Chapter 1l4

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**Chapter 14: A Dangerous Revelation**

The shock of Adrika’s name lingering on the screen sent a cold shiver through Adrith’s body. He was rooted to the spot, staring at the proof of his sister’s involvement in his father’s illegal activities. His mind raced, struggling to reconcile the sweet, innocent girl he grew up with and the person who might have been pulling strings behind the scenes.

Yashika, too, was at a loss for words. She knew the bond between Adrith and his sister, how protective he had always been of her. But now, it seemed like everything was falling apart around them, piece by piece.

“We need to be sure,” Adrith finally said, breaking the heavy silence. “There has to be some explanation… something we’re missing.”

Yashika nodded, although doubt gnawed at her. “What are you going to do?”

“I need to confront her,” Adrith said, his voice steely, though she could hear the pain behind it. “But not here, not now. If my father gets wind of this, it will only make things worse.”

Yashika’s heart ached for him. “You know I’m with you, whatever happens.”

Adrith gave her a brief, grateful look. “I know.”


That evening, as the family gathered for dinner, the tension in the air was thick. Adrith’s mind raced, his thoughts bouncing between anger, disbelief, and hurt. He watched Adrika closely, trying to find some sign, some crack in her usual carefree demeanor.

But Adrika was her usual self—laughing, chatting, teasing their father and brother. It was as if nothing had changed, but for Adrith, everything had.

Samar Shehrawat sat at the head of the table, discussing business with his sons, while Sparsha doted on them, ensuring they had everything they needed. Yashika, sitting across from Adrith, noticed how Adrith’s knuckles whitened every time his father spoke.

But it was Adrika’s laughter that stung the most. How could she laugh so freely, knowing what she had done?

At one point, Adrika caught Adrith’s gaze. “What’s wrong with you today, bhai? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Adrith forced a smile, shaking his head. “Just a lot on my mind.”

“Must be work,” Adrika said, shrugging it off. “You always take things too seriously.”

Adrith clenched his jaw but said nothing. The rest of dinner passed in a blur, with Adrith barely tasting his food. His mind was miles away, already planning his next steps.


Later that night, Adrith stood outside on the terrace, the cool breeze doing little to calm his troubled mind. Yashika joined him, her soft footsteps almost silent against the stone floor.

“She doesn’t know,” Yashika said gently, standing beside him. “I mean, she doesn’t act like someone who’s aware of what she’s caught up in.”

Adrith shook his head, his voice thick with emotion. “Or she’s hiding it well. I don’t know anymore.”

Yashika placed a hand on his arm, grounding him. “You’ll figure it out.”

Adrith exhaled deeply, turning to face her. “I need to talk to her, but not here. Somewhere safe, where no one can interrupt us.”

“I understand,” Yashika said. “Do you think she’s in danger?”

“I don’t know,” Adrith admitted. “If she’s involved, and my father finds out I know… things could get ugly.”

Yashika bit her lip, a sense of dread settling in. “We need to be careful.”


The next day, Adrith arranged for Adrika to meet him at a private estate outside the city, one of the Shehrawat family’s more secluded properties. It was a place where they could talk in private, away from their father’s watchful eyes.

Adrika arrived, looking curious but unconcerned. “What’s this all about, bhai? You’re being so mysterious.”

Adrith didn’t waste any time. “I know.”

Adrika frowned, confused. “Know what?”

“I know about your involvement in father’s deals, Adrika,” Adrith said, his voice low but firm. “I’ve seen the files. Your name is all over them.”

For a moment, Adrika’s face went blank, and then something shifted. She smiled, but it wasn’t the sweet smile Adrith knew—it was cold, calculating.

“You shouldn’t have been snooping around, bhai,” Adrika said, her voice eerily calm.

Adrith’s heart dropped. “Adrika, why? Why would you do this? You’re part of something dangerous.”

Adrika’s smile didn’t waver. “I did what I had to do. You think father runs everything? He’s powerful, yes, but there are forces bigger than him. Forces that you and I can’t escape.”

Adrith stepped forward, his voice tight with anger. “We could have stopped this together. You didn’t have to be involved.”

Adrika’s expression softened, but only slightly. “I didn’t have a choice. You don’t understand what’s at stake.”

“I understand enough to know that you’re in over your head,” Adrith said, his voice shaking. “I won’t let you go down this path.”

Adrika’s eyes hardened. “You think you can protect me? You can’t even protect yourself from father. You think he doesn’t know what you’re doing?”

Adrith felt the blood drain from his face. “What are you talking about?”

“Father knows,” Adrika said, her voice a whisper. “He’s known for a while. He’s just waiting for the right moment.”

Adrith staggered back, the weight of her words crashing over him. His father knew. Everything he had done to keep this secret, to uncover the truth, had been in vain.

“What’s going to happen?” Adrith asked, his voice barely audible.

Adrika stepped closer, her eyes filled with something resembling pity. “You’ll find out soon enough.”


As Adrith drove back to the mansion, his mind was spinning. Adrika’s words echoed in his head—his father knew everything. The man he had feared, the man he had been investigating, was always one step ahead.

When he arrived home, the mansion was eerily quiet. Too quiet.

He stepped inside, his heart racing. Something was wrong.

As he entered the main hall, his worst fears were confirmed. There, standing in the center of the room, was his father—Samar Singh Shehrawat—flanked by two of his most trusted men. And in front of them stood Yashika, her hands bound, her eyes wide with fear.

“Adrith,” Samar’s voice was cold, his eyes gleaming with cruel satisfaction. “You’ve been very busy.”

Adrith’s breath caught in his throat. “Let her go.”

Samar smirked. “You think you can defy me and walk away unscathed? You’re my son, but even family must learn where their loyalties lie.”

Adrith’s hands balled into fists. “This isn’t about loyalty. This is about justice.”

Samar laughed, a cold, menacing sound. “Justice? In our world, justice is what we make of it.”

Yashika’s eyes pleaded with Adrith, but he knew he was out of options. His father had the upper hand now, and there was no telling what he would do next.

“You’ve crossed a line, Adrith,” Samar said, his voice low and threatening. “And now, you’ll pay the price.”

As Samar’s men stepped forward, Adrith knew that his world was about to come crashing down.


Hey peeps a new chapter make sure you vote and comment 🤍

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