Chapter 35: Too Simple Rules

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"Bloom, what are you doing on the computer?" Tecna asked, raising an eyebrow as she noticed Bloom sitting on the floor with her laptop perched on her lap. The restless Fairy of the Dragon Flame was wide awake after another sleepless night. The noise from Musa's music had penetrated her dreams, jolting her into a state of restlessness even when her foster mom joked with her in the past it still wouldn't ease her mind back to sleep.

"Looking up the noise complaint regulations," Bloom replied, her fingers flying across the keyboard. "I don't want my foster parents getting filed in court again. Here it is: loud noises are prohibited between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., and again from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. That's when the noise level should be kept down."

"What's the consequence, Bloom?" Tecna inquired tilting her head as she processed the information.

"Thirty thousand euros," Bloom answered, her expression serious as she looked up from the screen.

Tecna gasped, her brow furrowing with concern. "That's a hefty fine! Musa would never want to put her host in any kind of debtor's state. We need to make sure she knows!"

"I know," Bloom said, her determination mounting. "I already have a plan to show her this information."

Tecna quickly took a picture of the website, ensuring she had the details saved. "I'll send it to her," she decided, tapping her phone. Within moments, she sent the snapshot to Musa through a text message, hoping it would get through to her friend.

As the message zipped away, Bloom leaned back against the wall, relief washing over her. "Thanks, Tecna. I really hope this helps. Musa needs to understand the consequences of her morning routine, especially since she's not just making noise for us, but for my foster family too."

"Exactly," Tecna replied, her tone practical. "We need to look out for each other, and that includes respecting each other's living situations. It's a team effort."

"Right," Bloom nodded, a smile creeping onto her face. "Let's just hope Musa takes it seriously."

Tecna's eyes sparkled with resolve. "If she doesn't, we'll have to come up with a plan to make her listen. After all, we can't let our friends be oblivious to the rules of this world. It's important!"

Bloom chuckled softly, appreciating her teammate's proactive approach. "With you on the case, Tecna, I'm sure we'll figure it out. Let's make sure our home stays peaceful—at least until we have to save it from more trouble!"

With that, the two girls shared a moment of solidarity, ready to tackle whatever challenges awaited them in their unique and magical lives.

The message that Tecna had sent arrived just as Stella settled back into her bed, hoping for some much-needed beauty sleep. Meanwhile, in her room, Musa's face turned pale as she read the text, shock washing over her.

"Really?! Regular volume is so boring!" she moaned, clutching her phone tightly. "I can't believe this. Why is Earth so strict about such small problems?"

"What in the world are you talking about, or should I say whining about now?" inquired Stella, trying to suppress her irritation. "I need to recover my beauty sleep."

"Tecna just texted me that Bloom found out noise like my full blasting music is prohibited from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and again from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.," Musa replied, her frustration evident. "It's no wonder Earth kids constantly complain about their lives. There isn't a time and space to actually grow within on the inside brain!"

"Oof!" Stella exclaimed, wincing as she rubbed her eyes. "Eugh, I'm sorry that's been discovered, Musa. But rules are rules, and we have to respect them."

"But it's so unfair!" Musa pouted, her eyes narrowing. "I should be able to express myself through my music without worrying about all these regulations! It's like they want us to stifle our creativity."

Stella sat up a little, intrigued by her friend's passionate outburst. "I get that, but maybe there are other ways to express yourself without being a nuisance to the people around you. Not everyone can handle your blasting music at the crack of dawn."

Musa crossed her arms, still miffed. "It just feels like I should be allowed to live life the way I want to—at least while I'm here in Italy! It's not the same as in Magix."

"Musa, I understand you want to have fun, but remember that we're guests in someone else's home," Stella reasoned, her tone softening. "There has to be a balance where we can still enjoy ourselves without causing problems. Besides, there are ways to enjoy music without shaking the walls down, right?"

Musa sighed, her expression shifting as she considered Stella's words. "I guess you have a point. But turning it all down feels like I'm losing a part of me. I just wish everyone could enjoy it the way I do."

"Then what if we compromise?" Stella proposed, her eyes sparkling with an idea. "You can still enjoy your music, but how about we have a 'silent disco' moment? You can turn it up in your headphones while we hang out together. It'll be fun, and we can all enjoy it at the same time without breaking any rules!"

Musa's face brightened at the suggestion, appreciating the innovative idea. "You know what? That could actually work! A silent disco sounds like a blast!"

"Great!" Stella smiled, feeling the tension lift between them. "And while we're at it, you can teach me some of your favorite songs. I could use a new playlist to get me going in the mornings!"

"Deal!" Musa agreed, her excitement revitalized. "And I promise to keep the volume down when you need your beauty sleep!"

As they settled on their new plan, the earlier frustrations faded away, replaced by the promise of fun and friendship.

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