Chapter 1: Downfall of A Young Fairy

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Current present setting in World of Winx  a few hours just prior of Season 4 episode 1, But the events of the movie Rise of the Guardians has not occurred yet. Roxy will play a very major role in this, Skylights, as a child of Earth.

Pitch's Domain

In a twisted corner of the Magic Dimension, Pitch presided over his eerie forest domain, hidden behind towering pines and thick shadows. It was here, in the murky depths of obscurity, that he listened closely to the faint, fearful cries echoing from a single room sewer. The sounds resonated, weaving a haunting melody that compelled him to investigate.

"The holder of that cry has such a beautiful, elegant tone. Show me where she is," Pitch commanded his shadows, which danced and flickered in the dim light.

Trapped within the shadows, a young fairy named Gafara sat, her curls cascading in shimmering white—a striking contrast to the tears streaming down her brown eyes. Doctors had deemed her premature whitening a mere anomaly, but now it felt like a curse. Dressed in an unfinished gown with red and green ruffles that hinted at her potential as the Fairy of the Future, she felt anything but confident.

As she cowered behind a pine tree, gasping at the silhouette that loomed over her, she knew fear all too well.

"I sense great potential in you, young fairy," Pitch said, his tone smooth and unsettling.

"I don't see how that's possible! I'm Gafara, the Fairy of the Future, and I keep sabotaging myself because of fairy bullies. It started last year and hasn't stopped since. Karsten and her gang torment me constantly. I flunk every lesson because they make me terrified!" The words spilled out in a rush, her gaze cast down, afraid to meet the dark figure standing just behind her.

"You need strength in your corner, Gafara. The niece of the Headmistress should not suffer this way. What if I were to take care of your bullies? Would you do something for me in return?" Pitch asked, unfurling a parchment with a flick of his wrist.

Gafara dared to look up, her heart racing. "The Winx can't save me. They didn't last year, and they won't this year either," she murmured, desperation coloring her voice. "I want my bullies gone!"

Pitch's eyes gleaming with a twisted sense of compassion, locked onto hers. "A fairy of your caliber deserves better. Help my apprentices track down the Last Earth Fairy," he proposed.

Gafara was unaware of Bloom's true origins—her focus was solely on her immediate plight. "Okay, I can help with that. There's a fairy named Bloom at Alfea," she replied, somewhat reluctantly.

"Make sure they get Bloom's attention," Pitch instructed, handing her a quill. "Sign the contract!"

As Gafara inked her agreement, dread settled in her stomach when she read the terms. The last line haunted her, but the promise of freedom from her tormentors was too tempting. With her decision made, she felt a surge of resolve.

Suddenly, the air thickened with tension as Karsten, the Fairy of Hidden Desires approached, flanked by her two lackeys, Athie and Haniah. "Now, your mommy and daddy sent you a bodyguard. You really are such a baby, Gafara. You don't deserve those powers," she taunted, her voice dripping with mockery.

"He wasn't sent by my parents," Gafara retorted defiantly.

"Yeah, right! Like anyone would take your side, you pathetic fairy," Athie sneered, their laughter echoing through the trees.

Pitch's anger simmered as he clenched his fists. Without a word, shadows leaped forth, snatching Karsten's lackeys. Their shrieks pierced the air, and Karsten gaped in shock her mouth open like the actual fish.

"Surprised?! Don't be such a codfish," Pitch chided. "If Gafara had gone to Cloudtower, she could have turned your futures into nightmares. You should treasure her choice to remain a fairy."

"Never!" Karsten snapped, her confidence faltering. "I am the Fairy of Hidden Desires, and I refuse to be spoken to like that!"

"Like what?" Pitch countered, relishing her discomfort. The silence stretched, the air thick with unspoken truths. "You're just a fake fairy. You and your friends would make excellent décor for Alfea's hallowed halls."

Pitch raised his hands, chanting a spell that transformed the bullies into lifeless furniture, their taunts silenced.

Gafara recoiled, a pang of regret surging through her. "That's not what I meant!" she protested, realizing the magnitude of Pitch's actions.

"Oh, but you signed away your choice, my dear. Remember, you brought this on yourself," Pitch replied coolly. "A wiser fairy would have endured her struggles, but you were too desperate to slip away."

With a playful toss, he offered her a black flask filled with hypnotizing powder. "Now, summon my apprentices—Ogron the Dark Wizard of Dragonflame, Gantlos the Seismic Ice Wizard, Dumant the beast-shifting man, and Anagan, the Wizard of Speed and Electric Energy. Do this for me," he ordered.

Gafara hesitated, sensing the dangers lurking within his demand, yet she felt an undeniable force guiding her. "You tell anyone about this, and I'll let Gantlos freeze you solid for hours," Pitch warned, the threat all too real.

Gafara gulped, a cold chill running down her spine. "You won't tell anyone about my revenge on those girls!" she begged Pitch too desperate to shield her secret from her aunt, the Headmistress.

"Deal!" Pitch replied, his tone dripping with amusement. "But remember, Gafara, never go behind my back. I'll be watching, always."

As Gafara turned to face the shadows, the weight of her decision pressed heavily upon her. Yet with each step forward, the promise of power loomed ahead, pulling her deeper into the shadowy depths of her destiny.

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