Untitled Part 21.....(....

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The next day Hanako and Xavier got the rest of their chairs.

They had four chairs.

They also got some stuff to decoration the house.

 Hanako made some for the house since next month is Christmas.

Xavier was hanging up some stuff.

They got some stuff at a discount store.

The house looked nice.

Hanako was making some stuff for school to put up in his classroom.

The lesson plan for later is to teach the history of art in it's relation to Winter Holidays.

(I have never been to college so sorry if that part suck.)

Meaning like when the first record piece of art connected to a winter holiday type stuff.

When Dec. rolled around.

Hanako was teaching the lesson plan they had planned months ago.

When school let out for Winter break.

Xavier and Hanako were going Christmas shopping.

They have been saving their money.

The cans of food they got from Hanako's parents were still good.

The last time they got anything was cheap Christmas decorations and food for the week.

They also got some seeds so they could grow some of their own fruit and veggies.

That would save a lot of money and cut the budget for food in half.

Hanako mentioned what time his parents wanted them to come over on Christmas.

Hanako was making some gifts for people.

Hanako already two gifts for his parents.

They went with their brothers to get two gifts for their parents plus it was a good time to get gifts for any of their partners

(just a reminder Hanako uses he/him and they/them but doesn't care which pronouns are used as long as it's those two.)


Hanako arrived at Shiro's house.

Shiro now lives with his partner Francis(kind of tall but not super tall, African American, works at a library, likes soccer, hates basketball, likes to draw, good at video games, likes hiking.)

Francis knew about what happened with Shui and it made him not like him because that man tried to flirt with someone he was dating and that's not cool.

Sao on the other hand lives with a friend of his who also has kids, she's one of his friends, who went thought a bad divorce with her ex wife, her ex started watching a lot of content that turned out to be racism and transphobic thinly veiled as lesbianism content and it shocked everyone who knew her.


Ichirou arrived later and so did Ken.

"Who's car are we taking. 'Said Ken.

"We can take mine. "Said Sao.

"Okay. 'Said Ichirou.

"Hana you have to sit in the backseat. "Said Sao.

"Why. "Said Hanako.

"Because Hanako you're the youngest. "Said Ken.

"I'm adult with a career and a master in my field. "Said Hanako.

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