of Companies, the very place where her father had worked before his untimely death. If there were any clues to be found, Yashika believed they would be there.

* * *

The Sherawat Group of Companies was an empire, and its ruler was none other than Adrith Singh Shehrawat. His name alone struck fear into the hearts of those who heard it. Adrith was known for his ruthless and heartless demeanor, a man of immense power and dominance who controlled the underworld with an iron fist. Yet, beneath the exterior of the man who was soon to be crowned the king of Rajasthan, there lay a different side—a side only those closest to him had ever glimpsed.

Adrith was not a man who let emotions cloud his judgment. To the world, he was a tyrant, a man who cared for nothing but power. But within the fortress of the Sherawat mansion, things were different. Today, the atmosphere in the grand hall was unusually serene, with the soft, melodious voice of Spurty Rajvansh filling the air. She was singing a bhajan, her voice carrying a devotional vibe that seemed almost out of place in the cold, imposing mansion.

As the last notes of the bhajan echoed through the hall, a figure entered, commanding the attention of everyone present. Samar Singh Shehrawat, the patriarch of the family, had arrived. The entire hall fell silent, as if the very walls were paying respect to the man who had built the empire from the ground up. Samar, much like his son, was a man of power, feared and revered in equal measure. Yet, there was a softness in his eyes as he scanned the room, searching for someone in particular.

"Sparsha, what is for breakfast today?" Samar’s voice, though gruff, held a playful undertone as his eyes settled on his wife.

"There’s poha and pulao, what do you want, Samar?" Sparsha replied, her voice gentle yet firm.

"I’ll have pulao, but if you’re on the menu, I’d definitely eat you," Samar whispered, his words meant only for her ears.

A blush crept up Sparsha’s cheeks, painting them a deep red. "Besharam aadmi," she muttered under her breath, though a smile tugged at her lips.

Their children, Adrith, Ansh, and Adrika, exchanged amused glances, shaking their heads at their parents' antics. It was a common sight, their parents acting like love-struck teenagers, a stark contrast to the image they presented to the world.

"Mamma, serve my breakfast now. I have an important meeting to attend," Adrith’s voice cut through the moment, bringing them back to reality.

"Okay, mera baccha, just five minutes," Sparsha replied, quickly moving to prepare his plate.

Adrith sat down at the table, his mind already on the day ahead. The meeting he was heading to was crucial, a step closer to solidifying his control over Rajasthan. But even as he focused on the business at hand, a part of him couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. His father had always warned him to trust his instincts, and right now, they were screaming at him that something big was about to happen.

* * *

Back at the modest home Yashika shared with her mother, things were far less serene. After sending in her application to the Sherawat Group, Yashika waited anxiously for a response. She knew the odds were slim, but she had no other choice. Every minute that passed felt like an eternity, her nerves fraying as she tried to stay calm. Her mother, too, was on edge, though she tried to hide it for Yashika’s sake.

When the call finally came, Yashika’s heart skipped a beat. She had an interview. The next day, she would walk into the Sherawat building, not just as a hopeful applicant, but as a daughter seeking answers.

The following morning, Yashika stood in front of the towering Sherawat Group building, its glass facade gleaming in the sunlight. Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside, her determination unshaken. She was here to find a job, but more importantly, she was here to find the truth. And no matter what, she wouldn’t leave until she had it.

Inside, the building was just as imposing as the man who owned it. Everything was sleek, modern, and intimidating, much like Adrith Singh Shehrawat himself. As Yashika walked to the reception desk, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. The eyes of those around her seemed to follow her every move, as if they knew she didn’t belong.

But Yashika squared her shoulders and kept her head high. She was here for a reason, and she wouldn’t let anyone intimidate her. After checking in, she was escorted to a waiting area, her nerves tingling with anticipation.

And then, the door opened.

“Miss Yashika?” A deep, authoritative voice called her name, sending a shiver down her spine. She turned to face the man who had summoned her, her breath catching in her throat.

Adrith Singh Shehrawat stood before her, his presence as overwhelming as the rumors said. He was tall, with sharp features and piercing eyes that seemed to see right through her. There was no warmth in his gaze, only a cold, calculating intensity that made her want to shrink back. But Yashika held her ground, meeting his gaze with all the courage she could muster.

“Follow me,” he said, turning on his heel without waiting for a response.

Yashika swallowed hard and followed him, each step bringing her closer to the truth she so desperately sought—and to the man who could either be her salvation or her doom.


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