Chapter Nineteen: The Night Before The Wedding

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September 12th, 2013 - Clarence House

Taking a deep breath, Madison came to Clarence House to collect her packed bags before heading to the Hotel where she would be staying the night before her wedding.

It was still hard to comprehend that in less than twenty-four hours she was going to be marrying the man of her dreams; she couldn't understand how from the moment they announced their proposal that time just flew by because now she was getting married tomorrow.

"How's it going in here. Do you need any help?" Christian asked, standing in the frame of his bedroom door, watching her as she packed her bag for the night.

"No. I've got it. Do you have all your things ready?" Madison replied. Her and Catherine would be leaving soon to head to the hotel where she would meet her mother as well.

"Oh yeah. I sorted all my things out a while ago." Christian admits, making his way over to Madison.

"What? How?" Madison asked surprised, that he had already managed to prepare his stuff before her.

"Oh well, I did it while you and Kate were distracted chatting away about who knows what." Christian said. Whenever Madison and Catherine got to chatting they could chat away for a while.

"Well it was a very good chatting session." Madison replied.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Christian asked, sitting down on his bed while Madison continued to pack.

"I am. The lead up to the wedding I was really nervous and freaking out. But now that we're here, I'm more than ready." Madison admits, placing a gentle kiss on Christian's forehead.

Focusing her attention back to packing her bag she double checked that she had everything she needed for tomorrow morning, making sure to go over her checklist as well.

"Okay well I have everything packed which means it's now time for me and Kate to leave." Madison said, collecting her now packed bags.

"The next time I see you I'll be walking down the aisle." Madison said, wrapping her arms around Christian's neck.

"How crazy is that? The next time we see each other we'll be getting married." Christian replied, with a wide grin on his face.

"Here's to us. Eleven years later we're officially tying the knot." Madison said.

"Here's to us being together for the rest of our lives." Christian replied, leaning down to give Madison a gentle kiss on her lips.

Pulling away from each other, Madison recollects her bags and now makes her way to the entrance of Clarence House, meeting Catherine, William, and Harry there as well.

"Are you lovebirds ready for tomorrow?" Harry asks.

"As ready as we'll ever be Haz." Christian replies, feeling calm as can be right now.

"Well, it's time for us to leave Mads." Catherine said, with a smile on her face. She was so excited to see her best friend marry the love of her life tomorrow, she couldn't wait.

- - -

The Goring Hotel

The Goring Hotel was the chosen hotel for the night as it was close to Westminster Abbey. It was also the same hotel that Kate had stayed at the night before her wedding two years ago.

Pulling up to the hotel, Madison, Catherine and Celeste exit their car. Waiting for them at the entrance of the hotel is one of the managers and a few staff members.

Exiting the car Madison, Catherine and Celeste greeted the manager and the staff with friendly handshakes they talked for a few minutes all that could be heard throughout the street was loud cheers and screams for the royal bride and the Duchess of Cambridge.

Screams could be heard for Madison and Kate, still focusing on their conversation at first before heading into the hotel, the screams were finally heard by Madison and Kate the two friends giving friendly waves to the crowds before heading inside.

"We need to make sure you have everything before we can relax for the night." Celeste said. Madison's family were also staying at the Hotel. Her father and two younger brothers had their own suite while Celeste was going to be in the same suite as Madison and Catherine.

"Okay, so my something blue is the blue ribbon that you wore in your hair at your wedding." She told her mother and Kate. Celeste had decided to give the blue ribbon that she had placed in her hair at her own wedding to her husband.

She made sure that it was carefully wrapped so that if she ever gave birth to a daughter she could wear it in her hair at her own wedding.

"My something borrowed are granny's silver earrings that she wore to her wedding." Sadly Madison's grandmother wouldn't be here to witness her eldest granddaughter get married as she sadly passed away when Madison was eighteen years old.

But John Nolan knew that it was his mother's wish to have her earrings gifted to Madison for her own wedding day, so John made sure to live up to his mother's wishes.

"And your tiara will be delivered tomorrow morning before your hair gets done," Kate chimed in, this all brought back memories of her own wedding that took place two years ago already. Madison's tiara could also count as her something borrowed.

"I just don't have my something new," Madison informed her mother and maid-of-honour, with a shake of her head. She knew that she would forget something.

"Actually... Before we left Clarence House, Christian gave me this to give to you." Kate admits.

Pulling out Madison's surprise gift she carefully hands the beautifully wrapped box and the note that goes along with it.

Madison taking the note and box in her hands she reads the note first:

"My Dear Mads,
I heard through the grapevine that you didn't have
you're something new. And I just knew that
this was my perfect opportunity to gift you
your something. I went and got you something
that I knew you would love and cherish. I hope you like it
just as much I do. I can't wait to marry you tomorrow. I love you over the moon, under the sun, and in and out of the stars. - Yours Truly, Christian."

Getting all emotional over his note, she just knew she would get emotional over the gift. Unwrapping the gift she carefully opened the box, inside was a beautiful gold tennis necklace.

"Stop." Madison said, sounding like she was about to cry. "This is so beautiful." Madison said, admiring the gold necklace carefully.

With this new necklace she officially had, her something blue, her something borrowed, and her something new.

"I can't believe I'm getting married tomorrow." Madison said, plonking herself onto the couch next to Kate, who was eating a few snacky foods off of the charcuterie board in front of her, Madison now joining her.

"Believe it Mads, the day you've been waiting for is finally here." Kate said.

The rest of the night was spent drinking some champagne, reminiscing about their university days with William and Christian. And her mother shared some good times from her and her brother's childhoods.

The night was slowly coming to a close, with the three ladies now just winding down and preparing for tomorrow. Everybody was on a tight schedule, they could only hope that nothing would go wrong tomorrow and that everything went to plan.

Madison was slowly counting down the hours until tomorrow arrived, because she couldn't wait to marry the love of her life.

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