The drive

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Alexander's pov

As the week progressed, it became clear that pregnancy was not just a physical journey for Nova but an emotional rollercoaster as well. The mood swings and cravings were becoming a regular part of our daily routine. The rest of the company remained oblivious to the fact that Nova was pregnant, and naturally, we kept the details to ourselves. She had moved into my penthouse, and it was becoming our shared space, with her belongings increasingly taking over parts of the apartment.

I'd made it official; Nova was my girlfriend, and she knew it. It had always been that way, but now it was more formal. I'd also arranged for a professional to set up a nursery in the penthouse. The bedroom was gradually turning into a blend of both our lives, as though we were a married couple, which I found myself growing to like more and more.

To accommodate her needs and ensure I could be there for her, I had started working from home, handling meetings and projects through video calls. It allowed me to keep a close eye on her and ensure she was comfortable and well cared for.

One afternoon, as I was deeply engrossed in a video call, I heard a loud, demanding shout from the bedroom. "ALEXANDER GET YOUR ASS HERE!"

I blinked, startled by the urgency in her voice. I quickly ended the call and went to the bedroom, bracing myself. "Yes, Nova?" I asked, entering the room cautiously.

She looked at me with a playful smile that didn't quite match the intensity of her request. "I want pickles with ice cream and nuggets. Oh, and some chips," she said, her smile widening.

I raised an eyebrow, trying to suppress a smirk at her strange combination of cravings. Pickles with ice cream and nuggets? Not exactly the most appetizing mix, but I nodded. "Alright, I'll be back with your cravings."

I went out, picking up everything she had requested, feeling a mix of amusement and resignation. Returning to the penthouse, I carefully arranged the tray of food on the bed and turned on the four-inch TV. I set it to Netflix, so she could enjoy a movie while she indulged in her cravings.

"Call me if you need anything else," I said as I adjusted the TV and made sure she was comfortable.

She gave me a grateful nod, her eyes already focused on the screen. I left her to enjoy her snacks and went back to my makeshift office, where I continued working. Even though her cravings and mood swings were challenging at times, seeing her happy and well taken care of made it all worthwhile.

Months had passed, and the anticipation of our baby's arrival was palpable. We had received the gender results: we were having a boy. The news was met with joy, though I could tell that deep down, Nova might have hoped for a girl. Nonetheless, she embraced the news with excitement and enthusiasm for our son.

I tried to make these last few months as comfortable as possible for her, taking her on trips to any place she wanted to visit. However, when business calls interrupted our time together, her reactions ranged from pouting to outright ignoring me. It was clear that these disruptions were affecting her, so I made adjustments to minimize work interruptions. Rebecca was now the sole point of contact for any business-related issues that required my attention.

One evening, I took Nova to a restaurant she had been craving. As usual, she ordered an impressive amount of food. It didn't bother me; in fact, I was more than happy to indulge her desires. After all, I had an unlimited card, thanks to the perks of my wealth.

Just as she was about to take a bite of her steak, she suddenly froze. Her eyes widened in a mix of shock and realization. I quickly noticed the change and understood immediately what was happening. Her water had broken.

Without a second thought, I stood up and moved to her side. Despite my suit getting drenched, I gently lifted her into my arms. She clung to me, and I hurriedly made my way to the car. The drive to the hospital was filled with a nervous urgency, but I remained focused on getting her to the emergency room as quickly as possible.

The realization hit me like a wave; we were about to become parents, and the next few hours would change our lives forever.

The hospital was a whirlwind of activity as we arrived. I rushed Nova through the doors, her grip on my hand firm despite the pain. The nurses and doctors quickly took over, guiding us to the delivery room. I could see the anxiety in her eyes, and it mirrored my own, but I tried to stay calm for her sake.

Once we were settled into the delivery room, I stayed by her side, holding her hand and offering words of encouragement. The doctors and nurses worked efficiently around us, preparing for the arrival of our baby. Nova's contractions came in waves, and each time, I could feel her tension and fear. I wished there was more I could do to alleviate her discomfort.

I watched as Nova went through the labor, her determination and strength evident in every breath she took. Her expressions ranged from pain to moments of intense focus, and I admired her even more for her resilience. Every now and then, she'd look at me, seeking reassurance, and I'd offer her the warmest, most encouraging smiles I could muster.

As the hours ticked by, the intensity of the room grew, and eventually, the moment arrived. Nova's face was a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration as she pushed through the final stages. The doctor's voice was a blur, but I focused solely on Nova, trying to provide as much comfort as I could.

Finally, the room filled with the first cries of our baby boy. The sound was overwhelming, a mix of relief and joy that I couldn't fully describe. I watched as the doctors cleaned and examined him, my heart swelling with pride. I turned to Nova, tears in my eyes, and saw her looking at our son with a mixture of awe and love.

When they handed our baby to Nova, I saw her expression soften, a smile breaking through the exhaustion. I touched his tiny hand, marveling at the miracle of his arrival. The overwhelming joy of the moment made everything else seem insignificant.

As I looked at Nova, holding our son in her arms, I realized how much this moment meant for us both. This was the beginning of a new chapter, filled with love, challenges, and countless memories to come. I knew that no matter what lay ahead, we would face it together, as a family.

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