Chapter Eighteen: Rehearsal Dinner

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September 11th, 2013 - Clarence House

"Maddie Bear," Madison's father, John Nolan, called out for her moving to pull his eldest and only daughter into a hug. He couldn't believe how fast the year has flown by.

From the couple announcing their engagement in April of last year and now her wedding was only two days away. It was hard for John to comprehend that his only daughter was getting married in two days, it only felt like yesterday that his daughter was just born and now thirty years later he was going to be walking his daughter down the aisle.

As much as it saddened him to be giving his daughter away, he knew that she would be safe, protected and loved by Christian. Another thing the Nolan family were still getting used to was seeing their daughter all over the media, even after eleven years of Christian and Madison being together it was still strange seeing what the media was writing about their daughter, but whether it was positive or negative Madison never let it get to her.

"Hi Pa. Thank you for coming tonight," Madison said with a smile on her face, she gave her father a tight hug knowing that he had been busy as of late with work and trying to prepare himself for the wedding.

"Of course, I wouldn't have missed this". John said, when the father-daughter duo pulled apart.

Near the entrance of Clarence House you would be able to hear all the press that had gathered around outside taking as many pictures as they could of all the guests that had gotten invitations to tonight's rehearsal dinner.

From the Windsor family, to extended members of the royal family, the Spencer family, to the Nolan family and friends of Christian and Madison had all been invited tonight.

Madison and Christian slowly start mingling with all the other guests in attendance making sure to take the time to thank all the guests that have come to celebrate with the couple.

Madison spots William, Kate and Harry in the middle of the room so she makes her way over to the three of them.

"There's our lovely bride." Kate says, with a smile on her face as Madison approaches the group.

"Hey, how are you doing out there?" William asked his soon to be sister-in-law.

"I've honestly never said 'thank you so much for coming tonight' to so many people." Madison admits to the group, they all laugh, "But it feels a little weird that all these people have come for me and Christian. I'm not really used to it."

"Yeah I know how you feel." Kate says, "But just imagine on Friday there will be a lot more people than this Mads."

Madison chuckles. "Thanks Kate for reminding me, well I should get back out there." Madison hugs all three members of the group before leaving so they can go mingle with the other guests as well.

"If I could have everybody's attention please," Charles calls out, tapping his champagne glass in his left hand calling for all the guests attention, it's been a few hours of mingling and chatting so Charles thought it was the perfect time to start his speech.

It was lovely for so many of Christian's family to officially meet other members of Madison's family besides her parents and her two younger brothers.

"Camilla and myself would just like to thank everyone for coming tonight to celebrate Christian and Madison," Charles began, smiling at the happy couple.

Madison's family, just like Catherine's, were welcomed with open arms, they would be a further support pillar for the royals and they were highly appreciated.

"I could not have pictured a better woman for my son, Madison, thank you for making my Christian so happy over the years," Charles continued.

This was all he and Diana had wanted for the three sons. He wanted them to be happy with the people they ended up with, and have happy marriages. Deep down he knew that Diana would be happy that their two eldest sons found love.

"This next journey that you both are about to enter will be hard, but I know along with everyone here that you both will be able to make it through the hard times because you have each other to lean on." Charles continued.

"I wish the two of you will continue to feel the love and happiness that you both share throughout the rest of your marriage, that you face every challenge that will come your way together." Charles said, in just two days he was going to witness his second eldest son marry the love of his life and he couldn't be more proud of the two.

"To Christian and Madison," Charles said, leading the toast. He truly wished his son and daughter-in-law all the love and happiness in the world. Christian and Madison made their way over to Charles to thank him for such a sweet speech.

After Charles delivered his speech there was one more speech to be made and that was by Madison's parents. The couple knew Charles was going to deliver a speech but what they didn't know was that John and Celeste had planned to deliver a speech and had asked Charles in advance.

"If we could have everyone's attention back up here for another moment please," the voice of John Nolan could be heard throughout the room.

"Good evening everyone. For those that don't know us we are John and Celeste Nolan, Madison's parents." John introduces him and his wife to those who don't know who they are.

"We just wanted to thank all of those in attendance tonight for being here for our daughter and son-in-law's special night. It means a lot to them and the family that you were all able to make it tonight." John states, he was mainly going to be doing all the talking tonight as they wanted to keep the speech somewhat short and sweet.

Madison started getting emotional, this was a surprise to her. She didn't expect her parent's to say anything tonight.

"Mads, our darling girl. We are so proud of you for taking such a big step in your life, as we always tell you marriage won't be easy. There are going to be a lot of obstacles that will come your way, but as stated earlier, as long as you both have each other you will overcome them." John continued.

"Christian, thank you... Thank you for making our little girl happy in so many ways. Thank you for protecting her, for loving her, for being her safe space, and thank you for never giving up on her." John continued, nodding towards Christian.

At this Madison's emotions betrayed her as she could feel her tears slowly running down her face.

"Mads, we love you so much and no matter where you are we will always be here for you. And despite you being the eldest out of your siblings... you our darling girl will always be our little girl." John said, wrapping up the speech, "To Madison and Christian."

Making her way towards her parents she pulled them both in for hugs and kisses, thanking them for everything they have done for her. 

And after tonight was over there wouldn't be much of a wait for the 2013 royal wedding.

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