Sweatshirt thief❤

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This is the sweater btw ⬆

You were sitting on your bed, head in your hands. You were wracking your brain thinking of all the places you might have left it, where it could be.

You had been packing for the tour Sabrina had, because you were definitely going to some of her shows, and you had to be prepared. You loved going to your girlfriend's shows, and loved how her eyes lit up and she waved when she saw you in the crowd. The only bad part about it was that you had to travel a lot. Now, you don't have an issue with travelling if it means Sabrina's happy, but the packing kills you.

You were almost done putting your clothes in your suitcase when you realized you were missing something. You always wore your favorite hoodie whenever you felt happy and you knew that being with your beautiful girlfriend would make you happy, so you went to go get it. 

It was supposed to be where it always was, hanging on the back of your bedroom door, but when you looked it wasn't. "Huh..." you mutter to yourself as you walk over to your closet, thinking you probably accidentally threw it in there. 

Although, when you check it's not there either. You start to feel a little panicked, because that sweater is super special to you. Sabrina bought it for you the day she told you she was in love with you. She knew you loved coffee, so she got you the sweater. You told her she could have just gotten you a sweater with her face on it, because you loved her too. 

That was one of the best days of your life and now you couldn't believe you had lost the thing you had to remember it. You frantically started to rush around the room, looking everywhere for it. Under the bed, in the bathroom, in all the drawers. 

Now here you were, sitting on the edge of the bed, tears threatening to fall as you thought of Sabrina's reaction to you losing something that she knew was special to both of you. Would she be mad? Sad? Just... disappointed? 

You felt a tear slip down your cheek at the thought of upsetting your girlfriend. Since you had started dating Sabrina you  had always had issues when you thought you didn't deserve her. She was beautiful, with her bright blue eyes, which things only she knew hid behind, her ultra-soft blonde hair, and her soft, silky skin. You were just... well, an average girl. With y/h/c hair, and dull, plain y/e/c eyes. You were nothing special, not like her. 

But, for some reason, she still told you she loved you every day, and kissed you. You didn't understand how someone as perfect as her could love someone as basic as you. She always reassured you that she would love you no matter what, and then she would attack you with kisses until you felt better.

You kept thinking about this as you hear the bedroom door opening. Knowing it was Sabrina, you wiped your tears away and sat up straight, trying to look happy.

Obviously she noticed that you were sad and she immediately walked over to you and sat on your lap, straddling you. 

"Y/n? What happened? What's wrong?" She asked, genuinely concerned. 

You just shook your head, and plastered a fake smile onto your face. "Nothing babe. I'm fine."

Sabrina frowned, knowing you didn't like to seem weak in front of her. "No, you're not. What happened? Tell me." She wasn't asking at this point she was demanding, and you decide there's no better time to tell her then now.

You sigh and look down as you open your mouth to tell her you lost the sweater as something catches your eye. "Hey, sab! That's my sweater!" you exclaim, seeing what she's wearing. 

She blushes and looks down at herself, realizing what she's wearing. "Oh yeah, sorry. Do you want me to take it off? I can if you want..." She says, feeling guilty.

You shake your head and smile back at her, wrapping your arms around her waist. "No, no, it's fine. I was just looking for it. That's what was wrong, I thought I had lost it." You admit, a slight pink flush creeping it's way onto your cheeks.

Sabrina smiles at you and snuggles closer into you, the sweatshirt seemingly warming her even more. "Good, I like it. It smells like you." 

You grin and peck her lips, happy you found your sweater, even happier that it's giving your girlfriend joy. 

"You all packed now?" she asks, her eyes creeping to your suitcase. You nod and run a hand over her cheek, a slight smirk working it's way onto your lips. "Yep. Which means now I have time to do other things..."

Sabrina grins back and crashes her lips against yours in a kiss. She cups your face and you grip her waist, both of you just enjoying the moment.

She pushes you onto the bed, taking the hoodie off, and tossing it to the side.

It lands in your suitcase, and you glance over.

"Well, now I'm all packed. Thanks babe."

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