Chapter 16: The Hermit Nymph

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"Gafara, you have to concentrate and believe in yourself," Asherra encouraged, her voice warm and supportive. "You could be an amazing ally."

"I—I don't know if I can, Asherra. I don't even remember the spells I made happen last year," Gafara replied, biting her tongue with uncertainty.

"Well, I do," Asherra said confidently. "Sit down with your legs folded. Cup your hands and speak 'Visionary Lens'. You must be confident and trust in your abilities."

Gafara could feel Asherra's fiery energy flickering brilliantly in front of her. Shadows and figures danced in the fire, but Gafara couldn't hear what they were saying, the muffled sounds echoing faintly in her mind.

"Now, you try," Asherra said, opening her eyes and focusing intently on Gafara.

Taking a deep breath, Gafara sat down, folding her legs as instructed. She cupped her hands together, a white sphere igniting within them. Summoning all the confidence she could muster, she spoke in a soft, whisper-like voice, "Visionary Lens!"

As she uttered the spell, the sphere in her hand churned outward, expanding in a brilliant display of light.

Inside Gafara's mind, she found herself pulled into a mirror-like portal. She gasped as she suddenly stood atop the mountains of the sealed-off world of Tir Nan Og Island. Below her, a dark tornado spread illusions across the landscape, bringing forth fantastical sights from her realm: mythical unicorns, pegasi, centaur guards, and mermaids from Andros danced in a chaotic swirl.

"Gafara!" Asherra's voice echoed in her ears, pulling her back to reality. She opened her eyes, panting, and found herself back in Alfea's hallway, its tan walls surrounding her.

"I saw something, but I'm not sure what it was. It had pieces of magic from our worlds," Gafara explained, still shaken. "I've never done that spell that well before, Asherra."

"Good! Now, what did you see?" Asherra prompted her curiosity peaked.

"An island with four mountains, a forest at its feet, and a beach below that, surrounded by ocean," Gafara admitted slowly, her voice filled with wonder. "I think it's an Earth sub-dimensional world, but I don't know its name."

"As a fairy of the future, Gafara, you have the ability to send objects forward in time too," Asherra informed her, her tone encouraging. "Point at the flag in front of you and say, 'Warped Whispers!'"

Gafara focused intently, conjuring a white stream of light as she pointed at the red flag nearby. With a quiet yet confident voice, she declared, "Warped Whispers!"

The next moment, when she opened her eyes, she noticed that the flag had vanished from the floor of Alfea.

"High five, Gafara!" Asherra cheered, her eyes sparkling with pride.

Gafara shyly returned the high five, a small smile breaking through her initial nervousness.

"We use that technique when we want information about the future but don't want to disrupt the timeline's balanced equilibrium," Asherra explained, her excitement palpable. "Next time you use the other spell, that flag will reappear for you in the spot you visualized, and it will be soaked in memories of the past and future equally, Gafara."

Gafara's eyes widened with realization, a newfound determination blooming within her.

"Thanks so much for the training session, Asherra. I really appreciate it," Gafara said, a hint of newfound confidence in her voice. "I'd like to practice more on my own."

"You do that; it's important to master one's skills independently, Gafara," Asherra replied with a supportive smile as they both stood up. Gafara nodded and headed down the hallway.

"Alysha?!" Asherra gasped, her expression shifting to concern.

"There's something off about that fairy niece of Faragonda's," Alysha warned, her brows furrowing.

"She's just shy," Asherra defended, crossing her arms. "And she knows her powers can be dangerous in the wrong hands, but they're even more dangerous if she doesn't master them."

"It just feels like she's been colder to people this year than she was last," Alysha remarked thoughtfully. "The chill in her words affected Clarice too. Nobody really knows what someone is hiding."

"Perhaps she's more intuitively skilled than you're giving her credit for," Asherra replied, her tone measured. "The Winx are in the courtyard. Good luck on your mission."

Asherra gestured toward the courtyard, where the vibrant sounds of laughter and magic echoed, a stark contrast to the unease lingering in the hallway.

"Gafara, it is time you put this new training to use and share what you find out with me and the Wizards," Pitch Black said, stepping out of the shadows. Gafara had come to the library for a specific reason: to find a particular book.

"Pitch, you're actually here again?!" Gafara gasped, startled by his sudden appearance.

"I can be here for you all the time, but no one else can see me—not even the teachers. Now, what are you looking for, my child?" Pitch asked, his voice smooth and persuasive.

"Something the Winx won't expect might be listening. Alysha is already onto me as your personal servant," Gafara replied, her heart racing. "Now, you need to leave. If I get caught talking to thin air, it will be a problem for both of us!"

Pitch's presence loomed, and Gafara sensed a tug of unease in her stomach. She knew the risks involved, but the promise of power whispered enticingly.

Gafara sat at the table, cupping her hands as the white sphere ignited again. "Nova's Cascade!" she exclaimed, her voice steady.

With her eyes wide open, the white ball in her hand transformed into an arrow, guiding her to a bookshelf. There, she saw a book enveloped in the radiant energy of her magic. Pulling it off the shelf, she noticed it was black, its pages blank. Suddenly, the middle of the shelf seemed to vanish, revealing a glossy portal that was not see-through.

Cradling the book, Gafara stepped inside.

A black light lamp flickered to life, illuminating a room with silver walls that gleamed like polished metal. The name "Xalia" was etched in elegant script across the paintings on the walls, each depicting various skills. Gafara's gaze fell upon an album filled with old, discolored yellow photos. One photo captured a group of nine nymphs, their expressions a mix of joy and resilience.

"Apparently, someone entirely escaped the wrath of the Ancestresses," Gafara thought, a mixture of awe and intrigue washing over her. It seemed she had stumbled upon the Nymph of Zenith's privately constructed secret room.

"All history not known about Earth's other side has been sent here by me, Xalia, former elemental Nymph of Zenith and Fairy of Hydraulics," a voice echoed softly around her. "My home in the Zenith Ocean was destroyed when the land royalty offended me, fearing my powers surpassed their own. I do not plan to return to the Magic Dimension until King Cryos is taught a lesson."

Gafara's breath quickened as she listened intently, her heart racing with each word.

"I have made all my discoveries invisible, hidden away so it will be harder for villains to notice that I have knowledge no one else has held within their grasp for years. You will need a black light flashlight to read it, young curious wanderer."

Gafara's mind swirled with questions, her excitement barely contained. This secret room could hold the key to understanding the past—and perhaps, her own destiny.

Nova's Cascade: Seeks out and directs casters to hidden paths and knowledge in case you didn't understand the trailing magic it did within chapter.

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