Untitled Part 25......!(

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Hanako's brothers were all staying over the house because their parents invited them for Christmas.

Sao did check on Hanako since he's homecare nurse so he wanted to make sure they was okay.

The person who's mainly been checking on Hanako was Xavier since Hanako is his partner some might say a joyfriend also he felt bad because his dad was the one who pushed Hanako.

Sao has some supplies he takes with him when he's checking on his patients.

He say "You might want to go to one of those late night clinics just for a second option. "

Which Hanako and Xavier did.

Hanako was asked how they hurt their back.

"I was at a party for my boyfriend's family and his dad who no one really deals with showed up and he say some negative stuff about me and I told him off and right before I could finish he pushed me into a wooden end table and I hurt my back."

Hanako was checked.

This clinic basically runs like a hospital but for people who other can't afford to go to one or don't want to drive up to one.

Hanako was given pain pills and told to come back if his back keeps hurting.

The pain pills did work but Hanako did ended up falling asleep and was asleep for nine hours the next day.

Hanako's back still hurt but not as much but Mrs. Nakamura wouldn't allow them to help out as much because of what happened.

Hanako also had Xavier waiting on him hand and foot.

Hanako was only allowed to get up to eat, shower, get dressed and go to the bathroom,.

Hanako was now in the living room because he got bored and they wanted to closer to the kitchen if they got hungry.

Two days later Hanako could finally get up.

Hanako was given more of their meds.

Xavier felt so bad about this.

Xavier thought of something to make it up to Hanako.

So they went into area with a lot of little shopping centers.

(In my stories stuff is a little bit more affordable.)

Hanako was looking at this ornament of a British phone booth.

Hanako thought about getting it.

Which they did.

Meanwhile Xavier went to a confinement store.

Hanako was looking at some clothes.

Xavier looked and saw something that he wanted to get for Hanako but won't given them this until next year or year after.

The couple has been together for a year now.

This gift would be a big game changer in their relationship.

Xavier asked Hanako to see if he likes this.

"It's pretty why do you ask."

"I thought it was pretty and wanted to know if you did, I'm not getting it I just think it's pretty. "Said Xavier.

Xavier did end up getting it but got two other items.

He drove Hanako back to the Nakamura's house and went to to visit to of his friends.

Jase and Gabriel.

Jase opened the door.

"I come bring gifts and some cookies." Said Xavier.

"Thanks you can put the cookies on the table and the gifts on the couch. "Said Gabriel.

"So where's Jase. "Said Xavier.

"I'm making a Ube flan cake." Said Jase.

"He also made something called a Cathedral Window Jelly thing. "Said Gabriel.

Jase took the cake out of the oven and put it down to cool.

(I looked that up.)

Jase walked in the living room, giving  Gabe a look before those two kiss.

Their families support the relationship.

Then Gabriel say "How is Hanako doing. "

"Yeah are they doing okay."

"Yes he's doing okay I just feel so bad about it. "Said Xavier

"It's not your fault. "Said Jase.

"Yeah the person at fault was your terrible dad. "Said Gabriel.

"I know. "Said Xavier.

"When I told my mom I when I got with Hanako I expected her to be mad because I was so use to her being mad when I was a kid but she was happy for me." Said Xavier.

Ariana can never make up for how she treated her kids when they were younger but she wants to make it up to them now because they deserve some happy memories with her.

She's never met Vivian and she feels bad about it she's giving Avery some space.


Hanako was in the kitchen helping his mother make a Christmas cake.

The cake was a strawberry cake.

He heard the sound of one his niblings watching tv in the living room.

 Hanako thought about what his life would be like when he and Xavier have kids.

Hanako thought about their life and all they wanted and they have one of the best guys ever.

Xavier is literally one of the best guys ever and Hanako loves him so much that he gets all giddy when they think about Xavier.

When Xavier was back at the house.

He came back with some veggies.

He was asked to get some stuff to help with cooking dinner.

Hanako was laying down because their back was hurting.

Hanako didn't break anything he was just in pain.

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