Firm Limits

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The office lights dimmed as the day wound down, and most of the staff had already left. I glanced over at Nova's desk and saw her still working, her focus intense despite the late hour. It was clear she was pushing herself beyond her limits, and it was starting to grate on my nerves.

With a determined stride, I made my way over to her desk. Without preamble, I reached out and shut off her laptop, causing her to look up, startled.

"Alexander, what-" she began, but I cut her off firmly.

"No pushing," I said, my tone leaving no room for argument. "I told you not to overwork yourself. It's bad for you."

I gently but firmly took her wrists, pulling her away from the desk. Her eyes widened in surprise, but there was a glint of amusement there, too. I guided her toward my desk and pulled out the chair next to mine.

"Sit," I commanded, my voice stern yet concerned. "Don't even think about touching any files or documents. Just sit here and wait until I'm done."

I sat down in my own chair, spinning it to face her. Her gaze met mine, a mix of defiance and resignation in her eyes.

"Really, Alexander?" she said, her voice tinged with both frustration and a hint of amusement. "You're being awfully bossy."

"That's because someone needs to be," I replied, crossing my arms. "You're not taking care of yourself, and I'm not going to let that slide. I don't care how stubborn you are about working. Your health comes first."

Nova huffed but didn't protest further. She sat down in the chair beside me, crossing her arms and shooting me a playful glare. "You know, you're a real pain sometimes."

"Good," I said, trying to sound as stern as I could manage while maintaining my concern. "That's exactly what you need right now. No more working tonight. Just relax."

I turned my attention back to my own work, but I kept an eye on Nova. It was a strange mix of irritation and relief to see her finally resting. Despite her initial resistance, she seemed to settle into the chair, though her eyes were still a bit fiery.

As the minutes ticked by, I could tell she was trying hard not to get up or grab for any stray papers. It wasn't easy, given her usual determination, but for once, I was grateful for her resilience. It meant she was willing to listen, even if she did it begrudgingly.

The evening wore on, and the office grew quieter. I could hear Nova's occasional sighs, but for the most part, she remained where I had placed her. It was a small victory in the ongoing battle to ensure she took care of herself, and I was determined to make it count.

The office was quiet, save for the soft clacking of keyboards and the occasional murmur of conversations. I sat at my desk, buried in paperwork, but my attention frequently flickered to the desk opposite mine where Nova worked diligently on her laptop. She looked focused, her brow furrowed slightly as she typed away.

"Nova," I said, breaking the silence, "don't forget to take your medication."

She glanced up, an amused smirk playing on her lips. "You're turning into quite the taskmaster, Alexander."

"Just doing my job," I replied, trying to sound stern, though I couldn't suppress a hint of a smile. "And making sure you're doing yours."

She rolled her eyes playfully and reached for her medication, her hand steady despite the slight teasing in her expression. "Fine, fine. Your personal assistant is taking her pills as instructed."

I watched as she took the medication with a small sip of water, noting her effort to follow through despite her playful demeanor. It was a small victory, but it meant a lot. She seemed to genuinely appreciate the concern, even if she masked it with her usual wit.

"Thanks for the reminder," she said, her tone softening just a bit. "I've got to admit, it's nice to have someone looking out for me like this."

"Glad to hear it," I replied, focusing back on my work but keeping one eye on her. "You've been pushing yourself too hard. I'm not going to let that happen again."

"Don't worry," she said, her tone turning teasing once more. "I'll behave. For now."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her response. "I'm sure you will. Just remember, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here making sure you don't overdo it."

Her gaze met mine, and there was a brief moment of unspoken understanding between us. Despite the teasing and the playful banter, there was a genuine appreciation for the care being shown. It was clear that we both valued the newfound balance we were striving for, even if it came with its own set of challenges.

As the day wore on, I continued to monitor her progress, my concern for her health blending with a deeper sense of relief and satisfaction. We were navigating this new dynamic together, and despite the complexities, it felt like we were heading in the right direction.

As I typed away, the soft sound of Nova's groaning caught my attention. I glanced over, and there she was, curled up in the chair, clutching my coat like it was her personal blanket. Her position was awkward-her head resting on the armrest, her legs bent uncomfortably, and I could tell she wasn't going to last long before she either woke up or complained about it.

With a sigh, I pushed away from my desk and turned my chair toward her. I couldn't focus on work with her in such an uncomfortable state, and I hated the idea of her waking up with an aching back or worse.

Carefully, I slipped my arms under her, lifting her with a gentleness that surprised even me. She was lighter than I expected, and the moment I cradled her in my arms, she instinctively shifted, her body seeking warmth as she snuggled against my chest. I felt her arms wrap around my waist, and a soft breath escaped her lips as she settled into me.

A shiver ran down my spine. It wasn't just the warmth of her body pressing against mine-it was the intimacy of the moment, the way she seemed so peaceful for once, her usual sharp tongue replaced by soft breaths and unconscious murmurs.

I sat back down in my chair, adjusting her on my lap so she was comfortable. Her head rested against my chest, and I could feel her breathing, steady and calm, in rhythm with mine. Her hair tickled my chin, and every so often, she'd stir slightly, but never fully wake up.

This... this was different. I wasn't used to feeling this protective over anyone, much less someone like Nova, who drove me to the edge of frustration on a daily basis. But here she was, completely vulnerable, and I couldn't bring myself to let her go.

I wrapped one arm around her waist, holding her close, while my other hand moved back to the keyboard. I had work to finish, but every now and then, my eyes would flicker down to her sleeping form, her face pressed softly against my chest. Her fingers were curled into my shirt, and with every deep breath she took, I could feel her body relax more against mine.

There was something oddly soothing about having her like this. Despite the chaos she usually brought into my life, right now, in this moment, everything felt... calm. Peaceful, even.

I kept working, careful not to move too much, not wanting to disturb her. But every time I felt her shift or her grip on me tighten, I couldn't help but smile faintly. I'd never admit it, but I didn't mind this. Not at all.

It was strange, but having Nova in my arms like this felt... right. Like this was where she was meant to be, and for the first time, I didn't feel the need to keep up any walls or push her away.

I glanced down at her again, watching as her lips parted slightly in her sleep. She looked so peaceful, so different from the fiery, sarcastic woman I dealt with every day. Maybe there was more to Nova than I had ever given her credit for.

I sighed quietly, my hand resting on her back, holding her close as I continued working. This moment might not last, but for now, I was content to let her stay right where she was.

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