Bonus ♡

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Hey everyone it's a bonus chapter where Yashika Come's to Sherawat Mansion as I forgot to mention in chapter four


A Dangerous offer

The job interview at the Shehrawat Group of Companies had been nerve-wracking, but Yashika knew she couldn’t afford to fail. It wasn’t just about securing a position to support her mother after her father’s tragic death; it was about getting closer to the truth. She needed answers, and she was convinced that the key to understanding what had happened to her father lay somewhere within the walls of this powerful organization.

When she had first stepped into the company’s towering headquarters, she had felt dwarfed by its grandeur. The building itself seemed to exude power and wealth, a far cry from the modest life she had known. But Yashika’s determination was unshakable. She had come this far, and she wouldn’t back down now.

The interview had gone better than she expected. The questions had been tough, but she had answered them with the confidence of someone who had nothing left to lose. At the end of the process, she had been introduced to none other than Adrith Singh Shehrawat himself, the enigmatic head of the Shehrawat family and the company’s Managing Director.

Adrith was intimidating, to say the least. His presence filled the room, and his piercing gaze seemed to see right through her. But there was something else in his eyes—something that hinted at a deeper understanding of the pain she was carrying.

“Miss Kapoor, you’re here for a reason beyond just finding a job, aren’t you?” Adrith had asked, his voice calm but probing.

Yashika had hesitated for a moment, wondering how much she should reveal. But she had come too far to hold back now. “Yes, sir. My father worked for this company, and I believe his death was no accident. I need to find out what really happened.”

Adrith had studied her for a long moment, his expression unreadable. Then, to her surprise, he had nodded. “You’re brave to come here with such intentions. Most would have walked away. I respect that.”

Relief had washed over her, but it was quickly replaced by a sense of unease. Adrith’s next words confirmed her suspicions.

“Your father was a good man, and his death is a loss. But you must understand, Miss Kapoor, that the truth you’re seeking could be more dangerous than you realize.”

Yashika had met his gaze, her resolve unwavering. “I don’t care about the danger. I just want to know the truth.”

A flicker of something—admiration, perhaps—had passed through Adrith’s eyes. “Very well. You can start working here, but I want you to stay at the Shehrawat mansion. It’s not safe for you to be alone right now, and you’ll be closer to the answers you seek.”

The offer had caught Yashika off guard. Staying at the Shehrawat mansion was not something she had expected, but the thought of being in close proximity to the people who might have information about her father was tempting.

“Why would you offer me this?” she had asked, suspicion lacing her tone.

Adrith had smiled slightly, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “Let’s just say that I have my own reasons for wanting to keep you close. You’re not the only one interested in uncovering the truth, Miss Kapoor.”

Yashika had considered his words carefully. There was risk involved—she knew that. But there was also a chance to finally get the answers she had been searching for.

After a brief pause, she had made her decision. “I’ll take the job and your offer.”

Adrith had nodded, seemingly satisfied with her response. “Good. You’ll move into the mansion tomorrow. I’ll make the necessary arrangements.”

And just like that, Yashika’s life had taken another unexpected turn. The next day, she found herself at the grand entrance of the Shehrawat mansion, her belongings in tow. The mansion was as imposing as the man who ruled it, but Yashika knew she couldn’t let fear take hold. She was here for a reason, and she wouldn’t rest until she found the truth.

As she stepped into the mansion, she couldn’t help but feel a mix of trepidation and determination. She was entering a world far removed from her own, a world filled with secrets, power, and danger. But she was ready. For her father’s sake, she had to be.

The Shehrawat family welcomed her politely, though the undercurrents of curiosity and caution were evident. Adrith had introduced her to his family—his parents, Samar and Sparsha; his siblings, Ansh and Adrika—all of whom had their own roles within the intricate web of the Shehrawat empire. They were a powerful family, and Yashika could sense that they were not to be underestimated.

That night, as she lay in the lavish guest room prepared for her, Yashika couldn’t shake the feeling that she had just stepped into the lion’s den. But she was determined to stay strong. She was here to find justice for her father, and she wouldn’t let anything stand in her way.

The next morning, she would begin her new job at the Shehrawat Group, all the while keeping her eyes and ears open for any clues that might lead her closer to the truth. It wouldn’t be easy, but Yashika was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. She was determined to unravel the mystery, no matter the cost.

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