Preparing for the Date

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The next morning, Leah picked up the phone to call her mother, who answered quickly. "Morning, Leah! How's everything going?"

Leah smiled at the sound of her mother's voice. "Morning, Mum. Everything's good. I wanted to ask if you could take Mateo for the day. I'm planning to take Aurora out on a proper date."

Her mother's tone brightened with enthusiasm. "Of course, I'd love to! In fact, why don't I keep him overnight? That way, you and Aurora can really enjoy yourselves without any rush."

Leah hesitated briefly, not wanting to take advantage. "Are you sure? I don't want you to be overwhelmed."

Her mother laughed softly. "Leah, I've had Mateo overnight before, and I'm more than happy to do it again. It'll be a nice, quiet evening for the two of us."

Leah felt a wave of relief and excitement. "Okay, if you're sure. Rory will drop him off because I've got a few things to take care of today, and make sure you keep her there for a bit so I have time to go and come back. And then, I'll come by tomorrow morning to pick him up. Is that alright?"

"That's perfectly fine, love," her mother reassured her. "You and Aurora enjoy your date. Mateo will be in good hands, as always."

"Thanks, Mum," Leah said warmly. "I really appreciate it."

"Anytime, Leah. Have a wonderful time with Aurora."

As Leah hung up, her excitement for the day ahead grew. With Mateo happily spending the night at his grandmother's, Leah could focus on making this date with Aurora truly special.

After hanging up with her mum, Leah rushed upstairs, excitement bubbling inside her. As she reached the top of the stairs, she paused, hearing Aurora's soft voice drifting from their bedroom.

When Leah stepped into the room, she found Aurora in the middle of getting changed, her back to the door, and without a top on. Aurora was talking to Mateo, who was happily babbling away in his bouncer, clearly captivated by his mother's voice.

Leah couldn't help but smile at the scene—the way Aurora, so effortlessly beautiful, was completely absorbed in her playful conversation with their son. Aurora's laughter mixed with Mateo's cheerful noises, filling the room with a warmth that made Leah's heart swell.

Leah lingered in the doorway for a moment, taking in the sight of the two people she loved most.

Aurora glanced over her shoulder at Leah, her smile playful. "Did you ask your mum, then?"

Leah walked over, wrapping her arms around Aurora's bare torso from behind, pulling her close. "Yeah, I did. She even offered to keep him overnight so we can, and I quote, 'enjoy ourselves.'"

Aurora chuckled softly, leaning back into Leah's embrace. "That's fine with me, if she's sure. But Leah," she added with a teasing tone, "I told you last night—you're not getting any."

Leah playfully pouted, her lips brushing against Aurora's shoulder. "Not even a little?"

Aurora turned her head slightly, giving Leah a knowing look. "Go sort out a bag for him," she said, her voice still light but with an edge of authority. "And let me finish getting changed so I can take him over."

Leah sighed dramatically but nodded, reluctantly letting go of Aurora. "Fine, fine. I'll get his things ready."

Aurora laughed, leaning in to give Leah a quick kiss on the cheek. "Good girl," she teased, before turning back to finish getting dressed. Leah couldn't help but smile as she left the room, her thoughts already on their upcoming date and the promise of a night just for the two of them.

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