Chapter 19

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Kirti's POV

So we finally came back home after party, and I was tired as hell. What I had planned after reaching home is I'll just change my clothes and temporarily die on bed, but damn this man, he asked me to show Abhimanyu and Trisha their room, uhh too much work, can't he do that himself?

Lazy man...

So I showed them their room and Abhimanyu got a call and went to talk in balcony and then I asked Trisha,

"You people need something else?"

Trisha replied, "Umm actually yeah can I borrow your earbuds tonight? I think I left mine in hotel..."

Well, I know its stupid but....I dropped mine in my orange juice while breakfast, well let me explain it wasn't my fault,

I was sleepy, I went for breakfast while my eyes almost closed (I brush my teeth after breakfast and after dinner so don't think I'm gross that I just wake up and straight went for breakfast) and I sat on dining table, was about to get milk to eat cereals but took out orange juice, yeah I was in hangover that's another thing I wasn't drunk, I poured the juice in bowl and took my earbuds and placed it somewhere which I realised that was not my ear hole, and you people can guess next thing, my earbuds were swimming in orange juice, and that's how I wake up, isn't it interesting?

Anyways, I told Trisha to wait and went in our bedroom, yeah saying our bedroom is quite new for me, I never even shared my bedroom with my ex. I took Sahil's earbuds as I knew he won't mind me giving them to his bestfriend's girlfriend.

I went in their room and gave it to her, "There, you need something else?"

She smiled politely and shaked her head, "No it's alright K."

I looked at her in confusion, "K?"

"Uh well- I've an habbit to give people nicknames, you're alright with it? Or I've another nickname for you in mind", she spoke jokingly.

So she was asking that if I was alright with the nickname "K" or she should give me another, so she wasn't asking that if she could call me a nickname or not, well that meant she wasn't asking me, she was telling me that she IS going to give me a nickname.

What a genius I'm am to think so gradually when it's just about having a nickname, I wish I had thought like in my past relationship, anyways...

"Well what's the other option?"

"Riti?" She spoke.

I was blank at that moment, "Riti", exactly what my ex, Om used to call me, I would like to be called a whore as a nickname rather than "Riti."

I faintly smiled and shaked my head, "K is good, good night."

She said me good night and I went out of their room. Thinking of that jerk had spoiled my whole damn mood, listening the word "Riti" made me remember the night when I went to his place and found him on bed with another girl, I just walked way and all could I listen was, "Riti!"

Why I'm even thinking about that incident even it's been years and I'm married, well that's another thing the man I married is someone I barely know, whom I met two and a half months back, still doesn't the change the fact I'm married.

I was thinking about sleeping but now I'm in a bad mood, and I know what to do, Angry Birds!!

I need to watch angry birds, I went in room for shower but he was already in bathroom so I was just taking off my jewelleries when he came out of his shower, with just a towel wrapped around his waist, I bit my lip so I don't freak out this time.

I could see him from mirror, and today I looked him carefully, he was mascular, didn't had a single tattoo just per as my liking, had cleaned shaved body, what else a woman need  in physical appearance?

His hairs were messy as they were wet, which suited him more, again I'm telling I'm not a pervert, if he is physically attractive, it's a fact I'm telling.

Seeing him like this was making me want to call dadi and thank her for asking me getting married to him as her last wish, but I can't, she'll probably ask for babies then, I mean, I would like to only admire his body when it's far.

I went for my shower and minutes later came out in my night clothes, now I know what to do,

Angry Birds!!

He was working on his laptop on bed. Stupid man. Why does he have to work on his holidays? Well, not my problem.

I grabbed my laptop and sat beside him and played my movie. Some moments later he scoffed for an unknown reason, and then asked,

"What was your age again wife?"

He seriously forgot his own wife's age? "25." I gave a simple response without taking my eyes off laptop.

"And youre waching these kinds of movies at this age?"

I swear to god if it was Manav saying that I would had broke his skull. Anyways, I kept giving short responses as I was more interested in movie, "So?"

He Rolled his eyes and said,

"Forget it, why don't you have your earbuds on?"

Well now I knew he's going to be talking to me long, I paused my movie and looked at him,

"Because I dropped them in my orange juice."

He stared me like I'm an idiot, I had a quite reasonable reason how I dropped them. He asked me to use his earbuds but I told him I gave them to Trisha. He asked why I didn't asked him before giving earbuds away so I told him he was in shower and why would he had denied?

He inhaled deeply as if I was irritating him, and then spoke coldly, "You know what wife? just shut your laptop and go to sleep."

Really? He thought I'll listen to him? Well you people know here our argument headed to after, well, I know I shouldn't be finding best part in our argument but, I nearly skipped my breath when he fell on on when I snatched my laptop back, anyways, I didn't even slept properly that night.

Next morning I woke up when sun rays fell on my face, it was the first time I hated it because I didn't slept properly last night because of this man, where's that "newly-wed romantic couple phase" which almost every married couple miss in their life when they are been married for long.

Anyways, I got off bed because I was hungry, and Trisha was already awake and in kitchen, breakfast time wasn't too pretty today for me even though the food was delicious, and guess why? Sahil Sharma.


Ok fine readers I don't really leave notes like this often, but I just want you people let you know that please vote, one tap on that star will not take anything from you people, you don't know how much happiness it brings to the beginner authors like us. I'm really trying my hard here to make my story intresting but I can only try, please do comment and let me know about typos and other mistakes, I won't even delete negetive comments, and just to let you people know I won't be able to post the chapters too frequent in September as my exams are near. That's all...Bye for now...

And again, please do vote.

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