Dangerous Territory

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Alexander's pov

Having Nova on my lap was like playing with fire. The warmth of her body seeped through the fabric of my pants, igniting a heat in me that was difficult to control. My mind was a whirlwind of conflict-one part of me screaming to get a grip, to keep this professional, while the other part, the part that had been growing stronger over the past few days, was urging me to give in to the temptation she represented.

I tried not to look down, knowing full well what I would see if I did. Her skirt had ridden up dangerously high, and if I allowed my gaze to wander even slightly, I'd catch a glimpse of more than was appropriate. My heart pounded in my chest, a primal rhythm that matched the growing tension between us.

I forced myself to focus on her face, but that only made things worse. Her eyes-those sharp, confident eyes that had always met mine without fear-were locked onto mine, searching for answers, for meaning. I could see the curiosity there, mingled with a hint of something darker, something that made my pulse quicken.

My left hand, as if it had a mind of its own, began to move. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, it snaked around her waist, pulling her just a fraction closer. She didn't resist, though I could see the flicker of surprise in her eyes. I kept my gaze fixed on hers, willing myself to stay in control, but the feel of her against me, the way her body fit so perfectly with mine, made that nearly impossible.

As my hand settled on her waist, my right hand began to move as well, tracing a path down to her thigh. Her skin was soft under my touch, and I could feel the tension in her muscles as my fingers pressed lightly against her. The moment felt charged, as if the air between us had thickened with unspoken desires.

"Nova," I murmured, my voice coming out low and husky, betraying the battle I was fighting within myself. "You don't realize what you do to me, do you?"

Her breath hitched slightly, her eyes widening just a fraction, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she seemed to be waiting, her gaze flickering between my eyes and my lips, as if she was trying to decide whether to push me away or let this continue.

I leaned in closer, my lips just inches from her ear. "You're dangerous, you know that?" I whispered, letting the words brush against her skin like a caress. "The way you walk around here, always challenging me, always pushing back... It's intoxicating."

She shivered slightly, whether from the cold or from my words, I wasn't sure. But it only spurred me on.

"Do you know how hard it is to keep my distance, Nova?" I continued, my voice dropping even lower, dripping with the seduction I'd tried so hard to suppress. "Every time you walk into my office, dressed like this, looking at me like that... It's all I can do to not cross that line."

My hand on her thigh moved slightly, my thumb brushing against the soft skin there. I felt her tense, but she didn't pull away. I could feel her pulse quickening under my touch, matching the erratic beat of my own heart.

"Tell me to stop," I whispered, my lips brushing the shell of her ear. "Tell me to stop, and I will."

But she didn't. She just sat there, her breathing shallow, her eyes now half-lidded as she absorbed my words. My heart hammered in my chest as I waited, my entire body taut with the anticipation of her next move. Would she push me away, tell me to get a grip? Or would she give in, let this moment spiral into something neither of us could take back?

But the longer the silence stretched, the more I realized that maybe, just maybe, she didn't want me to stop.

And that thought alone was almost enough to break the last of my restraint.

The silence between us was all the confirmation I needed. Nova didn't push me away; she didn't tell me to stop. That was enough for me to continue down this dangerous path, a path I had fought against for so long.

Leaning in, I closed my eyes and pressed my lips against hers, softly at first. It was a tentative kiss, a test to see if she would pull away, to gauge her reaction. When she didn't, when I felt her gaze flicker to my lips once more, I couldn't help but smirk. This was happening, and it felt inevitable, like a dam finally breaking after holding back the flood for too long.

I stood her up from my lap, her body still warm from the contact, and in one swift motion, I pinned her against my desk. Her bag slipped from her hand as I brushed it aside, not caring where it landed. The only thing that mattered in that moment was the connection between us, the heat, the unspoken desires that had been simmering beneath the surface for far too long.

This time, when I slammed my lips back onto hers, there was no hesitation. The kiss was fierce, hungry. I felt her body tense up, surprised by the intensity, but slowly, as the seconds ticked by, I could feel her resistance melt away. She began to kiss me back, and the sensation was electrifying, like gasoline being poured on a fire that was already raging.

My hands moved instinctively, snaking around her waist, pulling her closer until there was no space left between us. My fingers traced the curve of her lower back, then roamed upwards, exploring the shape of her body as if it was something I had wanted to do for years-which, in truth, it was. Every gasp that escaped her lips sent a jolt of electricity through me, spurring me on.

I deepened the kiss, darting my tongue into her mouth, tasting her, savoring the warmth of her breath as it mingled with mine. The sweetness, the softness-it was everything I had imagined and more. Her taste was intoxicating, pushing me closer to the edge of control.

When I moved my lips from her mouth to her neck, I could feel her pulse quickening beneath my touch. I sucked gently at first, then harder, my teeth grazing her skin as I bit down, marking her as mine. I knew the hickey would be visible, a bold declaration of what had just transpired. Part of me reveled in the possessiveness of it, knowing that everyone who saw it would know that she was mine, at least in that moment.

Nova gasped, and the sound sent another wave of desire crashing through me. I kissed along her neck, savoring the feel of her skin, the way she responded to every touch, every bite. My hands roamed lower, exploring the curves of her body, the shape of her hips, and I knew there was no going back. We had crossed a line, one that we could never uncross.

As I continued to kiss her, to taste her, the world outside my office ceased to exist. All that mattered was the heat of her body, the sound of her breathing, the way she felt under my hands. And in that moment, nothing else mattered. Not the company, not the rules, not the consequences.

It was just her and me, finally giving in to the fire that had been burning between us all along.

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