Untitled Part 31.....(...)....(

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Hanako told his friend Aurora about the proposal asked her to be one of their wedding party members.

 She say would be honor.

He asked two of his friends who's wedding he has been in.

Diya and Lola.


Xavier was thinking of asking Avery to be in the wedding since well he and his brother have gotten closer also Avery is the person who introduced the couple.

But Avery is busy, he was asked to help with morning tutoring at the college.

Avery say sure he'll be in the wedding.

Xavier has been wanting to make it up to his brother for basically abandoning him.

The engagement party would be pretty small- just friends and some family.

Xavier the family members he wanted.

Neither of his parents were invited to the party or wedding.

His mom did sent a gift-it was book on birds because she thought the couple might like it, they did think it was a interesting gift but Hanako did use it for a assignment on drawing birds for this big school gallery thing.

Simon wasn't invited because he's a bigot who pushed Hanako and is the reason why they still have to take pain pills for their back.

Hanako's back no longer hurts but when it does he just blames Simon for it.


Hanako drew up the outfit they had in mind.

A Green kimono.

Hanako had the idea already drawn and all the other stuff to go with it.

Hanako has a pair of those traditional wooden Japanese shoes.

He went to Japan once during high school for a family member's wedding and can still fit the shoes.

Hanako was watching as his students were painting for this school's gallery thing.

Hanako was proud of his students because he knows what it's like to dream of your art being in a gallery.

It never happened to Hanako only because their art mysteriously disappeared when it was time to put them in the student gallery.

Hanako did end up finding the art in the trash and it sucked.

Someone did get into trouble for throwing Hanako's art away.


Two months later and the engagement party was here.

Xavier couldn't do the take a photo with your parents thing because his mom didn't come and he doesn't talk to his father.

Xavier is fine with this- his mother sent a gift and told him she's sorry she's not coming.

Ariana has been trying to make up for all the crap she has done in her kids' lives, some stuff she can't make up for like siding with Simon when Avery finally left the house but Avery has kind of forgiven her only because he heard from one of his maternal aunts that the day after Avery left she got a call from his mother saying what happened and that one of her biggest regrets is not leaving her husband after Avery was born.

She wanted to give her kids some space.

There was a photo of the couple in their engagement photos.

They looked nice.

Two days later Hanako was home from work because he felt sick and had to leave early.

One of his friends drove him home since Xavier was super business.

But he ended up leaving a little early to take care of Hanako.

Hanako had the flu.

Xavier made Hanako this soup that his aunt makes when people are sick.

It has ginger in it.

Hanako was laying on the couch.

it' a pull out couch and he changed the sheets and make it very comfortable.

Hanako was in the tub as Xavier made the soup for him.

Hanako was given some pajamas to wear as they sat down to eat the soup before going to lay down.

Xavier gave Hanako some meds and Hanako went to go lay down.

Hanako made a lesson plan for the times they wouldn't be at school.

Xavier has done the same.

Hanako woke up to eat some of the soup.

Then he went to watch tv.

They were watching a game show.

Xavier was grading some projects that he planned on grading later.

Hanako ended up going back to sleep but woke up a hour later.

Hanako wanted to do some wedding planning but was told "You're sick you don't need to do any of that right Honey okay all you need to do is rest and get better."

Hanako did end up seeing a doctor, got some meds and a doctor's note.

Hanako was out from work for a whole week.

His parents came to visit them and any close family/friends who are doctors or nurses also would call to check on him.

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