Showtime, baby❤

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Heyyyyy sry for not updating yet. I went to a concert last night and I actually slept like wtf... but anyway, hope u like it! Love y'all!

Sabrina's Pov

I was running backstage to get to my dressing room quickly as possible. I was running a bit behind because a fan had grabbed me and pulled me in for a bit too long. Sometimes fans were annoyingly crazy and they don't have boundaries.

I wasn't watching watching where I was going and I bumped into someone, tripping over them. I saw the floor and I saw myself colliding with it right before my eyes until I was stopped quickly by two strong arms wrapping around my waist. 

I looked up at the person who I ran into and caught me. It was a girl with y/h/c hair and bright y/e/c eyes. She was really pretty and a smile played across her pink lips. 

"Sorry about that." I breathe out, because for some reason oxygen is becoming a problem. The girl smiles and pulls me up from our dip-position, back onto my feet.

"S'okay. Are you okay?" She asks, with genuine concern in her voice. I brush myself off and look back up at her and those y/e/c orbs that are just pulling me in somehow. 

"Y-yeah... yeah, I am. Thanks for catching me..." I stutter out stupidly. She just flashes me another smile and shoves a hand in her pocket.

"Anytime... uh... may I?" She says, bringing a hand up to my face. My heart speeds up and I can't breathe for a second until she just adjusts the glasses I was wearing. "Sorry, I wanted, to make sure you could see right."

I shake my head. "No, no it's okay. Don't worry..." I say, leaving place for her to fill in with her name. "Oh, Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n. Nice to meet you, Sabrina."

Wow. Y/n... such a pretty name.

I blush, forgetting that she probably would know my name. I look down at her outfit for the first time and see she must be on the lighting team or set team. She's wearing a black t-shirt along with black jeans and a cap. 

"y-you too. Do you work backstage?" I squeaked out, embarrassingly. she nods and adds, "Don't worry, I won't sabotage you on stage or anything. As far as you know..." I chuckled at her joke and shook my head again. 

"Alright, you better not. I have to go now but... it was nice to meet you, Y/n." I say, not being able to mask the disappointment in my tone. I notice her smile falter, which almost brings one to my lips.

"Okay... hope I see you again sometime. Bye Sabrina." 

God, my name sounds amazing coming from her.

"It really was nice to meet you, but I've made myself super late and-" I say, and she cuts me off with "No, it's okay, go on. It was nice to meet you too." 

I run off, catching her eye once more before I turn around. I almost swoon from how cute she is as she waves, smiling and turning back to a lighting board or whatever it was.

"Sabrina! Where the fuck have you been!" most of my team is now yelling at me for being this late, although all my thoughts are on Y/n. 

Did she think I was cute? Did she see me like I saw her? Did she have a moment too? Was she able to breathe? Did she like how I felt in her arms? Fuck, I might be going a bit crazy.

"Okay, you're done, now go get dressed! You're on in two minutes!" My makeup artist, Emily says and pushes me out of the chair. I comply, getting dressed and still thinking of Y/n. It's like I was somehow already obsessed with some random girl I met in passing.

I go out there and the show goes smoothly, my singing is good and everyone loved it. As I leave the stage I wave to the fans and let out an exhale, going under the stage.

My team all gives me grins and hugs as I walk back to my dressing room and put on some casual clothes. I go for a hoodie and white sweatpants with UGGs. Very casual, very comfy, very nice.

I walk out to my car, but a man stops me. he also looks like he works backstage, as he's wearing the same thing Y/n was wearing earlier. It just... doesn't look as good on him. Not even a little bit.

"Hey." He says to me, flashing me a crooked smile he must think is charming. "I'm Jack. And you would be?" He even looked annoying, he had blonde hair in a normal cut, and piercing grey eyes. Although, I was beginning to think I liked Y/e/c eyes better.

"I'm Sabrina. And not interested." I say, attempting to turn away. He grabs my wrist and pulls me back, and my heart rate picks up for a second. "Aww, you leaving already? Come on, stay a while..." 

I swallow and shake my head. "Please let me go. I'd like to leave now." I say, politely as I can. He scoffs and looks down at me from where he towers over my small frame. "No. No, stay here, talk to me. Could I buy a pretty girl like you a few drinks?" 

I shake my head again and repeat. "Please let me go. I don't want to cause a scene." He gets mad now, snarling, "Oh, you better not cause a scene. I swear to God if you do-"

He's cut off by a voice behind me. "I'm pretty sure she told you to let her go." I turn my head to see it was Y/n, and there was anger blazing behind her eyes. 

"I'm pretty sure I said no. Now, fuck off girl and let me-" 

he's cut off again with a punch to his nose. My eyes widen and I look at Y/n again, seeing a bit of blood on her knuckles. Usually I would find it annoying and stupid coming from a guy, but from her it's... attractive. I have no idea why, but I kinda like her fighting for me.

"C'mon, lets go. back off buddy." She says, taking hold of my hand and leading me away. I take one last look at the man cradling his face in his hands and turn back, satisfied.

"Thank you." I say, looking up at her. She looks down at me, a smile playing across her features. "Anytime, princess. He looked like he was bothering you."

Princess, oh my fucking god she called me princess! I'm gonna faint...

"yeah... but thanks for like, being my knight in shining armor. It means a lot." I say, stopping walking and looking up at her.

She towers over me too, but she doesn't use it dangerously, and I feel safer with her there. I look into her eyes one more time and I can't stop myself, I don't care if we're in public. I don't care that my team is gonna kill me. I. Don't. Care.

I lean up and cup her face. I wrap my other hand around her neck and let my eyes flutter shut as she brushes her lips over mine. I push further and kiss her, feeling her soft, cherry flavored lips against mine. 

We stay like that for a bit, the kiss staying sweet, her hands resting on my hips. I pull away because my dumbass body needs oxygen or whatever. I lean my head on her chest and look up at her whispering "You taste like cherries."

She opens her mouth to answer but a beeping stops her. I look down at her watch, and the screen says 'abnormal heart rate detected! Calm down!'

I giggle and she blushes, turning the watch off. "Uh... ignore that please." She says, looking down at me. I nod, agreeing.

"I um... when you caught me backstage... well, I... I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. And I think you seem really nice and you have really soft hair and I really like it when you say my name and it was super cool how you saved me from that guy like it was nothing and you're kinda emblazed in my mind now and I don't think I'll ever forget you and you have really pretty eyes and... I think I might be going crazy."

She grins and pecks my lips again. "I'm afraid you're absolutely bonkers, but I'll tell you a secret... all the best people are."

Oh my god! She even quotes my favorite movie... aww

I swallow and look into her hypnotizing eyes again. "So... would it be too much to ask for your number?" 

She shakes her head and smiles.

"It's not enough for me, honestly."

"I hope there'll be more."

Sabrina Carpenter imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now