Chapter 8

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A few weeks later, Vivian is working, typing on her computer.

The office is relatively quiet, only the sound of the keyboards and shuffling of papers filling the room. Vivian types away on her computer, her fingers gliding over the keys with practiced ease.

Vivian leans back in her chair, letting out a soft sigh. She glances around the office, her gaze wandering across the desks and cubicles. The silence in the office is broken by the sound of footsteps approaching.

Vivian's stomach rumbles, a loud growl breaking the silence. She blushes slightly, feeling embarrassed by the interruption. However, before she can do anything, someone taps her shoulder.

Vivian then looks to her side and sees Marco standing there, a smirk on his face. He had been the one to tap her shoulder.

"I heard you're hungry, here," Marco says.

Marco gives Vivian an apple.

"Oh... Thank you," Vivian says.

But then, Ethan walks by, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips twisted into a scowl as he passes by. His eyes meet Vivian's, and for a brief moment they hold each other's gaze. The look in Ethan's eyes is cold and resentful.

Vivian drops her gaze, feeling a pang of guilt and a twinge of sadness. She can tell that Ethan is upset with her, but she doesn't know how to fix things. Vivian quickly looks back at Marco and smiles.

"I appreciate the apple," Vivian says.

"No problem. Can't have you working on an empty stomach, can we?" Marco says.

Vivian takes a bite of the apple. Meanwhile, Marco watches as Vivian takes a bite of the apple, a small smile on his face. He leans back against her desk, watching her as she eats.

Marco notices some juice dripping from Vivian's chin.

"You got a little something there," Marco says.

He reaches out and gently wipes the juice off her chin with his thumb.

Vivian looks at Marco. Marco holds Vivian's gaze, his fingers lingering on her chin for a moment longer than necessary. His expression is unreadable, but there's a hint of something in his eyes that Vivian can't quite place.

Marco's thumb brushes across the soft skin of Vivian's lips. The sensation is subtle yet intentional, his touch lingering for a moment longer than necessary. There's a tension in the air, an unspoken connection between them.

Vivian blushes and moves her head away, breaking the intimate moment. She averts her gaze, feeling a mixture of confusion and excitement. Marco takes his hand back, his expression unchanged.

"So, do you have anything planned for the weekend?" Vivian says.

Marco shifts his weight against the desk, crossing his arms as he thinks for a moment.

"Nothing too exciting. I'll probably just be catching up on some work and relaxing. What about you? Got any plans?" Marco says.

"You still work?" Vivian says.

"You know me. I don't take days off. I'm always working, even on weekends," Marco says.

"You should rest at some point," Vivian says.

Marco chuckles slightly.

"I know I should, but there's always something that needs to be done. I've been told I'm a workaholic, and I don't deny it," Marco says.

"Oh gosh," Vivian says.

Marco lets out a small laugh, his expression softening slightly.

"I know, it's not the healthiest habit, but it's just how I've always been. I like to stay busy and productive," Marco says.

"Wait, hold on, is your father Emiliano Valentine?" Vivian says.

Marco's demeanor changes instantly, his expression hardening and his demeanor becoming guarded. His eyes harden and a small flash of anger crosses his face.

"How do you know that?" Marco says.

"I'm just saying, it's weird that he disappeared years ago," Vivian says.

Marco's eyes narrow and his jaw clenches. There's a hint of defensiveness in his voice.

"What are you implying?" Marco says.

"He was a good man," Vivian says.

"Yeah, he was," Marco mumbles.

Marco's gaze drifts down to his hands, and for a brief moment, he sees a fleeting image of blood on his palms. He blinks, and the vision is gone as quickly as it appeared. He clenches his hands into fists, trying to shake off the unsettling imagery.

"The charity ball is tonight," Marco says.

"Tonight? I didn't even check my calendar today," Vivian says.

Marco nods, his expression serious.

"Yes, tonight. The annual Valentine Foundation charity event is tonight. It's a big fundraiser, lots of high-profile guests and donors attend," Marco says.

"Is that why you made me do those piles of paperwork?" Vivian says.

"Part of it, yes. I wanted to make sure everything was taken care of before the event tonight. But it's also a test," Marco says.

He looks at her pointedly, his gaze never wavering.

"But also, I need someone to accommodate me. Like a date..." Marco says.

"Who's the woman?" Vivian says.

"There's no woman. I'm asking you to be my date," Marco says.

"Me?!" Vivian says surprised.

Marco nods, his gaze steady and firm.

"Yes, you. I need a date for the charity ball, and I want you to be my companion," Marco says.

Vivian sighs.

"I guess. Only for tonight!" Vivian says.

Marco smiles, a subtle hint of satisfaction in his expression.

"Only for tonight. I promise," Marco says.

He reaches out and lightly touches her chin with his index finger, tilting her head up to look at him.

Marco holds her gaze for a moment, his hand still resting under her chin. There's a flicker of intensity in his eyes, a hint of something more than just a business partnership. But he keeps his expression cool and collected.

"Wear something nice. I'll pick you up at seven," Marco says.

"Okay..." Vivian says.

Marco smiles, his fingers lingering on her chin for a moment longer before he withdraws his hand.

"Good. I'll see you tonight then. And remember, dress to impress," Marco says.

There is a brief pause. And then, Marco looks at the apple that he gave Vivian earlier.

"Hm, I think you satisfied your hunger enough. Now give me my apple back," Marco says.

Marco takes the apple from Vivian's hand, his fingers brushing against her own in the exchange.

"Uh-" Vivian says.

He takes a bite as he winks at her, a small grin on his face. He then turns and starts walking away, leaving Vivian standing there with a mixture of surprise and anticipation.

 He then turns and starts walking away, leaving Vivian standing there with a mixture of surprise and anticipation

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