Chapter 34: Disharmonic Morning

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Bloom shared her personal room with Tecna, while Flora roomed with Aisha and Electra. That left Stella, Musa, and Natalie to share a space together. Just as the sun began to rise, the house started shaking.

"Eurgh!" groaned Tecna, her voice laced with annoyance. "Not again. Musa's doing her inconsiderate routine again!" She plugged her ears, trying to block out the booming sound of music blaring from Musa's room, which sent tremors through both floors as if a miniature earthquake had begun.

"I agree with you, Tecna!" Bloom exclaimed, her frustration mounting. They were both wide awake now, and there was no chance of getting back to sleep. "We should be resting, not overexerting ourselves. Clearly, Musa has never heard of the importance of quiet hours."

"Ow!" Aisha moaned, finally voicing her discontent regarding Musa's music. "It is way too early for this kind of activity!"

"I agree, cousin!" Electra added, her voice ringing with irritation. "After everything we've been through, this is certainly not what we need. It's way too loud of a wake-up call!"

"Oh, good grief!" Flora exclaimed, feeling the pain double against her senses. She couldn't help but notice how nature itself seemed distressed by the morning chaos. "Nature's not happy with this either! Sudden noises make it shrink away from us!"

"That is unbearable!" shrieked Alysha, her voice almost drowned out by the blaring music.

Stella walked up to the others, irritation clear in her expression. "Tell me about it! And I thought I was the most unreasonable one in our group," she moaned, annoyance flashing through her eyes at the disturbance of her Princess Beauty Sleep.

"I'm sorry, Stella; I tried to get her to stop, but she can't hear me," Natalie replied, her tone apologetic yet exasperated.

"Don't bother, Natalie," Electra remarked, rolling her eyes. "Musa's so attached to her morning music routine, she's practically married to it!"

"We have to care about the consequences, Electra. This isn't considerate behavior for guests in Bloom's home or for their neighbors," Natalie interjected, her voice firm. "We're not in our own world anymore, and we have to adjust to the customs here in Italy, like Bloom does."

"I think I know how to get her to stop," Stella suggested a mischievous glint in her eyes. "How about putting a little heat on her amplifier?"

"Stella, don't be cocky!" Electra warned, concern threading her voice.

"I'm not! I wasn't seriously going to do it; I just meant to scare her into thinking I would," the Fairy of the Sun and the Moon remarked, a smirk creeping across her face. "None of you are coming up with a plan, and our resident logical fairy has already tried reasoning with her to no avail. A little fake scare tactic is the next best action. It's for her own good."

With that, Stella stomped out of their room and down the hallway, her determination propelling her forward as the thunderous beats from Musa's room continued to shake the walls around her. The sounds reverberated harshly in her ears, fueling her resolve to bring that morning madness to an end. Each step she took was a mix of annoyance and purpose, ready to take on her friend's outrageous morning routine.

Stella stormed back into her room, her irritation boiling over. With a flick of her wrist, she sparked her sun magic into a bright sphere that shimmered with energy. "MUS-SA! Can you take off your headphones?" she called out, directing her attention towards Musa's amplifier.

Musa gasped as she saw the steam wafting dangerously close to the amplifier's cord. The sight startled her, and she quickly pulled off her headphones, the blaring music still echoing in her ears. "What is it, Stella?! Were you really going to burn that cord? Cords are expensive, you know, for people like me?!"

"I might have if you didn't hear me!" Stella yelled back, frustration evident in her voice. "Tomorrow, at least wait an hour or two so that everyone is awake before you blast your morning music full volume on those things!"

"They aren't things, Stella! You wouldn't let me call your so-called billions of dresses 'things,' so you can't call my stuff that either!" Musa shot back, irritation matching Stella's.

"Whatever!" Stella snapped, her patience wearing thin. "The point is, all of us—Flora included—need to be well-rested to take on our mission. Your morning routine is hindering you as much as it is us! Please, just go back to sleep!"

Musa crossed her arms, her brow furrowing in defiance. But as she looked at the fire in Stella's eyes—the determination, the worry—something in her softened. "Fine," she mumbled, the fight draining from her voice. "I'll turn it down... but you have to admit, I need my music to get pumped for the day!"

Stella took a deep breath, her tone shifting from frustration to a more gentle plea. "I get that, Musa. Just... maybe you can save the full blast for when we're all up and ready? We need to work together, you know?"

Musa rolled her eyes but couldn't help a small smile. "Okay, okay! I'll try... for you, Stella. But don't expect me to give up my morning jamming completely!"

"Deal," Stella said, relief flooding her as she watched Musa twist the dial on the amplifier down a notch. With the music softer now, the tension in the room eased considerably.

"Now, can I get some peace and quiet?" Stella added, her voice playful yet sincere.

Musa laughed, the sound lightening the mood. "Sure, but you owe me a dance when I do blast it again!"

"Only if you promise to wait until after breakfast!" Stella replied with a grin, feeling the earlier annoyance fade away.

"Deal!" Musa winked as she plopped back down, ready to catch some more sleep before the day officially began, while Stella headed out, satisfaction bubbling within her as she closed the door behind her.

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