sleeping anxiety❤

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Thanks to @mw4hxoxo for the request!

"Night sab." I said as I placed my head on the pillow next to her. 

"Goodnight Y/n/n. I love you." she says, snuggling closer to you. Her soft blonde locks fall lightly onto her shoulder, making me smile dreamily. How could anyone look so perfect as theyre about to sleep? It confused me every day, and it always will. 

"I love you too baby." I whisper as she drifts off to sleep. She smiles in her sleep as I press a kiss to her forehead. She's so beautiful and i couldn't have asked for a more perfect girlfriend. I let her shift into a deep sleep until i slip out of the bed. I've been doing this since we met, and she doesn't know about it. I have very bad sleep anxiety, and i can never bring myself to look at the clock, almost as if I'm afraid of the time, how late it is.

I was constantly scared about sleep, and how much of it I would get, and it was extremely hard for me to fall asleep. I just let sab fall asleep, thinking I was with her, and then I would go and do other things for a while until I got super tired. Then I would crawl back into bed with her and drift slowly to sleep. That was what I usually did, but tonight I didn't feel at all tired.

Sometimes I pulled all nighters, all though I always regretted it the next day. Like shots. Although, I knew tonight was gonna be like that, so I quietly snuck out of the room and walked down the stairs. I arrived in the kitchen and opened the fridge to get a red bull. I kept a stash of them for nights like these. I walked over to the couch and sat down, scrolling on Instagram. 

I saw an edit of Sabrina and I, and liked it. It was cute to see that people liked us together, although I know I'll always have my haters. Most of the time I didn't let them get to me, but sometimes it was hard. They would say awful things, and it hurts like hell. I can't even begin to imagine what it's like for Sabrina, especially because there are still some people who thinks she was the bad guy in the love triangle with Olivia and Joshua. It was 100% joshua's fault, and not Sab or Olivia's.

I finished my red bull and tossed the can in the trash, making it. I smiled and kept scrolling, seeing lots of news about celebrities, which was annoying because they are people too, and they should be allowed to have a private personal life. Its like, just because they write a song, they immediately lose all right to privacy. Crazy. I roll my eyes at a post about Sabrina and Shawn Mendes as I hear some shuffling behind me. I snap my head up and jump off the couch, spinning on my heels.

Sabrina stood there, her eyes flicking from me to the empty can of red bull in the trash. I sighed and looked down as she walked closer. 

"Look, sab..." I said, cringing at my voice crack.

"y/n... were you not gonna sleep? Why is there an empty can of red bull there? I didn't drink that." She says, calmly but firm, in an almost motherly way.

I hang my head and nod slightly, blushing a bit. She brings a hand up to my cheek, brushing hair out of my face. Her touch still makes fire erupt everywhere and i shiver slightly. "But...why? You always sleep when we're together... right?" She asks innocently.

My heart breaks and i realize that its now or never. I hold her hand thats not on my cheek and look into her eyes, her crystal blue orbs shining brightly, even in her confused and tired state. "I'm... Sab I have... I think I have sleep anxiety, or insomnia, I don't know exactly. It's just... really hard for me to get to sleep, and I hate just like... looking at the clock, I feel like it's taunting me as it gets later and I'm still awake. I'm sorry for not telling you..."

She looks up at me, her eyes still shining. "Baby, it's okay. I understand why you didn't tell me, but you never have to worry about me being upset or annoyed or anything like that, because i could never be angry at you. You just do something to me... it's like you make me calm, and balance me out. I love you, and we're gonna get through this together, alright? First of all, we're gonna move the clock out of our room, and the only thing we're gonna have to tell the time is my phone, which will be on my side of the bed. Okay? We got this babe, we can do this."

I felt a tear slip down my cheek, although its a tear of happiness, the only thing this girl can make me feel. She notices and wraps her arms around me, obviously wondering why I'm crying. Instead of answering her questions I just wrap my arms around her and pull her head away from me so I can kiss her. 

She's reluctant at first, but she eventually melts into it, pressing her lips against mine. I pull away because of stupid oxygen and grin at her. "Y/n?" she questions. "What did I ever do to deserve you, Sab?" I whisper, pulling her closer. She grins proudly and looks back up at me "Nothing baby, you were just there being my favorite person ever." I chuckle and kiss her again. As we pull away I say "I love you." She grins and says it back, happier than ever.

"I love you Y/n. Always and Forever."

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