Chapter 20

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⚠️This chapter contains mature content, readers are advised!⚠️

Marco enters the bar, his expression calm and casual, as if he doesn't have a care in the world. His eyes scan the room, taking stock of the patrons and the general atmosphere. He adjusts his suit as he walks in calmly and approaches the bar, taking a seat on one of the barstools.

Marco sees Layla working behind the bar, serving customers and chatting with them with a polite smile. She looks busy with her duties and hasn't even noticed Marco's presence. He clears his throat to get her attention.

Layla turns.

“Yes, brother?” Layla says.

Marco leans forward on the bar counter, his expression serious, not wanting to waste any time on small talk.

“Have you seen Vivian?” Marco says.

“Yes, why?” Layla says.

Marco's brows furrow in concern, his eyes holding Layla's gaze.

“Where is she?” Marco says.

“She's talking to Luca,” Layla says.

Marco's expression grows even more concerned upon hearing Layla's words. He rises from his seat, his voice taking on a grave tone, and his expression hardening.

“Take me to them,” Marco says.

“I can't,” Layla says.

Marco's expression grows colder, more impatient and more frustrated.

“What do you mean you can't?” Marco says.

“I just can't,” Layla says.

“I don't care,” Marco says.

Marco tries to pass Layla. But Layla, anticipating his movement, steps in front of him, blocking his path and refusing to let him pass.

“I said no,” Layla says.

Marco glares at Layla, his eyes cold, his expression firm and adamant. 

“Move,” Marco says.

“No, you can't pass here without permission,” Layla says.

Marco's patience is quickly running out. He is getting visibly frustrated with Layla's refusal to let him pass.

“Let me through or I will force my way past you,” Marco says.

“Still no,” Layla says.

Marco's expression darkens, his voice taking on a low, threatening tone as he takes a step closer, closing the distance between them. 

“This is your last warning, Layla. Get out of my way,” Marco says.

“No,” Layla says.

Marco's eyes narrow, his expression hardening, his fists unconsciously clenching in barely-controlled frustration and anger.

“Do you want me to force you out of the way?” Marco says.

“Do you want me to call security?” Layla says.

Marco scoffed in response, almost amused by Layla's empty threat.

“Call security, they won't be able to do anything to me,” Marco says.

Marco pushes Layla out of the way. Layla stumbled backward, taken off guard by the unexpected force of his push. Her cheeks flush with embarrassment and frustration as she tries to maintain her balance and composure. She watches, annoyed, as Marco passes her without a second look. She considers calling after him, but decides to hold her tongue, aware that arguing with Marco is like arguing with a wall.

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