Chapter 13

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⚠️This chapter contains mature content, readers are advised!⚠️

The next day, Vivian ends up on the couch, but then she wakes up to Mina crying.

Vivian jolts awake at the sound of her daughter's cries. She sits up on the couch, her hair messy and her eyes still a little blurry with sleep. The memories of the previous night are quickly overshadowed by the need to comfort her child.

Vivian stands up from the couch, a little disoriented, her body stiff from sleeping in an awkward position. She quickly makes her way to the bedroom, her heart already starting to pound at the sound of Mina's cries growing louder.

"I'm here!" Vivian says.

Vivian steps into the bedroom just as Mina lets out another wail, her tiny face scrunched up in distress. She quickly crosses the room and bends down, scooping up the crying toddler into her arms.

Vivian kisses Mina's head.

"My poor baby," Vivian says.

Mina clings to Vivian, her small hands fisting in the fabric of her shirt as her cries gradually subside into hiccups and tears. Vivian holds her tight, rocking her gently as she attempts to soothe her.

"Shh..." Vivian says.

With soothing words and gentle rocking, Vivian manages to calm Mina down. The crying slowly fades into soft whimpers and the occasional sniffle. She runs her hand over Mina's hair, her touch gentle and loving.

"What's wrong?" Vivian says.

Mina doesn't answer, her small body still shaking with the aftermath of her tears. She buries her face into Vivian's shoulder, seeking comfort in her mother's embrace.

"I know you can't talk much, but try to signal me," Vivian says.

Mina lifts her head from Vivian's shoulder, her tear-streaked eyes looking up at her mother. She makes a small motion with her hands, pointing towards her stomach.

"Oh, your tummy hurts?" Vivian says.

Mina's eyes welled up with tears again and she nodded slowly.

"We'll make you feel better, okay?" Vivian says.

A small whimper escaping from Mina's lips. Vivian rubs her back in gentle circles, trying to soothe the pain in her daughter's stomach however she can.

Vivian then lays Mina on the bed. Mina lays back on the bed, her small frame looking even tinier against the big bed. She whimpers softly as Vivian gently massages her stomach, hoping the soothing touch will help to ease the pain.

"I'll not go to work today, alright?" Vivian says.

While Vivian says that, Mina clutches at Vivian's shirt, her small fingers twisting the fabric as if trying to hold on to her for comfort.

"I'll call my boss," Vivian says.

Vivian gently pries Mina's grip from her shirt, standing up to grab her phone. As she dials Marco's number, she glances back at Mina, who's still lying on the bed, looking so small and vulnerable.

Vivian hears someone pick up.

"Hello?" Vivian says.

Marco's deep voice comes through the speaker, the sound of it making Vivian's heart skip a beat.

"Vivian? Is that you?" Marco says.

"Yeah..." Vivian says.

"Why aren't you at work? I have been waiting for the past few minutes! You're late!" Marco says.

"I'm sorry, Sir..." Vivian says.

Marco's tone is stern, a hint of annoyance in his voice. He's clearly not pleased with Vivian's tardiness.

"Why aren't you here yet? And don't say you overslept!" Marco says.

"No, it's not that!" Vivian says.

There's a silence on the other end, and Vivian can almost picture Marco's eyebrow raising in skepticism.

"Then what is it?" Marco says.

"My daughter is sick," Vivian says.

"Really?" Marco says.

"Yeah," Vivian says.

"Well... Get your ass over here now!" Marco says.

Vivian bristles at his tone, a flare of anger and frustration rising in her chest. She bites back the scathing reply that's on the tip of her tongue, knowing it's better to keep her cool with her boss.

"Excuse me, Sir? My daughter is sick. I have to look after her," Vivian says.

She tries to keep her voice steady and professional, but there's no doubting the hint of defiance in her words.

"Get your little ass over here, now..." Marco says in a more serious voice, almost imitating.

Vivian's heart thumps a little faster at the tone of Marco's voice. She's still annoyed and frustrated, but there's something about that hint of authority in his voice that sends a shiver down her spine.

"Sir... I can't-" Vivian says.

"I wasn't asking, Vivian. Get your ass over here now," Marco's tone leaves no room for argument, and Vivian can do nothing but swallow her pride and obey.

"O-Okay..." Vivian says as she can't help the slight tremble in her voice, her frustration giving way to resignation.

"Good. I expect to see you in the office in the next twenty minutes," Marco says.

And with that, he hangs up the phone.

Marco looks around and then he feels a bulge.

"Fuck..." Marco says.

Marco sits down at his desk, his face hardening as he looks down and notices the prominent bulge in his pants.

"Ah Vivian..." Marco says.

Marco leans back in his chair, his hand absentmindedly running over the bulge in his pants.

"I need you now..." Marco says to himself.

Marco's hand drifts to his belt, his fingers slowly undoing the buckle.

"Vivian..." Marco whispers her name, as if calling her to him. His belt buckle slides free, the clink of the metal echoing loudly in the quiet room.

Marco grabs his cock and cum squirts out everywhere.

Marco lets out a soft moan, his mind flooding with lustful thoughts of what he wants to do with Vivian when she gets here.

"You'd better hurry, little one..." Marco says in a deep voice.

" Marco says in a deep voice

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