I'm leaving tomorrow

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Leah was meticulously organizing her packing, folding clothes with exaggerated care and rearranging items in her suitcase. Aurora, leaning against the doorframe, watched her with a playful smile.

"Leah, you know you can't possibly need to pack this slowly," Aurora teased. "It's not like this is your first trip away."

Leah looked up, frustration evident in her eyes. "Stop it, Rory. I really don't want to go."

Aurora raised an eyebrow. "You've been to camp and tournaments before. This isn't anything new."

Leah shook her head, her voice tinged with a mix of sadness and urgency. "It's different now. I have you and Mateo. And I'm just leaving you two."

Leah gave Aurora a small, appreciative smile when she said, "Before you know it, we'll all be together again." But her smile quickly faded as she continued to worry.

"I know, Rory, but it's still hard," Leah said, pacing back and forth. "I keep thinking about all the things I'm going to miss. What if he starts saying his first word or takes his first steps while I'm gone?"

Aurora watched Leah's anxiety with a mixture of sympathy and amusement. "We'll keep you updated on everything, I promise."

Leah shook her head. "That's not the same as being here. I feel like I'm going to miss so much."

Aurora chuckled and decided to lighten the mood. She walked out of the room, leaving Leah to her thoughts. Moments later, she returned with a peaceful, sleeping Mateo cradled in her arms.

"There, problem solved. Just take him with you," Aurora said with a laugh, clearly amused by her own idea.

Leah couldn't help but burst into laughter, the tension easing as she looked down at her son nestled among her clothes. "I would if I could, you know that."

Aurora leaned in, kissing Leah on the cheek. "I know. But just think of how happy he'll be to see you when you come back. And I'll make sure he's saving all the big milestones for when you're home."

Leah lifted Mateo out of the suitcase and cradled him in her arms, her heart aching at the thought of leaving him even for a few days. "Thanks for always knowing how to make me feel better."

"That's what I'm here for," Aurora replied, her voice soft and reassuring. "Now, finish packing so we can spend the rest of the day together, okay?"

Leah nodded, reluctantly giving Aurora Mateo back. "Okay, okay, I'm going, but I'm not promising I won't keep dragging this out."

Aurora smiled, watching as Leah returned to her suitcase. "Just make sure you actually pack something before tomorrow, alright?"

Leah laughed, finally starting to pick up the pace, but the thought of leaving her family still weighed heavy on her heart.


When Leah finally finished packing, she made her way downstairs and found Aurora stretched out on the sofa with Mateo lying on her chest. Mateo was wide awake, staring up at his mother with big, curious eyes.

Leah couldn't resist the adorable scene and quietly walked over to join them. She carefully laid down on top of Aurora, positioning herself so her head was just behind Mateo. With a mischievous grin, Leah gently nibbled on Mateo's tiny leg, just enough to tickle him without causing any discomfort.

Mateo immediately squealed with delight, his little body squirming as he tried to turn around to see what just happened to him. His laughter filled the room, contagious and pure, making both Aurora and Leah burst into soft giggles.

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