Chapter Twenty: The Morning of the Wedding

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September 13th, 2013 - The Goring Hotel

Madison was currently sound asleep, enjoying her peaceful sleep on the morning of her wedding.

Kate and Celeste had gotten up early that morning, not being able to contain their excitement they decided to go wake up Madison as well.

Madison usually wasn't a morning person so this could either go one or two ways. One, Madison would wake up a little angry at first or two, she would wake up very happy as it's the morning of her wedding.

Quietly making their way into the room, they slowly climb onto the bed making sure not to stand on the bride-to-be. After positing themselves in secure and sturdy places they began jumping up and down on the bed, exactly like the five little monkeys did.

Feeling the motion of people jumping on top of her, Madison immediately woke up and jolted to sit up. Rubbing her eyes, she was very confused about what was happening right now.

"Why." Madison groaned, she hated being woken up early. She was never a morning person, her parent's thought this would change once she started university and all... But no, even after graduating she still wasn't a morning person.

"It's your wedding day Mads! Wake up." Kate yelled out, still jumping up and down on the bed.

"I don't have to be up until 6am you crazy people." Madison groaned again, it was only 4am and Madison didn't need to be up for another two hours.

"The earlier the better, Maddie Bear." Her mother also yelled. She honestly couldn't believe she was actually jumping on the bed with Kate but all this excitement she honestly didn't mind. Her daughter was getting married today.

"Look I love you both, very very much. But If I don't have to be up for another two hours, I'm not getting up. So please either stop jumping on my bed and come lay with me or go back to your own rooms." Madison said, still sleeping.

Kate and Celeste looked at one another and decided to just get into Madison's bed and go back to sleep. They would rather have a happy Madison than a grumpy Madison.

- - -

It was now 6am, Madison, Catherine, and Celeste were now officially awake and with a happy Madison. "How are you feeling this morning?" Celeste asked her daughter.

"Better knowing that I got a full night's sleep." Madison laughed, "But in all seriousness, I feel happy, amazing, excited, honestly every feeling there is when someone gets married."

It was still rather early and her makeup and hair artists weren't arriving until 7:30am, her tiara wouldn't be arriving until 8am, her wedding dress and Kate's maid-of-honour dress wouldn't be arriving until 9am.

Time was flying by now, her makeup and hair were now done. Her tiara had arrived along with her wedding dress and Kate's maid-of-honour dress. Her mother was ready, her mother had gone to make sure that Madison's father, and two brothers were ready along with the bridesmaids and page boys.

It was now time for Madison to put her wedding dress on, with the help of Catherine she carefully manoeuvred her body into putting her dress on. Her wedding dress fit her like a glove.

Once her dress was one, she put her wedding heels on, her wedding jewellery and the final touch was her chosen tiara. The Strathmore Rose Tiara pulled the look together.

After getting Madison ready, Kate went to change into her maid-of-honour dress and she truly looked beautiful as well, despite having just given birth two months before the wedding Kate looked amazing, she looked so beautiful in her dress.

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