Travis little sister

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I wanted to do one where you meet, not one where you're already girlfriend's. Comment which style you like better! Also, tysm to all you beautiful people reading this book, I cant believe we hit 1k reads! Love y'all!

Y/n's pov

I was driving to my brother Travis's house because I was meeting up with him and a few of his friends to go to his girlfriend Taylor's concert. It was in my hometown so I got invited. Taylor loved me since the first time she saw me, and she said she saw me as like a sister figure. She was honestly so nice and always talked to me if I needed someone. I could see why Travis was so in love with her. We had backstage passes of course, and also front row tickets so we could really get the whole experience. I couldn't wait because even before Travis had started dating her I was a huge swiftie, and I still am. I always wanted to go to one of her tours, and tonight I would be.

I pulled up to the house and knocked, still extremely excited. Instead of my 6'5 masculine brother I was met with a tiny blonde girl, with extremely pretty blue eyes. "U-uh, hi. I'm Y/n Kelce? Travis's little sister?" I said, a bit flustered, because if I was being honest the girl was very cute. She grinned and stepped aside to let me in. "Oh yeah, we're all in the living room. Are you going to the concert too?" Whoa, her voice was beautiful. I got distracted by her for a second and I blushed when I realized she was asking me something. "Huh? Oh, yeah I am. How about you?" she giggled at my question and gave me a look as if I was an idiot. "Of course I am, I kinda have to don't I?" I laughed nervously, not knowing what she was talking about. "Heh, yeah..." I said as we walked into the living room and I saw my big brother sitting there. He had gotten a lot happier since he met Taylor, and I was so happy for him. I was always happy to let him stay in the spotlight, I was fine with not getting the same kind of attention from our parents, friends, or anyone in general. 

He looked up and cracked the biggest smile on his face, jumping up and running over to me. I giggled as he picked me up and spun me around, feeling like a little kid again. He would do this every time we had been apart, he was really the best big brother. "Y/n! I'm so excited you're here! Taylor was super happy you were coming, almost as much as me!" I grinned as he put me down and gave me another huge hug. "Haha, me too Trav! I can't wait to see it, you know I've been waiting my whole life." As we kept talking I noticed the blonde girl from earlier sneaking glances at me time from time. I will admit, I was doing the same. There was just something about her that was so... hypnotizing. Her eyes were so pretty, especially when she was laughing, they sparkled like the ocean. And her smile... whoa. I wish I could feel how soft her blonde locks were, how her hand fit in mine, how those pink lips felt against mine... no, Y/n get those thoughts out of your head! She's probably straight, and she would never like you anyway. As I was thinking this I heard a phone alarm go off, signalling it was time to go. My eyes widen and I squeal a bit in excitement, as this was honestly gonna be the best night of my life. Everyone started rushing out the door, grabbing bags and slipping shoes on. I looked at the blonde girl again, and realized that she wasn't wearing anything Taylor related. "Do you not have any merch? Or are you just going to the concert because you were invited?" I ask her as she comes up, walking next to me. She raises an eyebrow at me, giving me that same 'you're kidding me right?' look again. "What? Of course, I'm a huge swiftie! It's just that I have to change when I get there, so I just slipped these on, I wasn't really paying attention." She grins up at me and I blush, hoping she can't see in the dim sunsetting air. "Ah, got it." I say, nodding along. Although, I have no idea what she is talking about. Why would she change when we get there? What was she talking about? She trips over her own feet, causing her to stumble a bit into me. I catch her, pulling her back up. Now it's her turn to blush, making me grin. "S-sorry, must be the heels..." she says, looking away. I look down and realize that she truly is wearing very tall heels, at least five inches. I grin as I think about how short she must be barefoot, she probably looks like a hobbit.

Sabrina Carpenter imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now