Chapter 12

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**Chapter 12: Secrets Unveiled**

The night was unusually quiet in the Shehrawat mansion. Yashika, back in her modest apartment after being urged to leave the Shehrawat house for her safety, was restless. Her mind kept replaying the events of the last few days—the family dinner, Adrith’s sudden departure for business, and the ever-looming questions surrounding her father’s death.

But tonight, something felt different. Yashika could no longer sit idle, waiting for answers to reveal themselves. Her father’s death was not an accident. She was sure of it. And the Sherawat Group was somehow connected. Determined to dig deeper, she decided to confront the truth head-on.


Meanwhile, back at the Shehrawat mansion, Adrith stood in his study, staring out of the window, his mind occupied with a new threat that had emerged. His position as the kingpin of Rajasthan’s underworld had made him many enemies, but now things were becoming more personal. Yashika’s presence, despite her departure, still lingered. Her father’s death wasn’t a coincidence. He knew that much. But the more he dug into the company records, the murkier things became.

“Adrith,” a voice called softly from the door.

He turned to see Adrika standing there, her usual playful demeanor replaced by concern. “You’ve been cooped up here all night. What’s going on?”

Adrith sighed and motioned for her to come in. “Nothing you need to worry about, Adrika.”

Adrika frowned as she sat down on the edge of his desk. “You always say that. But I can tell when something’s eating at you.”

Adrith paused, contemplating whether to share the weight of his thoughts with his younger sister. He knew she was tough, but there was still an innocence in her that he wanted to protect.

“It’s Yashika’s father. There’s more to his death than what we’ve been told. And I’m starting to think someone close to us is involved.”

Adrika’s eyes widened in shock. “Are you saying…someone in our family?”

Adrith clenched his fists. “I don’t know yet. But I have a feeling we’re about to find out.”


Across the city, Yashika received an unexpected message from one of her father’s old colleagues at the Sherawat Group. The message was cryptic, but it hinted at a hidden file in her father’s personal belongings—something that could reveal why he was targeted.

She immediately began searching through the old papers and belongings her father had left behind, the pain of his loss still fresh in her mind. Hours passed, and she was beginning to lose hope when her fingers brushed against a loose panel at the bottom of her father’s desk. Hidden inside was a small, weathered notebook.

Flipping it open, she found notes about various business deals, names she didn’t recognize, and coded entries. But one name stood out.

**Samar Singh Shehrawat.**

Yashika’s blood ran cold as she stared at the name. Her father had been documenting his interactions with Adrith’s father. According to his notes, Samar had grown suspicious of some illegal dealings involving the Sherawat Group and a rival underworld faction. Her father had been gathering evidence, preparing to expose the corruption, when he was killed.

Yashika’s heart pounded. This was it. This was the proof she needed. But how could she confront the Shehrawats with this information?

She hesitated. Adrith had been kind to her, protective even, and despite the cold exterior he presented to the world, Yashika had seen glimpses of the man beneath the ruthless persona. Could she really believe that Adrith was unaware of his father’s involvement?

Her phone buzzed, breaking the silence. It was a message from Adrith.

**“We need to talk. It’s urgent. Meet me at the Sherawat estate. Midnight.”**


Back at the mansion, the air was thick with tension. Adrith paced his office, glancing at the clock. Midnight approached, and he knew Yashika would be arriving soon. He had to confront the truth, no matter how painful it might be.

Sparsha entered the room, her expression serious. “What are you planning, Adrith?”

“I’m going to find out what happened to Yashika’s father, and if our family is involved, I need to know.”

Sparsha sighed, looking at her son with a mix of pride and worry. “Be careful. The truth can sometimes break you more than lies.”


Yashika arrived at the mansion, her mind racing. The moment she stepped inside, she was greeted by the silence of the vast halls, a stark contrast to the warm family dinner she had experienced just days before. She followed the directions Adrith had given her, leading her to his private study.

Adrith stood by the window, his back to her as she entered.

“I found something,” Yashika said quietly, clutching the notebook tightly in her hands.

“So did I,” Adrith replied, turning around, his expression unreadable.

For a moment, they stood in silence, the weight of the secrets between them pressing down heavily. Finally, Yashika held out the notebook. “This…this has your father’s name in it. My dad was investigating him.”

Adrith took the notebook, his jaw tightening as he skimmed through the pages. His eyes darkened as he realized what this meant. “My father…”

Yashika took a step closer, her voice softer now. “I don’t know what this all means yet, but we can figure it out together.”

Adrith’s gaze met hers, and for the first time in a long while, he felt unsure of the path ahead. He had always known that his family’s business was steeped in darkness, but now the darkness was threatening to consume everything he had worked to protect.

“We’ll get to the bottom of this, Yashika,” Adrith said, his voice steady but strained. “No matter what it costs.”

As the clock struck midnight, the once-hidden secrets were finally beginning to surface, and the path ahead was fraught with danger. Both Yashika and Adrith knew that the answers they sought might come at a price neither of them was fully prepared to pay.


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