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**Chapter 6: A Dangerous Alliance**

Yashika’s decision to confront Adrith Singh Shehrawat weighed heavily on her. She had spent the entire night poring over the files on the USB drive, uncovering layer upon layer of deceit and corruption. The more she learned, the more she realized how deeply entangled Adrith was in the web of lies that had cost her father his life.

Yet, despite everything, she couldn’t shake the feeling that Adrith was not as straightforward as the files made him seem. There were too many unanswered questions, too many gaps in the story. If she wanted the truth, she would have to confront him directly.

The next morning, Yashika arrived at the Sherawat Group with a mix of determination and dread. She knew this was a risk—Adrith was not someone to be taken lightly. But she had no choice. The truth was worth the danger.

She made her way to the top floor, her heart pounding as she approached Adrith’s office. The secretary at the desk gave her a curious glance but didn’t stop her as she knocked on the heavy wooden door.

“Come in,” Adrith’s deep voice called from within.

Yashika took a deep breath and pushed the door open, stepping into the large, imposing office. Adrith was seated behind his massive desk, his piercing gaze focused on a stack of documents in front of him. He looked up as she entered, his expression unreadable.

“Miss Kapoor,” he greeted her, leaning back in his chair. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Yashika closed the door behind her, steeling herself. “We need to talk,” she said, her voice steady despite the nerves coursing through her.

Adrith raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “About?”

“About Operation Aegis,” she replied, watching his reaction closely.

For a moment, Adrith’s expression remained neutral, but Yashika noticed the subtle tightening of his jaw. He leaned forward slightly, his eyes narrowing. “And what do you know about Operation Aegis?”

Yashika reached into her bag and pulled out the USB drive, placing it on the desk between them. “Enough to know that my father was killed because of it.”

Adrith’s gaze flicked to the USB drive, then back to her. “You’re playing a dangerous game, Miss Kapoor. I suggest you be very careful about the accusations you make.”

“I’m not here to accuse,” Yashika said, meeting his gaze with a determination that surprised even herself. “I’m here for the truth. I know my father was involved in something he didn’t fully understand, and I know it got him killed. But I don’t believe he was the only one in danger.”

Adrith studied her for a long moment, his eyes unreadable. Finally, he stood up and walked around the desk, stopping in front of her. He was tall, towering over her, and the aura of power he exuded was almost palpable.

“You’ve been digging into things you shouldn’t have,” he said quietly, his tone carrying a hint of warning. “Do you have any idea what kind of people you’re dealing with?”

“I do,” Yashika replied, refusing to back down. “And I know that you’re one of them. But I also know you’re not like Vikram Rathore. He’s after something personal, something that goes beyond just power and money. I need to know where you stand, Adrith. Are you with him, or are you against him?”

Adrith’s expression hardened at the mention of Vikram’s name. He turned away, looking out the large window that offered a sweeping view of the city. For a moment, there was silence, broken only by the faint hum of the air conditioning.

When he finally spoke, his voice was low and controlled. “Vikram is a man driven by vengeance and ambition. He believes he’s entitled to things that were never his to begin with. But make no mistake, Miss Kapoor, I am not his puppet. I have my own interests, and they do not align with his.”

Yashika’s heart raced. This was the opening she had been hoping for. “Then help me,” she urged. “Help me bring him down. I have the evidence—everything we need to expose him and stop whatever he’s planning. But I can’t do it alone.”

Adrith turned to face her, his expression unreadable once more. “You want my help?” he asked, a hint of skepticism in his voice. “And what makes you think you can trust me?”

Yashika hesitated, knowing this was the crucial moment. “I don’t trust you,” she admitted. “But I trust that you care about your company and your family. If Vikram succeeds in whatever he’s planning, you’ll lose everything. So yes, I’m asking for your help—not because I trust you, but because we both have something to lose if Vikram wins.”

Adrith regarded her for a long moment, his eyes searching hers for any sign of deception. Finally, he let out a quiet sigh, the tension in the room easing slightly.

“You’re either very brave or very foolish, Miss Kapoor,” he said, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “But you’re right about one thing—we both have something to lose. I’ll help you, but understand this: if you cross me, if you try to use me, I will destroy you. Do you understand?”

Yashika nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. “I understand.”

Adrith extended his hand, a gesture of both alliance and warning. “Then we have a deal.”

Yashika took his hand, the weight of their agreement settling over her like a heavy cloak. She had just made a pact with a man who could be her greatest ally or her worst enemy. Only time would tell which one he would become.

* * *

The days that followed were a blur of covert meetings and strategic planning. Adrith had access to resources and information that Yashika could only dream of, and together, they began to piece together a plan to expose Vikram and dismantle Operation Aegis.

But as they delved deeper into the conspiracy, Yashika couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched. Every time she left the office or returned to her apartment, she felt eyes on her, shadows lurking just out of sight. She knew she was playing a dangerous game, but there was no turning back now.

One evening, as Yashika was preparing to leave the office, she received another anonymous text message. This one was even more unsettling than the last:

**You’re in over your head. Back off, or you’ll end up like your father.**

Yashika’s blood ran cold. Whoever was behind the message knew exactly what she was doing—and they were warning her to stop. But Yashika had come too far to back down now. She was determined to see this through, no matter the cost.

She quickly forwarded the message to Adrith, knowing he needed to be aware of the threat. His response came almost immediately:

**Stay calm. Don’t let them see you’re rattled. We’ll meet tomorrow to discuss our next move.**

Yashika stared at the screen, the tension in her chest tightening like a vise. She had known this would be dangerous, but now the reality of it was hitting her hard. She was in the middle of a power struggle that could cost her everything, and the stakes were higher than ever.

As she left the office and stepped out into the cool night air, Yashika couldn’t help but feel a shiver of fear run down her spine. She was now walking a fine line between survival and destruction, and one wrong step could send her tumbling into the abyss.

But she was resolved. Whatever it took, she would uncover the truth and bring her father’s killers to justice. Even if it meant risking her own life in the process

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