Untitled Part 17....(...

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"We have a table and a bed."

"All we need is pots, pans, plates, a dresser, forks, spoons, knifes and some other stuff."

They have been eating taken out since they moved in two weeks ago and uses the plastic cutlery and chopsticks that came with the food.

They went to a store that had all that stuff plus food.

What theme would the kitchen be.

Sunflowers seemed good- black, yellow and green with sunflowers.

Xavier also flowers and gardening.

They saved a lot of money from thrifting plus they had some money saved up for this stuff.

The bed and table weren't super costly since they went to a store that was like one step above discount store.

Hanako has been doing commissions to make extra money and also works a side job of working at a place that teaching old people how to paint.

Xavier still waits tables on the weekend to make extra money.

Xavier also helped Hanako with a commission.

Xavier's not a artist at all but he does know how to draw nature scenes very well.

They also have a couch- One of Xavier's friends was getting a new couch and the one they had was pretty clean- this friend kept a clean house and they trade the couch for gas money and a box of random stuff Xavier found while thrifting- it was a box of old video games.

Xavier got it because it was in a box with one of the rugs the couple got.

His friend collects old video games.

This person was the friend who's family Xavier lived with when he moved out of his parents' house.

He was the only friend of Xavier who stood by him when he both came out and moved out.

This friend wasn't religious but was quiet enough where Xavier's parents didn't try to stop him from being friends with him.

Jase doesn't really bother anyone and has that vibe of he's nice to everyone even if he doesn't want to or have to.

Jase or Jayden Santos is Filipino American-Part of his family was kind of religious but his parents weren't, they celebrate Christmas and Easter but the same way someone who's not Christian would.

Jase currently lives with one of Xavier's other friends Gabriel Hwan who Jase is in a relationship with are in a relationship, they got in this relationship last year.

Gabriel was one of Xavier's friends who grew up Baptist but like Korean Baptist.

Xavier has five best friends- two he has been friends with for years and three he made in college.

They all get along it and felt like they were friends for years.

They met Hanako when they all went out last Christmas.

They liked Hanako a lot better than they did Xavier's ex husband which to be real that relationship was short, that marriage lasted like four months.

His ex only married him to stick it to his parents but was the one who wanted a divorce.

That relationship was his shortest relationship since coming out.

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