Break a leg babe❤

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y'all should all follow my bestie @Jamesloveslesbians also I wanna say thx to all the people who have been requesting, ur the best! Check out their work, its so good! Anyway, thx to mw4hxoxo for the request!

Sabrina's Pov

I had been sitting on the couch at home when I heard my phone buzzing from the coffee table. I tried reaching out although my arm was too short. I groaned and got up, seeing it as being 'LA Emergency Room'. My eyes widen and my heart beat started to get faster, as I answered the phone in a nervous tone. "hello? yes, this is she. What? She was doing what? Oh my gosh, I'll be there as soon as I can!" I hung up, slipping my sandals on and running out the door, not bothering to lock it. The receptionist had said that Y/n, my girlfriend, had been walking across the street when she had unexpectedly stopped and got hit by a car. She was fine, but her leg was broken and she needed crutches. I got in my car and sped downtown to the hospital. I got there and went straight to the desk, not caring who saw me. My baby was hurt, and I needed to see her, now. The receptionist gave me a warm smile and directed me to a room a few floors up. I race to the elevator, then deciding it's not worth the wait and start to sprint up the stairs. I get a few odd looks from people, most recognizing me and their eyes going wide.

I get to the room, and knock quietly, pushing the door open a bit. Y/n is sitting up in the bed, wearing a baggy white t shirt and talking to a nurse. She has her leg in a white cast propped up on some pillows. She had a smile on her face, although it widened as she saw me, making my heart flutter. I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her, planning on never letting go. She giggled into my neck and I slowly stepped away with a stern look on my face. "baby, what did you do this time? You always seem to be getting yourself hurt, don't you?" She grinned and grabbed a little box off of the side table. "I was getting you this, but then as I was leaving I saw Olivia Rodrigo in the street, and I froze. I mean, The. Olivia. Rodrigo. I was so excited! But then, the car hit me, and I fell over, and this happened..." I looked at the box and then back to her. "Babe, that was extremely stupid of you, but what did you get me? And why were you getting it?" I open the box slowly and carefully, and I see a beautiful golden necklace with a heart at the end. With a closer look I see that our initials are carved in it, and my heart skips a beat. I look back down at her sitting in the hospital bed. "Y/n/n... I love it. But you need to be more careful. This is not what people mean when they say, 'break a leg'." She giggles and reaches up to kiss my cheek. I blush and look at the nurse, who gives me a small smile. 

"She's gonna be fine, I'll get her crutches now and you can both go home." He says, walking out of the room. I sigh and shake my head playfully at Y/n. She grins and pulls me down for a kiss, pressing her lips sweetly against mine. I smiled into it, holding the back of her head with my hand, our lips loving to a rhythm. I pull away, feeling a blush on my cheeks being mirrored by her. I chuckle and she smiles up at me as the nurse walks back in with some crutches. "Hello ladies! Ms. Y/l/n, here are those crutches. And, if I may say, you two make quite the cute couple. I'm a big fan of both of you." I thank him, handing the crutches out to Y/n. She takes them, and I wrap my arms around her to help her stand up off the bed. She gets up, I sign some papers and we both walk back out to my car. "Oh, shit. I should have prepared for this." I mumble as I realize that she won't fit in the front with her cast, I'd have to put her in the back. She giggles and I look over, giving her a curious look.

"baby? What is it? What's funny?" I ask, extremely confused. She giggles again before smirking at me "Sab, you look like you didn't prepare at all. You're still in pajama's, although you look beautiful. And also I saw about 800 people taking photos." I grimaced as I realized what I was wearing. It was a ratty old Rihanna t-shirt, and some short shorts. Although, her calling me beautiful was self-assuring. "Thanks baby, we'll just have to see those photos. People are gonna be asking about how you broke your leg, y'know." I say, pressing a kiss to her cheek, which I had to stand on my tip-toes to do. I had also forgot to put my usual heels or at least high tops on. This kinda sucked. "I know, let them ask. I've got you, I'm fine. Actually, I'm amazing as long as you're here." My heart melted at her words and I blushed, wrapping my arms around her one more time. "Thank you baby. And thank you for the necklace, and everything you have ever given me. I love you, you know that?" She nods at my words, a smile spreading across her face.

 "Sab? I'm really sorry that I can't do this on one knee, but I think with both know that I can't kneel right now. Anyway... I love you too. Sabrina, two years ago you stole my heart by being exactly who you are. The sweetest, most loving, compassionate, and amazing person I've ever met, and that I ever will meet. You've been my light through the dark times, you are the reason I'm always smiling, always dancing, always singing your songs, even when you're gone on tour, especially then. You have given me comfort when I need it, and stuck by me and believed in me when nobody else would. You have shown me how to love with passion, purity, and more love then I've ever felt before. I know for a fact that a forever isn't long enough to repay you with everything you've done for me, but I promise that I'll always be by your side, whenever you need me. I promise to always be accepting of whatever you're thinking, to understand your needs, your wants, your desires. I promise to laugh with you whenever you're sad, and I know you will cheer me up whenever I need it. I can't wait to grow old with you, to live my life with you, to make you my everything in every way possible. I know that you will forever be the woman I fall more and more in love with every day. And now I'm asking you to take my heart, to keep it forever, because I'll always love you, unconditionally, completely and forever. So, Sabrina Annalyn Carpenter, would you do me the honor and marry me?"

My breath catches in my throat as I hear her words, tears welling up in my eyes as she pulls a small velvet box out of her back pocket, kneeling as much as she can. I feel the tears start to spill down my face and I bring my hands to my face, wiping them while my head keeps nodding and I hear a desperate "yes..." fall off of my lips, as I attack her with a kiss and she catches me, both of our faces wet from tears now. I don't care how many people caught that on camera, I didn't care about anything else but us. 

Me and her,



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