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**Chapter 2: The Storm Behind the Walls**

Yashika sat stiffly in the plush chair, her back straight and hands clasped tightly in her lap. The air in Adrith Singh Shehrawat’s office was thick with tension, an almost tangible weight pressing down on her. The office itself was a reflection of its owner—sleek, minimalistic, and utterly devoid of warmth. Large windows offered a breathtaking view of the city, but Yashika felt as though she were staring into the heart of a storm.

Adrith sat across from her, his gaze unwavering as he studied her with an intensity that made her skin prickle. He hadn't spoken a word since they entered the room, and the silence stretched on, growing more suffocating by the second. Yashika could hear the faint ticking of a clock somewhere in the background, each tick feeling like a countdown to something inevitable.

Finally, Adrith leaned back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap. "So, Yashika," he said, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down her spine. "You applied for the position of an administrative assistant. Is that correct?"

Yashika nodded, her throat suddenly dry. "Yes, sir."

Adrith’s eyes narrowed slightly as if searching for something in her expression. "I see. Your qualifications are... minimal. Why did you choose to apply here, specifically?"

Yashika hesitated for a moment. She had prepared for this question, knowing it would come. But now that it was here, the words felt heavy on her tongue. "My father worked here," she began, her voice steadier than she felt. "I grew up hearing about this company. It’s a place that meant a lot to him, and now that he’s gone... I want to honor his memory by working here, too."

Adrith’s gaze didn't waver. "Your father," he repeated, his tone unreadable. "You must have been close."

"Yes," Yashika replied, her heart aching with the loss that still felt so raw. "He was everything to me."

Adrith’s expression remained cold, but something flickered in his eyes—something dark and unreadable. "And what do you know about the nature of our business?"

Yashika swallowed hard. She had heard the rumors, the whispers of the Sherawat family’s ties to the underworld. But she had no idea how much of it was true, and she couldn’t afford to show any fear. "I know it’s one of the most powerful conglomerates in the region," she said carefully. "And that it’s expanding rapidly."

Adrith’s lips curled into a semblance of a smile, though it didn’t reach his eyes. "Rapidly, indeed." He paused, leaning forward slightly, the air between them crackling with tension. "Are you aware, Yashika, that working for this company is not without its risks? There are... expectations."

Yashika’s heart raced, but she met his gaze without flinching. "I’m willing to do whatever it takes."

Adrith studied her for a long moment, the silence stretching once again. Then, he leaned back, as if coming to a decision. "Very well. You’ll start on Monday. Report to the Human Resources department at 9 a.m. sharp. Do not be late."

Yashika blinked in surprise. She had expected more resistance, more questions. But here she was, already hired. She nodded quickly. "Thank you, sir. I won’t disappoint you."

"See that you don’t," Adrith said, his tone carrying a weight of finality. He picked up a file from his desk, effectively dismissing her.

Yashika stood, her legs feeling shaky as she walked to the door. Just as she reached for the handle, Adrith spoke again, his voice cutting through the air like a blade.

"And Yashika," he said, without looking up from the file. "Do not go digging where you don’t belong. It could be... dangerous."

A chill ran down her spine, but she didn’t dare look back. She nodded once and left the room, closing the door softly behind her.

* * *

As Yashika walked out of the Sherawat Group’s towering building, she felt a whirlwind of emotions. Relief at having secured the job was tempered by the lingering unease from Adrith’s parting words. She knew there was more to this place than met the eye, and that Adrith Singh Shehrawat was not a man to be taken lightly. But she had come here with a purpose, and no matter how dangerous it might be, she was determined to see it through.

Back at home, Yashika’s mother was waiting anxiously, her eyes lighting up as Yashika entered the small apartment. “How did it go, beta?” she asked, her voice filled with hope.

Yashika managed a smile, trying to push away the unease still gnawing at her. “I got the job, Ma. I start on Monday.”

Her mother let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding and hugged Yashika tightly. “Oh, thank God. I knew you would do it. Your father would be so proud.”

Yashika hugged her mother back, the warmth of the embrace soothing some of her fears. But even as she held onto her mother, her mind was elsewhere, back in that cold, imposing office where Adrith Singh Shehrawat had warned her not to dig too deep. But how could she not? Her father’s death was a mystery that demanded answers, and she was now closer than ever to finding them.

* * *

Monday came faster than Yashika had anticipated. As she stood in front of the mirror, adjusting her simple but neat outfit, she couldn’t help but feel the weight of what lay ahead. She had no idea what to expect, but she knew she had to be ready for anything.

When she arrived at the Sherawat Group, she was greeted by a stern-looking woman in Human Resources who handed her a stack of forms to fill out. The process was tedious, but Yashika went through it diligently, her mind focused on the task at hand. As she signed the last document, the woman gave her a brief rundown of her duties and introduced her to her immediate supervisor, a no-nonsense woman named Meera.

Meera was efficient and all business, showing Yashika to her desk and explaining her responsibilities in a clipped tone. “We expect nothing but the best here, Miss Yashika. You’re in the big leagues now, and mistakes are not tolerated. Understand?”

Yashika nodded, taking in everything with determined focus. “I understand, ma’am. I’ll do my best.”

Meera gave a curt nod before walking away, leaving Yashika to settle in. As she organized her desk, she couldn’t help but notice the subtle glances her new colleagues were casting in her direction. Some were curious, others skeptical, and a few even hostile. It was clear that she was an outsider here, and it would take time to earn their trust—or at least their indifference.

But Yashika wasn’t here to make friends. She was here to find out the truth about her father’s death, and she knew the answers lay somewhere within these walls. As she began her work, she kept her eyes and ears open, listening for any hint, any clue that might lead her closer to the truth.

* * *

Meanwhile, in his office, Adrith Singh Shehrawat was deep in thought. He had seen many applicants come and go, but there was something different about Yashika. She had a fire in her, a determination that intrigued him. Yet there was also something else—something that set off alarm bells in his mind.

He had checked her background thoroughly before the interview, of course. Everything seemed in order, but there was an undercurrent of unease that he couldn’t shake. The fact that she was the daughter of one of his former employees only added to his suspicions. He had to keep an eye on her, make sure she didn’t start asking the wrong questions or poking around where she didn’t belong.

But for now, he would let her be. He would watch, observe, and wait. Because in the world of power and deception that he ruled, patience was often the most lethal weapon of all.

And as Yashika began her first day at the Sherawat Group, completely unaware of the storm she was walking into, Adrith Singh Shehrawat knew one thing for certain: this was just the beginning.


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