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As if his gentlemanly actions already hadn't been enough, as soon as we were shown to a table Travis pulled out a chair for me. I blushed for probably the tenth time since getting into his car, ducking my head slightly as I sat down. Travis took a seat across from me, and I lifted my gaze to meet his. He was studying me.

"Is there something wrong?" I whispered. Travis shook his head.

"No kitten, of course not." He reached across the intimate table, taking one of my curls between two fingers and stroking gently. "I just keep wondering why a girl like you would be sitting here with a guy like me."

A guy like him? Handsome, protective, considerate, sweet, caring, and so many other things that I'd take forever to name them all. A mafia boss, sure. A murderer, sure. But my morals were fucked and I could see sense in what he did since he saved so many people. It didn't bother me the way it should.

"I'll tell you why." I said. "It's because a girl like me met a guy like you, and he caught her attention. He put her safety before what he wanted, he protects her, and he treats her like no one has ever treated her before." Lifting my hand, I took Travis' hand away from my hair and weaved our fingers together. "And he wants me before he wants my body." I whispered.

"Kitten that is the bare fucking minimum." Travis told me. "And I'm going to tell you now, to make sure you know, that I am not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do. But you need to tell me. If you don't want to come home with me tonight, just tell me."

"I will." I promised, a little awed, but also knowing that he was right. This was the bare minimum. I deserved to be treated like this.

"Good girl." Travis brought our entwined hands to his lips and kissed my knuckles softly. 

"I do want to come home with you tonight though." I tacked on, a little embarrassed, but it was the truth. "I really, really do."

"Good." His eyes sparkled a little, and I smiled back.

Dinner was absolutely perfect. Travis and I had a drink, talked for a while, talked as we ate, talked long after our plates had been cleared. He paid and tipped a hell of a lot, making the server blush and thank him profusely. And I couldn't remember a night I'd had a better time.

Travis told me all about his family, where he grew up, how he got into the mafia, what he did, every little detail I could possibly want to know. And I told him everything about me too. It blew my mind just how interested he was, but the way he looked at me was with nothing short of adoring, lustful obsession. I could just tell that Travis wanted me. He couldn't stop touching my body, my hair, my cheek, my hands. The anticipation kept building and building.

"Have you eaten enough kitten?" Travis asked as we got up from the table.

"Yes." I nodded, one of my hands automatically moving to cover my stomach. I had eaten enough, and my stomach had filled out a little bit more. But Travis reached over, taking my hand away from where I was covering myself.

"Let's make one thing crystal clear kitten." He murmured as he led me towards the door. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known. Bodies change when you eat food, and yours is no exception. If I ever see you putting yourself down even a little like you just did." He squeezed my hand. "We're going to have to talk about it. You can't sacrifice your health for your appearance. You're beautiful."

I was speechless, staring over at him. If he hadn't been holding my hand, I'd probably have walked into something. I almost wanted to fling myself into his arms and cry, because I could hear the sincerity in his voice. He really didn't care if my stomach was a little bigger because I'd eaten. But of course he didn't. Travis wanted me for me, not my body. He'd made that very clear. But God, right now all I wanted was for him to take my body and claim it.

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