Chapter 25: The Gifts of Destiny Spells

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On Domino, Nabu waited patiently for Marion to summon him back from the alcove where she was conversing privately with her sister, Sibylla, the Fairy of Justice. The stillness of the palace was filled with a warmth that mirrored the glow of the volcanic flames that resonated from the walls of Sparks, their radiant light casting intricate patterns along the ornate ceilings.

Marion strode purposefully deeper into her home palace, drawn to a left wall where a striking golden emblem depicted a volcano named Mount Sparks, its slopes alive with an illustration of a dragon coiled round its slope almost mirroring the facade of Hogwarts' entrance but there the dragon coiled around a Latin inscription: "Never tickle a sleeping dragon."

With determination etched across her features, she pressed her palm against that concealed emblem button and the wall shifted away, revealing a yawning void of blackness. This space was the summoning room—a sanctuary where Marion could communicate with her sister in search of guidance.

Flames crackled into existence, circling in vibrant oranges and golds, illuminating the darkness like a beacon. Taking a deep breath, Marion summoned her own flashy blue volcanic flames, allowing them to dance around her fingers. She began to chant, her voice steady and powerful.

"Ancient Dragon's flames, come forth, simmer and burn up and roar to a full blaze ablaze! Connect me to my sister, ten years wiser than I. On Earth, she dwelleth in secret, seated on a throne of Justice, hidden by an enchanted cave."

As her words echoed in the chamber, the flames pulsed with energy, swirling higher. "Call out through your Vortex of Time & Space, a message of warning I feel I must declare! One she must know of before it becomes too late! And more clarity I require and seek of the future that is to come."

Marion's focus sharpened as she invoked the magic within her, the air vibrating with anticipation.

"Rise, soar high and fly to the Sibillini Mountains of Italy, my urgent magic flames! Sibylla, Fairy of Justice, hear my pleas.
Allow me to hear the whispers of the Firesight like you!
What is wrong with the ancient lore of the Ethereal Fairies book?!"

Her voice crescendoed, urgency woven into every syllable.
"The book stolen from the restricted library of Hogwarts when we were but students has been found at Alfea Academy recently. The page of the Gifts of Destiny has torn loose from the center of the book itself. What does it mean? What does it bode for the fairies we've sent down to Earth to rescue that last Earth Fairy? What will it bring to our beloved Guardian's doorsteps?"

As Marion's chant ended, the mix of orange and blue flames settled into a calm but crackling energy, swirling together gracefully. From within the orb of cascading flames, an image began to take shape—a stone cave came into focus, unveiling an ethereal woman draped in a flowing green robe that accentuated her striking crimson dress, harmonizing beautifully with her strawberry blonde hair. Her hazel eyes sparkled with concern as she gazed at Marion.

"The page that was torn from the book was jinxed by a Hogwarts pupil." Sibylla began, her voice calm yet grave. "A Ravenclaw student who believed the charm was too powerful—a creative idea she could not resist and so she hexed the summoning chant meant to make the Ethereal fairies appear. Those with a creative mind and intuition, who disdain ambition to a fault most often exist in Ravenclaw House."

Marion felt a shiver run down her spine as Sibylla's words sank in. The implications were heavy, casting shadows over the urgent mission they were undertaking.

"What does this mean for us?" Marion questioned, her voice urgent, tinged with fear. "How can we protect the fairies on Earth if the fabric of their destiny is frayed by a hex?"

Sibylla's expression softened, her concern palpable. "It means we must act quickly, Marion. The disruption of the ancient lore could alter the very essence of magic itself. We must gather our allies and prevent any further unraveling of destiny—before it's too late."

Marion nodded, determination igniting within her as she prepared to face the uncertain path ahead. With a sense of urgency coursing through her, she knew this was just the beginning, and a fierce resolve settled into her heart.

"How did you come by finding the book?" Sibylla asked, her hazel eyes glinting with curiosity and urgency.

"One of the boyfriends of my daughter's friends found it lying out in the open at Alfea, right at the entrance. He recognized its archaic essence and the power flowing through the old Gaelic language written on its pages." Marion responded, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on her.

"Is he still presently here?" Sibylla pressed her voice firm.

"Yes." Marion answered feeling a flicker of hope amidst the chaos.

"Call him here at once; I must know what he has figured out!" Sibylla urged her tone brokering no argument.

Marion turned slightly, her voice clear and commanding. "Nabu, you may enter."

The young man stepped into the summoning room, the flames swirling around him as if acknowledging his presence.

"Explain to me how you came upon the book." Sibylla demanded her gaze piercing.

"I believe Faragonda dropped it before she came to discuss our mission with us." Nabu explained, his expression earnest. "The power from it was immense; I felt it pulsating. I didn't like the idea of leaving it lying there for anyone to use its secrets. Then I noticed the page was gaped, and I could tell by its heftiness that it had to be about two hundred pages total. Pages 150 and 151 were completely missing, as if they had been recently ripped out. The page before that, page 149, warned: 'Beware the gifts of Destiny, at least one is prone to fall into the wrong hands too soon.'"

Marion exchanged a glance with Sibylla, the gravity of Nabu's words sinking in further.

"The first gift is the Sophix, a play on the name Sophia, which in Spanish means wisdom. It always works for wisdom as it's neutral; it's how you act upon learning such wisdom that defines whether you change for goodness or darkness. The second gift is not one that survives on its own. The third is prone to fail every other time it is granted. I think Faragonda has the missing page and plans to use it for the Winx."

"Once you take the page, the longing grows for the one who hides it to use it," Sibylla warned, her voice edged with concern. **"The temptation will not go away until it is done and cast and over with, Nabu."

"What's the other puzzle piece to make the second gift work, Sibylla?" Nabu asked confusion flickering in his gaze.

"Instinct, concentration, and teamwork—trusting one individual, Nabu." Sibylla stated firmly, her eyes locked onto his with unwavering conviction. "Hold out your staff; I want to see what magical energy it contains."

Nabu complied, extending his staff forward. In an instant, a blinding white light erupted as Sibylla waved her hand over it, revealing its secrets. The room shimmered, the flames swirling around them in a protective cocoon, illuminating the patterns of magical energy infused in Nabu's staff.

"You doubted your Mother's word that you possessed some Earth magic yourself. Doubt no more—embrace the vast weapon you hold at hand, work in sync with it, and grow with it. It will help the girls when they need it most." Sibylla affirmed, her voice steady and encouraging. "Your Mother is the Fairy of Emotions; it saw your honorable protectiveness and chose you at your Wave Wizard graduation, Nabu. You have an advantage over the Wizards for the Winx, but you must practice it."

Nabu felt a rush of pride swell within him, the light from his staff flowing through him like molten gold. "I will practice, I promise." He vowed the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders yet he felt ready to embrace it.

Marion watched the exchange with a mixture of pride and concern. "We don't have much time. We need to prepare for what lies ahead. Nabu, you will play a crucial role in what's to come."

"I'm ready," he replied determination etched on his face.

With newfound resolve coursing through them, the trio stood united in their mission aware that dark times lay ahead but confident that together they could face whatever challenges awaited.

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