Chapter 2

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The next day, Vivian is working intently at her desk in a spacious office. She looks up as Marco strides in, a stack of papers in his hand.

“What's that?” Vivian says.

Marco drops the stack of papers on her desk.

“The details for our first event next week. I'll need you to go over the preparations and confirm the guest list,” Marco says.

He leans against the edge of her desk, his gaze lingering on her.

“Oh…” Vivian says.

Marco folds his arms, his eyes never leaving her. There's a slight hint of smugness in his tone.

“Don't look so overwhelmed, Ms. Choi. I'm sure you can handle it,” Marco says.

He taps his index finger against the pile of papers.

Marco walks away.

As he walks away, he glances over his shoulder, shooting a quick smirk in her direction before disappearing into his office.

Then Jessica, a confident woman saunters over to Vivian's desk, a friendly smile on her face.

“Hi,” Vivian says.

Jessica leans against the edge of Vivian's desk, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

“Hey, I couldn't help but notice you're Marco's new personal assistant, huh?” Jessica says.

“Yeah, I am, I just started working today,” Vivian says.

“That's cool. Just be careful, alright?” Jessica's tone morphs into a hushed whisper, as if she's sharing a secret.

“Why?” Vivian says.

Jessica glances around quickly to make sure no one is listening, then leans in closer.

“You know, Marco's got quite the reputation around here. Some not-so-great things that have happened with his former assistants…” Jessica says.

“What do you mean?” Vivian says.

Jessica looks around again, lowers her voice even more.

“Some assistants just... never seem to stay for very long. They say he works them too hard, has weird expectations. Plus, there's some rumors…” Jessica says.

“And what are the rumors?” Vivian says.

Jessica leans in even closer, her voice barely above a whisper now.

“Rumors about... other things. Like he treats some of the women assistants differently, you know? Like it's not just about work for him,” Jessica says.

“Huh?” Vivian says.

Jessica leans back again, her expression serious.

“Just... watch your back. You're new here and you seem nice. I don't want you to get sucked into his games,” Jessica says.

She pats Vivian's shoulder, her tone turning slightly playful again.

Vivian looks at Jessica.

Jessica gives her a reassuring smile before turning to leave.

“Don't worry. I'm sure you'll be just fine. Just keep your eyes open, okay?” Jessica says.

“Thanks for telling me… Uh…” Vivian trails off.

Vivian looks at Jessica's lanyard.

“Jessica,” Vivian says.

Jessica glances down at her lanyard, noticing Vivian's gaze.

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