chapter 11

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**Chapter 11: Bonds That Matter**

The warm glow of the setting sun bathed the Shehrawat mansion in a soft, golden light. It was one of those rare moments when the mansion, often filled with the heavy tension of power and secrecy, felt like a true home. For just a few hours, the family had set aside their work, their responsibilities, and their guarded natures to spend time together as a family.

In the vast dining hall, laughter echoed, the kind that hadn’t been heard in a long time. Yashika, though no longer living in the mansion, had been invited for dinner as a guest. Despite her departure, there was still a strange but undeniable connection between her and the Shehrawats, especially Adrith.

Sparsha, Adrith's mother, was bustling around the kitchen, bringing out steaming dishes of food. "Adrika, hand me the plates. Samar, stop teasing and sit down already. You’ll only make things harder if you keep getting in my way!" Sparsha’s playful scolding brought a smile to Yashika's face. For all the Shehrawat family's power and ruthlessness in the outside world, here within the confines of their home, they were simply a family.

Adrith sat at the head of the table, a rare, relaxed smile on his face as he watched his parents banter. His brother, Ansh, was busy helping set the table, occasionally tossing light-hearted jabs at Adrika, who responded with exaggerated annoyance.

As the food was served, the family settled down, the chatter becoming quieter as everyone savored the delicious home-cooked meal. It was a feast, but not just because of the variety of dishes. There was a warmth, a sense of togetherness that permeated the room.

Yashika felt a slight pang in her heart. It was moments like this that reminded her of the life she had before her father’s death—the simple family dinners with her parents. Though different from the Shehrawats in many ways, those dinners had been filled with love and laughter, just like tonight.

Adrith seemed to sense her thoughts. Leaning slightly toward her, he asked, “Everything okay?”

Yashika blinked, startled from her thoughts. She nodded and gave a small smile. “Yeah, I’m just... remembering. It’s nice, seeing a family like this.”

Adrith didn’t press further, but the understanding in his eyes spoke volumes.

Meanwhile, Samar and Sparsha were in their usual playful mood. “Sparsha, you’ve outdone yourself again with the food. I might have to marry you all over again,” Samar joked, reaching for another helping of pulao.

Sparsha, her cheeks tinged with a slight blush, responded with mock annoyance. “Stop being such a flirt, Samar! You're making our children question our sanity.”

The siblings groaned dramatically, with Ansh rolling his eyes. “You two are impossible. Can’t we have one meal without you both acting like lovesick teenagers?”

Adrika chuckled, shaking her head. “I agree. We get it—you’re still madly in love after all these years.”

Samar winked at Sparsha, ignoring their children’s complaints. “Well, I can’t help it if your mother is irresistible.”

Sparsha swatted him playfully on the arm, though a soft smile played on her lips. "You’re impossible."

The conversation flowed freely after that, filled with light-hearted teasing and stories from the past. Adrith shared an old memory of his siblings getting into trouble as kids, and even Yashika found herself laughing along with the rest of the family.

For a brief moment, the harsh realities of their world were forgotten. The weight of power, the dangerous business dealings, the secrets they all carried—it all faded away, leaving only the simple joy of family.

But the world outside didn’t allow such moments to last long.

Just as the laughter was beginning to die down, a phone rang, cutting through the warm atmosphere like a cold breeze. Adrith’s expression shifted instantly, the carefree smile disappearing as he reached for his phone.

“Adrith here,” he answered, his tone now formal and distant.

The rest of the family fell silent, watching him closely. The tension that had momentarily disappeared returned with a vengeance.

Yashika couldn’t help but notice the stark difference in Adrith’s demeanor. He was no longer the relaxed older brother or son. He was the powerful, feared Adrith Singh Shehrawat, ruler of the underworld, a man with responsibilities and threats constantly at his door.

The conversation was short. Adrith hung up the phone, his jaw clenched. “There’s an issue at the warehouse. I need to go.”

Sparsha looked at him with concern. “Be careful, Adrith.”

“I will, Maa,” Adrith reassured her, standing up. His siblings looked at him, their expressions showing they knew better than to ask too many questions. The warmth of the evening had dissipated, replaced with the cold reality of their lives.

Before leaving, Adrith turned to Yashika. “You should head back to your place. It’s late, and it’s not safe.”

Yashika, not one to back down easily, gave him a pointed look. “I’ll be fine.”

Adrith’s eyes softened slightly. “I know. But still, I’ll have someone drop you off. Please.”

She nodded, appreciating his concern, even if it was cloaked in the usual protective tone he always used.

As Adrith left the mansion, Yashika realized that family moments like these—moments of joy and laughter—were rare for people like the Shehrawats. They lived in a world where danger was always lurking, where every decision could have dire consequences. But tonight had been a glimpse of what lay beneath the power and dominance—a family that, despite everything, loved each other fiercely.


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