Chapter 3

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Later that day, as Vivian is working on a project at her desk, Marco strides out of his office and into the open office space. His eyes focus on her, his gaze steady and intense. He approaches her and leans against the edge of her desk.

Vivian turns.

Marco leans closer, towering over her, his voice low and authoritative.

“Finished with your project yet, Ms. Choi?” Marco says.

“I finished the first stack,” Vivian says.

Marco glances at the remaining stack of papers on her desk.

“But not the rest yet, I see. You still have those extra hours coming, you know. You should get a move on,” Marco says.

“Do you know how many people are coming?” Vivian says.

Marco pushes off from the edge of her desk, his arms folding across his chest.

“It's a fairly large event. I've invited a lot of potential business partners and investors. There will be well over a hundred guests if I had to guess,” Marco says.

“Oh,” Vivian says.

Marco glances at the clock on the wall, then back at her with a smirk.

“You'll have your hands full later, Ms. Choi. Better not slack off, or you'll be here all night,” Marco says.

Marta walks over.

“Sir! I finished,” Marta says.

Marco turns towards Marta, his expression remains stoic.

“Finished? Show me,” Marco says.

Marta gives Marco the papers.

Marco takes the papers, leafing through them with a critical eye. After a moment, he looks up at Marta.

“Acceptable. Good work, Marta,” Marco says.

Marta nods.

Marco turns his attention back to Vivian.

“See that, Ms. Choi? That's what efficiency looks like. Take note,” Marco says.

“Do I need to do something else?” Marta says.

Marco shakes his head.

“No, you're done for the day, Marta. You can head home,” Marco says.

As Marta starts walking away, Marta breaks her heel.

Marta falls down.

Marco raises an eyebrow, while Vivian gasps.

“You okay there, Marta?” Marco says.

Marta turns.

Marco steps closer to her, offering a hand to help her up.

“Your heel broke?” Marco says.

“Yeah?” Marta says.

Marco helps her up, glancing at the broken heel.

“Unfortunate accident. Do you have another pair of shoes to change into?” Marco says.

“No…” Marta says.

Marco glances at the clock on the wall.

“It's late. You've worked hard today. Don't trouble yourself with changing into new shoes. Just go home. I'll have someone drive you,” Marco says.

“No, I don't want someone to drive me home,” Marta says.

Marco raises an eyebrow at her response.

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