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**Chapter 4: Shadows of the Past**

Yashika’s days at the Sherawat Group passed in a tense blur. Every moment was a balancing act between fulfilling her duties and delving deeper into the mysteries surrounding her father’s death. The air around her seemed thick with secrets, each one more dangerous than the last.

Despite her growing anxiety, Yashika remained determined. She knew that the truth was buried somewhere within these walls, and she wouldn’t stop until she unearthed it. But each step forward felt like she was wading deeper into quicksand.

The name Vikram Rathore echoed in her mind, haunting her thoughts. She had to find out more about him and his connection to her father. But she couldn’t afford to be careless; any misstep could draw unwanted attention.

One afternoon, while she was sorting through some documents, she overheard two of her colleagues whispering in the break room. Their voices were hushed, but Yashika caught enough to make her ears perk up.

“Did you hear? Vikram Rathore’s been in a foul mood lately,” one of them said. “Apparently, he’s got some personal issues. Something about family business.”

“Yeah, I heard,” the other replied. “But it’s more than that. Word is he’s been dealing with some... internal conflicts. You know how it is with these big shots—power struggles, secrets, all that stuff. I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.”

Yashika’s heart raced. This was the first real lead she’d had on Vikram, but she needed more. She quietly made her way out of the break room and headed toward the executive offices. She knew Vikram’s office was on the top floor, near Adrith’s.

As she ascended in the elevator, Yashika felt a knot of tension in her stomach. She wasn’t sure what she was planning to do—confront him directly, eavesdrop, or simply observe—but she knew this was a risk she had to take.

The executive floor was a world unto itself. The décor was sleek and modern, with polished marble floors and glass walls that reflected the afternoon light. It was quiet, almost eerily so, as if this part of the building was insulated from the hustle and bustle below.

Yashika made her way down the corridor, her footsteps barely making a sound. She approached Vikram’s office, noticing the heavy wooden door was slightly ajar. From inside, she could hear the low murmur of voices.

Careful not to make a sound, Yashika edged closer, peeking through the crack in the door. She could see Vikram sitting behind his desk, his posture tense. Across from him stood a man Yashika didn’t recognize, but he exuded an air of authority.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, Vikram,” the man said in a low, menacing tone. “Adrith is not someone you want to cross, and yet you’re risking everything for what? A grudge? Revenge?”

Vikram’s expression darkened. “This isn’t just about Adrith. It’s about what’s rightfully mine. I’ve waited too long, sacrificed too much to let it slip through my fingers now.”

The man shook his head. “You’re a fool if you think you can take on the Sherawat empire alone. Your father—”

“Don’t talk about my father!” Vikram snapped, his voice rising. “He was betrayed, just like I was. This company should have been ours, but instead, it’s run by that—”

“Keep your voice down,” the man interrupted, glancing toward the door. “If you’re not careful, you’ll bring this entire place crashing down on top of us. You have your plan, but don’t forget who’s really in charge here.”

Yashika’s breath caught in her throat. The conversation was laced with hints of betrayal, power struggles, and old grudges. She was starting to understand that her father’s death was part of a much larger, more dangerous game—a game that Vikram was deeply entangled in.

Before she could glean any more, the man turned to leave, and Yashika quickly stepped back, retreating down the hall. Her mind raced with what she had just overheard. Vikram’s words had confirmed her suspicions—he was seeking revenge, but for what, and against whom?

As she reached the elevator, Yashika’s heart pounded in her chest. She had uncovered a crucial piece of the puzzle, but it had only raised more questions. What had her father done to involve himself in this mess? And how did Adrith fit into all of this?

* * *

That evening, back at her apartment, Yashika sat at her small desk, the documents she had gathered spread out before her. Her father’s old files, the financial records, the cryptic notes—all of it pointed to something far more sinister than she had initially imagined.

She replayed the conversation she had overheard in her mind, trying to piece together the fragments of information. Vikram Rathore clearly believed he had been wronged, that something had been taken from him. But what was it? And how did her father fit into his vendetta?

Yashika’s eyes landed on a particular document she had almost overlooked earlier. It was a contract, buried deep within the stack of papers, and it bore the signature of her father, Rajeev Kapoor. But what caught her attention was the name of the project it referred to—Operation Aegis.

Her hands trembled slightly as she read through the contract. It was filled with legal jargon, but the gist was clear: her father had been involved in something highly confidential, something that required absolute secrecy. The project was linked to large sums of money being funneled into offshore accounts, and the beneficiaries were unknown.

The more she read, the more she realized that Operation Aegis was no ordinary project. It was shrouded in layers of deception, involving multiple parties within the Sherawat Group. And Vikram Rathore was at the center of it all.

Yashika leaned back in her chair, her mind racing. This was the key to understanding her father’s death. He had been part of something dangerous, something that had ultimately cost him his life. But why? What had he uncovered that made him a target?

As she pondered these questions, Yashika knew that she was now in even greater danger than before. The more she uncovered, the more she realized how deep the rot went within the Sherawat Group. But she couldn’t turn back now. She had to see this through, no matter the cost.

There was only one person who might have the answers she needed—Adrith Singh Shehrawat. But could she trust him, or was he just as involved in this conspiracy as Vikram? Yashika’s gut told her that Adrith was a man of power and control, but she had also seen glimpses of something else in him, something that hinted at a deeper complexity.

For now, she would keep her distance and continue her investigation. But soon, she knew she would have to confront Adrith directly. And when she did, she would need to be prepared for whatever came next.


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