Chapter 25

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Marco arrives. As he drives up, he spots her sitting outside, looking small and weary. He parks the car and steps out, his eyes locked on Vivian. He approaches her quickly, his expression filled with an air of determination and protectiveness.

Vivian lifts her head up.

Marco reaches Vivian's side, his eyes taking in her disheveled appearance. Concern and love fill his gaze as he gently crouches down next to her.

“Vivy, I'm here. Are you okay?” Marco says.

“No…” Vivian says.

Marco's heart aches as he hears Vivian's response. Her voice is laced with sorrow and despair. He reaches out and gently brushes a strand of hair from her face, his touch tender and soothing.

“Come here. Let me hold you,” Marco says.

Vivian puts her head on Marco's chest. Marco gently wraps his arms around Vivian, pulling her closer against his chest. He holds her tenderly, his touch grounding and reassuring. He sighs softly, feeling the weight of her struggles in the way she melts into his embrace. He kisses the top of her head, his lips lingering for a moment before he speaks gently.

“Vivy. What happened?” Marco says.

“I got kicked out of the hospital…” Vivian says.

Marco's brow furrows as he listens to Vivian's words. He holds her tighter, his mind racing with questions. He stays quiet for a moment before speaking gently.

“Why? What happened that led to them kicking you out?” Marco says.

“I just wanted to stay with my daughter more…” Vivian says.

Marco continues to hold Vivian close, his heart aching at her words. He understands her desire to be with Mina, but he also knows there must be more to the story.

“I understand your need to be with Mina, but they can't just kick you out without a valid reason. There must be more to it. Tell me everything that happened, from the beginning,” Marco says.

“It's not fair!” Vivian says.

Marco nods, understanding her sense of injustice.

“I know, Vivy. It's not fair. But right now, we need to focus on what we can do about the situation,” Marco says as he gently tilts her head up to look at him, his gaze steady and compassionate.

“Please, Vivy. Tell me what happened. I can't help you unless I understand the whole story,” Marco continued.

“I was kicked out because I refused to leave,” Vivian says.

Marco frowns, trying to understand the situation better.

“I see. So, you refused to leave the hospital and they responded by kicking you out? Did they give you any specific reason for asking you to leave? Was it related to your behavior or something else?” Marco says.

“No, it's because I stayed for too long,” Vivian says.

Marco nods, beginning to grasp the situation better. He squeezes her shoulder slightly, offering his silent support as he tries to piece everything together.

“I just lost the house because I didn't pay for over two months or so,” Vivian says.

Marco absorbs this new information, alarm and concern etched on his face. His grip on Vivian tightens slightly, his protective instincts kicking in.

“Two months, Vivy? Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped you,” Marco says.

“I was so focused on looking after my daughter, I didn't realize I had other important things to do,” Vivian says.

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