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"She hates me doesn't she?" I asked when Taylor slipped into her room.

"No." She shook her head, automatically moving into my arms and lifting hers around my neck. "No." She sighed, looking up at me. "Mom's just very protective and she looks out for me. But I explained that I really like you, and that you treat me so damn well." Lifting up on her toes, Taylor pressed a sweet kiss to my cheek. "She's fine. Just protective."

I nodded. I was glad for that. I was glad that Taylor had someone in her life that could remind her to see the sense in some things, make her think about if she was making the right choice. I hoped that if I ever fucked around and hurt Taylor, she'd either leave me or someone would tell her to. Now I was confident that someone would. Well, I knew Selena would probably try and kill me if I ever hurt Taylor, but Taylor's mom would be another good person to make Taylor see sense.

"Okay." Taylor sighed, dropping down onto her feet. "Here, you should have this back." She grabbed the hem of my shirt she wore, tugging it off and handing it to me. My eyes dipped down to her bare chest, and I couldn't help but linger there for a moment. Taylor giggled. "God, you are such a guy." She sighed.

"Uh huh." I nodded, my eyes still trained on her perfectly sculpted breasts. She was carved by fucking angels or something. She had to me.

"Hey!" Taylor smacked my arm, and I looked up at her. "Eyes up here baby." She winked. "Didn't you get a good enough feel last night?"

"If I said no would you fix that for me?" I joked. Taylor burst out laughing, taking both of my wrists and pulling me forwards, guiding my hands until I cupped my breasts in her palms. 

"Better?" She asked.

"Fuck yeah." I murmured, pushing her back up against her door and kissing her, hard as I palmed her breasts. Taylor kissed me eagerly as I teased her stiff nipples, probably hurting her a little, but she didn't complain in the slightest. 

"Okay, okay." She mumbled a few moments later. "My mom is down the hall, we can't be doing this." I pulled back with a sigh, and Taylor smiled at me. "Am I taking you home?" She asked. "Where's your car?"

"That's okay kitten." I kissed her forehead. "I'll get an uber. You should stay and have some time with your mom." Taylor nodded. "And hey, why don't I take you behind those doors tonight?" I offered. "Unless you want to..."

"No." She cut me off. "I want to go. Seven?"

"Seven." I agreed, kissing her once more.

We moved to get properly dressed, and I ordered an uber. It arrived five minutes later and I kissed Taylor goodbye at the door, promising to be back to pick her up at seven. The uber took me to the bar where I'd left my car, and then I drove myself home. 

I threw my clothes in the laundry and had a long shower, not wanting to wash the traces of Taylor from my body but knowing I had to focus today. If I had the smell of her sweet skin clinging to me, I wouldn't be able to do anything useful. And as much as I wanted to, I couldn't spend all day every day either with her or thinking about her. God, I couldn't believe how much things had changed for me. One day I'd needed no one but myself, running two businesses, going about life, and now I was completely wrapped around the fingers of a my little kitten. She had my heart whether she knew it or not, but I was pretty sure she did. 

Once I got out of the shower, I dressed and checked my phone. I had a meeting with the leader of a drug gang soon, and I knew I had to take this carefully. We had no bad blood, and I just wanted to talk about if I could make it worth their while to stop selling in a few areas I wanted clean. A few of the girls and boys we'd brought into the hospital a few days ago had pretty brutal pasts and they wanted to stay in their homes, but that area was looked over by the dealer I was meeting with. Hopefully I could work out a deal for them to back off those few streets since those girls just needed to live away from all the shit they'd gone through. 

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