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"Careful there." Travis murmured against my lips. "We're technically in a hospital."

"Right." I went beet red, dropping back down onto my heels, but he chuckled at me and pressed his lips to my temple. I shivered at the touch, suddenly craving more. "So who's house is this?" I whispered.

"Technically mine, but I don't live here." Travis told me. "It's just a base for the hospital, and the ground floor are proper bedrooms for people once they don't need to stay up here, before they move out."

"So where do you live?"

"Kitten, if you want to see my house, I'll take you there after dinner." Travis' voice lowered slightly. "But if you walk through my front door, you will be staying the night. Understood?"

"Yes." I breathed. "I'll pack a toothbrush then."

"Good girl." Travis squeezed my hand. "Come on. I'll take you out for breakfast since I know you haven't eaten, and then I'll take you home so you can rest for the day."

Blushing, I nodded and let Travis lead me back down the stairs. He seemed to put so much effort into holding my hand and not letting it go, which really gave me confidence that I was making the right choice. Travis wasn't just in this to fuck me, though I certainly wanted him to. He was sweet, caring, and hot as hell.

He took me to a nearby cafe and insisted I order enough food to be considered a good breakfast, which I paused at, but Travis did the same, which made me feel more comfortable. I didn't like being the only one eating, and he seemed to understand that without me having to say anything. We talked quietly as we waited, and it was incredible. There was so much to Travis. He was so gentle and soft, but I knew he had a side that was completely opposite. I felt special being able to see this side of him.

"Have you eaten enough kitten?" Travis asked before we got up to leave. 

"Yes." I whispered. "Are you sure I can't..."

"I've already paid." Travis cut me off gently. "Kitten if you're mine, you need to get used to this. You do not pay, and you are going to get used to being given things and taken out to go shopping. That is how I treat my girl."

Fucking hell, was he trying to turn me on? I didn't like people spending lots of money on me, but Travis said it in such a way that told me there was no arguing. He seemed to want to spoil me, and that flushed my cheeks. And he'd called me his girl. I was his girl. I was a mafia's leader's girl. God what would my parents say?

As soon as Travis pulled out of the carpark to take me home, his hand reached over and rested on my upper thigh, stroking his thumb gently. I shivered, peeking over at him. Was I getting my period soon, or was Travis just the most godly man in the universe? Probably both.

He walked me to the door when we got back to my apartment, and when we stopped, Travis turned me around to face him. His hands rose to cup my face, pulling me into a slow, soft kiss that soon heated up. I slipped my hands around his waist, lifting my chin upwards for more. God, Travis kissed so damn good. He worked wonders with his mouth.

"Do you..." I sucked in a breath. "Do you want to come inside?"

"Of course I do." Travis murmured, kissing just my bottom lip as I fumbled for the keys, unlocking the door. We moved inside and Travis closed the door as we kicked off our shoes, and still kissing him, I led him further into the living room. I couldn't stop. "Fuck kitten." Travis sighed as I wrapped my arms around his neck, trying to keep his mouth against mine. "You are so beautiful." He whispered. "You have no idea."

My legs bumped against the couch and then Travis was lowering me down onto my back. I pulled him on top of me, moaning quietly at the feeling of his body against mine as he braced one hand next to my head. He ran the other down my side, my leg, hooking his fingers behind my knee and pulling it up sharply. I gasped, heat cascading down over me as Travis' tongue stroked against mine. 

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