Chapter 9

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It's now evening, and the city skyline is lit up with the lights of the city. Marco stands in front of the mirror, adjusting his tie and making sure his suit is flawless. He glances at his watch, checking the time and it's almost 7:00 pm.

Meanwhile, Vivian rummages through her closet, sorting through various outfits and dresses, trying to find something suitable for the charity ball. She holds up different dresses, examining them in the mirror, but none seem to quite fit the event.

“I don't have money for another dress…” Vivian sighs in frustration as she stares at her limited wardrobe. She glances around her apartment, taking in her modest surroundings.

“If only I had more options... But I can't afford a new dress right now... I'll have to make do with what I have,” Vivian says.

Vivian finally pushes aside a few clothing items and her eyes land on a dress that's hidden away in the back of the closet. It's a beautiful gown in a deep, rich color. She pulls it out and looks at it, surprised that she forgot she even owned this dress.

“Oh my gosh… My prayers were heard,” Vivian says.

Vivian holds the dress up, inspecting it from every angle. The fabric is smooth and shimmers under the light, and the style is elegant and sophisticated.

“This looks... perfect,” Vivian whispers.

Vivian carefully slips into the dress, the fabric clinging to her figure and accentuating her curves. She looks at herself in the mirror, feeling a mixture of surprise and satisfaction at how good she looks.

Vivian gazes at her reflection, her cheeks slightly flushed. She does a small twirl in front of the mirror, watching as the fabric swishes around her body. She feels a sense of confidence and beauty that she hadn't felt in a long time.

Vivian tears her gaze away from the mirror and glances at the corner of the room. There she sees Mina, playing with her toys and seemingly enjoying herself. Vivian smiles softly, a bittersweet feeling stirring up inside her.

“Mina,” Vivian says.

Mina looks up from her toys as she hears her name being called. Her little head tilts to the side as she looks at Vivian with curiosity.

“I'll be out. But Eunchae will come over and take care of you,” Vivian says.

Mina listens to Vivian, innocently. She doesn't fully understand what her mom is saying, but she seems to catch the hint of importance in her tone. Mina then goes back to chewing on her block.

Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. Vivian looks up at the sound of the knock on the door. She glances at the clock on the wall and realizes it's almost 7:00 pm, the time when Marco said he would pick her up.

Vivian goes over to the door and opens it, expecting to see Marco, but is instead greeted by Eunchae standing on the other side.

“Oh, Eunchae, I thought you were Mr. Valentine for a second. Come in,” Vivian says.

Eunchae steps into the apartment, closing the door behind her. She looks at Vivian with a knowing smile.

“You look beautiful. Going somewhere exciting?” Eunchae says.

“A charity ball that's all,” Vivian says.

Eunchae nods, her eyes scanning over Vivian's outfit.

“You definitely dressed to impress. Your date is lucky to have you accompany them tonight,” Eunchae says.

Vivian smiles.

“Thank you, Eunchae,” Vivian says.

Mina walks out of the bedroom still chewing on the block. Mina waddles over, her small steps wobbly but determined. She looks up at Eunchae and offers her a drool-covered block, a cheerful expression on her face.

“Mina, be good for Eunchae, okay? I don't wanna hear any problems,” Vivian says.

Vivian turns to Eunchae.

“Call me if there are any problems,” Vivian says as she gives Eunchae $20.

“Here's your payment,” Vivian continued.

Eunchae takes the money from Vivian, stuffing it into her pocket.

“Got it. I'll watch over her well. You go and have a good time,” Eunchae says.

Vivian then returns to the bedroom and sits down at the vanity. She applies some makeup, enhancing her features and giving herself a radiant glow. She carefully applies some eyeshadow, emphasizing her eyes and making them appear even more captivating.

A few minutes later, the clock strikes 7:00 pm and Vivian takes one last look in the mirror, satisfied with her makeup. Just as she finishes, there's a knock on the door. She knows it's Marco, right on time.

Vivian walks out of the bedroom and heads towards the front door. She takes a deep breath, her heart already starting to race with anticipation. She reaches for the handle and opens the door, revealing Marco on the other side.

Eunchae and Mina stop playing and turn.

Marco stands there, his gaze immediately falling on Vivian. He takes in her appearance, his eyes scanning over her dress and the way her hair falls around her face. He takes a moment, completely stunned by her beauty.

“You look... absolutely stunning,” Marco says.

“Thank you,” Vivian says.

Marco steps closer, unable to take his eyes off her. He reaches out, gently taking her hand and lifting it to his lips. He presses a soft kiss on the back of her hand, his touch lingering for a moment.

“Ready, gorgeous?” Marco says.

“Yes,” Vivian says.

Marco smiles, his eyes never leaving hers. He gently wraps his free hand around her waist, drawing her closer to him.

“Let's go then,” Marco says.

“H-have a good night Vivian!” Eunchae says.

Vivian looks over at Eunchae and smiles, nodding in acknowledgment.

“Thank you, Eunchae. Take care of Mina,” Vivian says.

“I'll be back my little pumpkin,” Vivian says.

Mina looks up at Vivian, curious and innocent. She chews on her block as if she understands what's happening. She lets out a small "bye," sound, although it's barely audible.

“Come on Mina. Look at this sheep!” Eunchae says.

Eunchae takes out a toy sheep and waves it in front of Mina, distracting her attention. Mina's eyes widen, and she drops the block, completely captivated by the toy sheep.

Mina reaches out and grabs the sheep toy, her little hands gripping it tightly. Her eyes sparkle with excitement as she examines the toy, completely mesmerized by it.

Meanwhile, Marco and Vivian step outside, the door closing behind them. The night air is cool, and a light breeze blows as they make their way towards the waiting limousine.

 The night air is cool, and a light breeze blows as they make their way towards the waiting limousine

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