Surprises and Struggles

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Nova's pov

A few months after the chaos of the hospital, life had settled into a new routine. Alexander's days were dominated by work, which meant I often found myself alone with Reece. To break up the monotony, I started making surprise visits to his office. Reece and I would show up at random times, and the joy on Alexander's face when he saw us was worth every effort.

Each visit started the same way: I'd push Reece's stroller into the office, and as soon as Alexander spotted us, his face would light up. He'd immediately leave his desk, scoop Reece out of the stroller, and spin him around while showering him with kisses. Reece would giggle uncontrollably, his laughter filling the room with a sense of happiness that was contagious. Alexander would then pull me into a tight hug, his lips finding mine for a brief but heartfelt kiss. Those moments were our little escape from the pressures of the outside world.

"Looks like you've got the whole office wrapped around your finger, Mr. CEO," I teased one day as I watched him play with Reece.

Alexander grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "And you've got me wrapped around yours, apparently."

I raised an eyebrow playfully. "Well, you've managed to make me the envy of half the office. I hope you're not too disappointed that I'm not exactly the 'office pin-up' they seem to think I am."

He chuckled, adjusting Reece's little hat. "Oh, don't worry. I'm quite pleased with my choice. Besides, anyone who's jealous of you clearly needs better taste."

The employees had finally discovered that Alexander and I were a couple. Unfortunately, not everyone was supportive. I faced a wave of criticism and derogatory comments from some of them. They called me names like "whore" and "slut," and their hostility didn't stop there. Some would push me or make snide remarks right to my face. I never backed down, though. I defended myself with a fierceness that matched their aggression. If anyone dared to lay a hand on me, they were met with a swift and forceful response. I refused to let anyone undermine my dignity.

"Another day, another grumpy office gossip to deal with," I said, rolling my eyes as I recounted the latest encounter to Alexander. "I swear, some of these people have a PhD in being rude."

Alexander's jaw tightened in frustration. "You shouldn't have to deal with this at all. I'll handle it."

I placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "I've got it covered. Besides, I think I've developed a taste for putting people in their place. It's become my new hobby."

Alexander looked at me, a mix of admiration and exasperation in his eyes. "Just promise me you won't get into too many fights. I'd rather not have to bail you out of any more 'self-defense' situations."

"Fair enough," I said with a wink. "But you have to admit, it's pretty entertaining watching me take down office bullies."

As I watched Reece crawl toward his play area, where Alexander had thoughtfully arranged a safe and engaging space for him, I couldn't help but feel a pang of gratitude. Despite the negativity and hostility from some quarters, Alexander's support never wavered. He ensured that our son had a happy and secure environment, both at home and in the office.

"Thanks for being the best partner," I said softly, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "And for putting up with all my drama."

Alexander smirked, pulling me close. "Oh, don't worry. I've always been a fan of drama. Especially when it comes with a side of you and our wonderful son."

The office was now a place where, despite the underlying tensions, I could find solace in Alexander's unwavering love and Reece's innocent joy. The challenges we faced were many, but in those quiet moments, surrounded by the tangible evidence of our family's love, I felt a renewed sense of strength and determination.

As I left Alexander's office, my mind was set. Today, I was done playing nice. The rumors and snide comments had reached their limit, and it was time for me to address the situation head-on. My knuckles cracked as I prepared myself mentally and physically. The employees who had been whispering behind my back and spreading nasty rumors needed to know exactly who they were dealing with.

The corridor was eerily quiet as I made my way to the break room, where a small group of gossip-mongers was gathered. They were chattering away, unaware of the storm that was about to hit them. I stormed in, eyes blazing with determination.

"Alright, everyone, listen up," I said, my voice cold and steady. "I'm here to address the bullshit that's been circulating about me and Alexander."

A couple of them looked up, their faces going pale as they recognized the fiery resolve in my eyes. "Nova, we-"

Before they could finish, I grabbed the nearest person by the collar and pushed them against the wall. "I don't want to hear any more excuses. You think you can hide behind your little whispers and nasty comments? Well, I'm not just Alexander's secretary anymore. I'm his wife, and that means you mess with me, you mess with him."

With a swift motion, I shoved another person aside, my patience wearing thin. My fist met a desk with a solid thud, causing papers to scatter and a few of them to jump. I wasn't just using words to make my point-I was prepared to back it up with action.

"Stop the rumors, stop the name-calling, or I swear I will make your lives here miserable," I warned, my eyes narrowing as I clenched my fists.

The room erupted in chaos. One by one, the employees scrambled to get out of my way. Some tried to apologize, others begged me to stop, their voices trembling with fear. I tightened my jaw, my anger barely contained. These were the same people who had been so quick to judge and spread falsehoods about me.

I threw one of them across the room, sending them sprawling over a desk. My heart pounded in my chest as I looked at their terrified faces. "You wanted to push me? Fine. But remember this: I'm not just an ordinary secretary. I'm a force to be reckoned with."

As I watched them cower and plead, I couldn't help but chuckle darkly. The audacity they had to spread lies about me and Alexander, and then to beg for mercy when confronted. It was almost laughable.

"You know, I thought you'd have a bit more backbone," I said sarcastically. "But it seems like you're all just cowards hiding behind your gossip."

Finally, with one last glare, I turned on my heel and walked out, leaving the disarray and fear behind me. I knew that Alexander had already made it clear to everyone that any negative behavior towards me was unacceptable. Still, it seemed that some people needed a more direct lesson in respect.

When I reached the parking lot, I saw Alexander and Reece waiting for me. The sight of them calmed my fury. I took a deep breath, letting go of the adrenaline that had fueled my confrontation.

"Everything okay?" Alexander asked, concern etched on his face as he noticed my disheveled appearance.

I gave him a tired smile. "Yeah, just had to set a few things straight."

He glanced at the bruised knuckles on my hands and then at the satisfied look on my face. "I can see that. Let's get home. Reece and I are ready for a little bit of peace."

As we walked towards the car, I couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph. The message had been sent, and now it was time to focus on what mattered most-our family.

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