Distractions on the Road

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Alexander's pov

The car glided smoothly through the traffic, the rhythmic hum of the engine providing a steady backdrop to the tense atmosphere inside. I tried to focus on the emails piling up on my phone, the constant barrage of updates and notifications that demanded my attention. But it was a losing battle.

Every time I glanced up, my gaze was inevitably drawn to Nova. The way the dress clung to her curves, the way the fabric shifted with every movement-it was impossible to ignore. I could feel a tightening in my chest, a growing awareness that I had to push aside.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, trying to focus on the messages on my screen. I read and reread the same email, but my concentration was slipping. Each time I looked up, Nova's outfit seemed to taunt me. The plunging neckline, the way her dress rode up with every subtle shift in the seat-it was all too distracting.

Against my better judgment, I stole another glance. The sight of her, relaxed and nonchalant in that dress, was like a jolt to my system. I could feel an unwelcome heat rising in my body, an arousal that I couldn't afford to acknowledge, let alone act on. It was maddening how such a simple thing could disrupt my focus so completely.

I turned my head quickly, trying to refocus on the screen in front of me. The emails were just noise now, background static to the real issue at hand. This was supposed to be a business trip, a time to focus on critical issues and negotiations. Yet here I was, struggling to maintain control, my thoughts wandering to something that had no place in our professional setting.

Nova shifted slightly in her seat, the movement drawing my attention despite my best efforts. I could see the faintest hint of a smile playing on her lips, as if she knew exactly what she was doing to me. It was infuriatingly effective, and I had to force myself to look away once more.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. The car's interior felt suddenly too small, the space too intimate. I ran a hand over my face, trying to clear my mind. This was unacceptable. I couldn't let her-or anything else-distract me from the mission at hand.

"Are we almost there?" I asked, trying to sound as composed as possible. My voice came out rougher than intended, a reflection of the frustration simmering just beneath the surface.

"Approximately twenty minutes," the driver responded, his eyes focused on the road.

I nodded, turning my attention back to my phone, determined to push through the distraction. The emails, the reports-they were my focus now. I had to stay sharp, stay in control. But even as I tried to immerse myself in the work, a part of me was acutely aware of Nova's presence, of the way her outfit made her look so effortlessly alluring.

This trip was already proving to be more complicated than anticipated. Not just because of the business at hand, but because of the constant, unexpected challenges Nova seemed to present. I had to navigate not just the professional obstacles but also my own responses, a task that was proving to be as difficult as any negotiation.

As the car continued its journey through the city, I forced myself to concentrate, to keep my mind focused on the tasks ahead. The airport was getting closer, and soon we'd be on our way. But until then, I had to manage the growing disquiet within me, to ensure that whatever happened next, I would remain in control.

Nova's pov

The private jet was everything you'd expect from Alexander's world: sleek, modern, and impossibly luxurious. As I stepped on board, I couldn't help but appreciate the contrast between the understated elegance of the plane and the tension that had marked the beginning of this trip. I moved smoothly down the aisle, my heels clicking against the polished floor, every step deliberate and measured.

Alexander followed closely behind, his expression as inscrutable as ever. I could sense his irritation simmering just beneath the surface, and it only fueled my own amusement. If he wanted to play this game, I'd play along.

I made my way to a plush seat by the window, which was strategically positioned for both comfort and a view. As I sat down, I took in the surroundings-everything was pristine and designed with an eye for detail. The leather was soft, the upholstery immaculate. The jet itself was a testament to Alexander's success, and I couldn't help but think how this luxury was just another facet of his desire for control.

Before I could fully settle in, a stewardess appeared with a tray of champagne flutes. Her smile was as polished as the rest of the jet, and she extended a glass toward me. "Champagne, Miss?"

I took the glass with a practiced grace, giving her a polite smile. "Thank you."

She moved on, leaving Alexander and me alone. I brought the glass to my lips, savoring the crisp, cool taste of the champagne. The bubbles tickled my tongue, and as I took a sip, a drop of the sparkling liquid slipped from my lips and trickled down the curve of my chest. I could feel it slowly making its way down, and for a brief moment, I let the sensation linger before casually licking it off with my finger.

I glanced at Alexander from the corner of my eye. His gaze was fixed on the window, but I could see the subtle shift in his posture, the way his jaw tightened. It was a reaction I'd anticipated, and it only made me smile more.

"Care to join me for a drink, Mr. Blackwood?" I called out, my tone deliberately light and teasing.

He looked up, meeting my gaze with an expression that was a mix of annoyance and reluctant amusement. "I think I'll pass. I have some work to catch up on."

"Suit yourself," I said, taking another sip. "But don't blame me if you're not in the mood to celebrate by the time we land."

He settled into the seat opposite me, pulling out a tablet and beginning to scroll through documents. Despite his attempt to appear engrossed in his work, I could sense his awareness of me, of the way I was deliberately flaunting my presence.

I leaned back in my seat, crossing one leg over the other and letting the dress fall in just the right way. Alexander's attempts to maintain his focus on work were admirable, but not entirely successful. His eyes flickered toward me more than once, though he tried to mask it with the pretense of business.

The jet began its ascent, and the gentle hum of the engines was accompanied by the occasional clink of glassware from the stewardess attending to other passengers. I let myself relax into the seat, enjoying the luxury of it all. This was one aspect of Alexander's world that I could appreciate-if only because it allowed me to indulge in the finer things while simultaneously challenging him.

I took another sip of champagne, savoring the moment. The trip was just beginning, and I had no intention of making it easy for him. If he thought he could control everything, including how I presented myself, he had another thing coming. For now, I would enjoy the flight and the game we were playing, all while making sure to keep my own brand of chaos in check.

As the jet cruised smoothly through the sky, I let out a soft, satisfied sigh. The air was filled with the subtle scent of luxury and the promise of new challenges. Alexander might have been the CEO, but I was here to remind him that I was far more than just his secretary. And as far as I was concerned, this was just the beginning.

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