Chapter 13

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**Chapter 13: The First Threads of Betrayal**

The tension in Adrith’s study was palpable. Yashika stood near the desk, her eyes fixed on the notebook in Adrith’s hands. Every second felt like an eternity as she watched his expressions shift from disbelief to anger and then to a cold, focused determination. She could see the conflict within him—Adrith, a man who thrived on control, was suddenly teetering on the edge of uncertainty.

“This notebook,” Adrith began, his voice deep and measured, “it changes everything.”

Yashika nodded, her heart pounding. “I didn’t want to believe it either, but the evidence… it’s all there. Your father was involved in something, and my dad must have uncovered too much.”

Adrith placed the notebook on the desk, his eyes locking with Yashika’s. “We need to be careful. If my father was behind this, there are people close to us who would do anything to protect those secrets.”

Yashika swallowed hard. The weight of what she had discovered now felt even heavier. But she wasn’t going to back down. “What do we do now?”

Adrith stood silently for a moment, then turned toward the door. “We need more proof, something concrete that ties my father to this… and I need to find out who else is involved. I have a feeling it goes deeper than just him.”


At the breakfast table the next morning, the Sherawat mansion was buzzing with activity as usual. Sparsha, Adrith’s mother, was preparing the table, while Adrika chatted cheerfully with the house staff. No one suspected the storm brewing beneath the surface.

Adrith sat at the table, sipping his coffee in silence. His mind was elsewhere, already running through potential suspects. He had grown up knowing that power came with enemies—both outside and within the family. The Sherawat name commanded respect, but also loyalty bought with fear and money. Someone had betrayed that loyalty, and he was determined to find out who.

“Samar,” Sparsha called out as Adrith’s father entered the room, “you look tired. Late night?”

Samar grunted in response, sitting at the head of the table. His presence was imposing, a man who commanded authority without saying a word. Yashika’s heart skipped a beat when she saw him. The man whose name was in her father’s notebook, the man who might have ordered her father’s death, sat calmly at the breakfast table as though nothing was wrong.

Adrith glanced at Yashika, silently reminding her to remain calm.

Samar looked at his son. “What’s on your mind today, Adrith? You’ve been quiet.”

Adrith shook his head, forcing a small smile. “Just business.”

Samar gave a small nod. “As it should be. You have responsibilities to the family and the company. I hope you’re taking those seriously.”

“I am,” Adrith replied, his voice neutral. “More than ever.”


Later that day, Adrith pulled Yashika aside, away from the prying eyes of the mansion’s staff. “We can’t stay here much longer. The walls have ears, and my father… he’s not a fool. He’ll sense that something is wrong.”

Yashika agreed. “But how do we investigate without drawing attention? Your family is watching you closely.”

Adrith’s expression darkened. “I have a plan. There’s someone I trust in the company, someone who has access to sensitive files. If there’s a paper trail connecting my father to illegal activities, they’ll help me find it.”

“Who is it?” Yashika asked.

“Aarav,” Adrith answered, his voice low. “He’s been with the company for years, handling financials and legal documents. If there’s anything shady going on, he’ll know.”

Yashika was skeptical but nodded. “Do you trust him?”

“As much as I can trust anyone in this business,” Adrith replied. “But we need to be careful. If anyone else finds out what we’re doing, we’re both in danger.”


The next evening, Adrith arranged a private meeting with Aarav in a discreet location away from the mansion. Yashika stayed behind, knowing that her presence would only raise suspicions.

Adrith arrived at a small café on the outskirts of the city, one of the few places he could meet with Aarav without drawing attention. The place was nearly empty, except for a few patrons scattered at various tables. Aarav, a man in his early forties with a sharp gaze and calm demeanor, sat waiting in a corner booth.

“Aarav,” Adrith greeted him as he sat down.

“Adrith,” Aarav nodded. “I assume this isn’t a social visit.”

“You’re right,” Adrith replied, his voice low. “I need information. Something that I can’t afford to dig through publicly.”

Aarav leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. “You’re talking about your father, aren’t you?”

Adrith’s eyes widened in surprise. “You know?”

Aarav sighed. “I’ve been in this business long enough to know when something’s not right. I’ve seen the transactions, the deals your father has made under the table. But I’ve kept quiet, because it’s my job to protect the company.”

“Not anymore,” Adrith said firmly. “I need everything you have. If there’s evidence that my father was involved in illegal activities, I want to see it.”

Aarav hesitated, glancing around the café to make sure no one was listening. “This isn’t going to be easy, Adrith. Your father has covered his tracks well. But I have some files that might give you a lead.”

He handed over a small USB drive. “This is what I’ve managed to gather so far. It’s not everything, but it’s a start. Be careful with this information. If your father finds out you’re looking into this, he won’t hesitate to take action—even against his own son.”

Adrith nodded, taking the drive and slipping it into his pocket. “Thank you, Aarav. I won’t forget this.”

As Adrith left the café, he felt the weight of the drive in his pocket—a small device that could bring down the empire his father had built. But the real question was, at what cost?


Back at the mansion, Yashika anxiously awaited Adrith’s return. She paced the room, her thoughts racing. She was getting closer to the truth, but the danger surrounding her was growing with every step they took.

When Adrith finally arrived, he handed her the USB drive. “This is it,” he said quietly. “Whatever’s on here will tell us what we need to know.”

Yashika took a deep breath. “Are you ready for what we might find?”

Adrith hesitated, then nodded. “I have to be. No matter what it reveals.”

They plugged the drive into a laptop and began scrolling through the files. As the documents loaded, Yashika’s breath caught in her throat. The transactions, the names, the hidden accounts—it was all there.

But then they found something that neither of them had expected.

There was a name in the files—someone who had been working closely with Samar. Someone within the Shehrawat family.

**Adrika Singh Shehrawat.**

Yashika’s eyes widened in shock. “Adrith… your sister…”

Adrith stared at the screen, his face pale. “No. This can’t be right.”

But the evidence was undeniable. Adrika was involved. And now, everything had changed.


Hey peeps a new chapter make sure you vote and comment

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