Making an Entrance

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Nova's pov

The morning light filtered through the sheer curtains of my hotel room, casting a soft glow across the plush bedding. I stretched lazily, a satisfied smile playing on my lips as I recalled last night's little visit to Alexander's room. His reaction had been exactly what I expected-controlled, composed, but with an underlying tension that told me I was getting to him. And that was precisely what I intended to do.

After a quick shower, I walked over to my suitcase, running my fingers along the array of carefully chosen outfits I had packed for this trip. I stopped at the dress I had in mind for today, a number that was more fitting for a cocktail party than a business meeting, but that was the point, wasn't it?

I slipped it on, the fabric hugging my curves in all the right places. The dress was a deep, rich red, the kind of color that demanded attention. It was cut low in the front, dipping dangerously close to revealing more than just a hint of cleavage, while the hemline barely grazed mid-thigh. The material was smooth, almost satiny, catching the light with every move I made. The back was almost non-existent, held together by delicate straps that crisscrossed in a way that left little to the imagination. Paired with a set of sky-high heels, the ensemble was guaranteed to turn heads-and not in a way that would go unnoticed.

As I finished applying the last touches of makeup-a bold red lip to match the dress, winged eyeliner to accentuate my eyes-I pulled my hair back into a sleek ponytail, allowing a few loose strands to frame my face. I checked my reflection in the mirror, turning slightly to admire the effect.

Satisfied, I grabbed my phone and the portfolio of documents I needed for the meetings and made my way to the door. As I walked down the hallway towards the elevator, I could feel the eyes of other hotel guests on me, the looks ranging from admiration to disbelief. But I didn't care. This was all part of the plan.

When I reached the lobby, I spotted Alexander immediately. He was standing near the entrance, his back to me, engrossed in a conversation with our driver. He was dressed immaculately, as always, in a tailored suit that screamed power and control. But today, I intended to unravel some of that control.

I took a deep breath, then sauntered over, making sure each step was deliberate, the click of my heels on the marble floor announcing my arrival. Alexander turned around just as I was a few feet away. For a brief moment, his expression was unreadable, his eyes scanning me from head to toe. Then, I saw it-a flash of something in his eyes, something he quickly hid behind that ever-present mask of professionalism.

"Good morning, Alexander," I said sweetly, giving him a smile that was equal parts innocent and mischievous. "Ready for a productive day?"

He cleared his throat, his eyes narrowing slightly as they met mine. "Nova," he replied, his voice measured, "that's quite an outfit."

I tilted my head, feigning ignorance. "You think so? I wanted to make a strong impression for today's meetings. After all, it's important to stand out, isn't it?"

He didn't respond immediately, his gaze lingering on the dress a moment longer before he turned back to the driver. "Let's go," he said, his voice clipped. "We don't want to be late."

I couldn't help but smile as I followed him out to the waiting car. The ride to the first meeting was quiet, the tension in the air palpable. I knew Alexander was trying to keep his focus, trying to ignore the fact that I was sitting beside him in a dress that was practically designed to drive him to distraction.

When we arrived at the office building where our first meeting was scheduled, I stepped out of the car, feeling the warm breeze against my exposed skin. Alexander was already heading inside, his pace brisk, as if trying to get away from me-or more accurately, from the effect I was having on him.

The conference room was already filled with key figures from the company we were meeting with. As we walked in, all eyes turned to us-or rather, to me. I could see the surprise, the double-takes, the subtle but appreciative glances from the men in the room. Even the women couldn't help but notice.

Alexander moved to take his seat at the head of the table, his expression a mask of indifference, though I knew better. I took my place beside him, crossing my legs slowly as I leaned back in the chair, fully aware of how the dress shifted with my movement. The tension in the room was almost tangible, the air thick with the unspoken reactions of everyone present.

The meeting began, and Alexander wasted no time diving into the agenda, his voice strong, authoritative, as he led the discussion. But as much as he tried to maintain control, I could see the way his eyes flickered to me every now and then, a brief glance that spoke volumes.

As the meeting progressed, I played my role perfectly-engaged, attentive, offering insights where necessary, but always with an underlying edge of flirtation, a subtle reminder of the power dynamics at play. Every now and then, I would catch the eye of one of the men across the table, holding their gaze just a little too long, letting them see the curve of my smile, the tilt of my head.

And then there was Alexander, who was doing everything in his power to ignore the very distraction he had tried to warn me about. I could tell it was working; I could see the tension in his jaw, the way his hand gripped the pen a little too tightly.

After a while, one of the senior executives, a man in his fifties with a receding hairline and a thick accent, leaned forward, addressing Alexander but clearly unable to take his eyes off me. "Mr. Kane, I must say, your assistant certainly knows how to make an impression."

Alexander's eyes darkened for a split second, but his tone remained cool. "Nova is more than capable of handling herself in any situation," he replied, the underlying meaning clear. "I suggest we focus on the matter at hand."

The man nodded, though his gaze still lingered on me. I gave him a polite smile, but inwardly, I couldn't help but revel in the moment. Alexander was right-this was business. But it was also a game, and I was playing it to win.

The rest of the meeting went by in a blur, the discussions and negotiations flowing around me as I maintained my carefully crafted persona. By the time it ended, I knew I had accomplished what I set out to do. I had everyone's attention, including Alexander's, and I had reminded him that in this dance of power, I was more than just a player-I was a contender.

As we left the conference room, Alexander walked ahead, his posture stiff, his expression unreadable. I followed behind, a satisfied smile playing on my lips. The day was far from over, and I knew that this was just the beginning.

The rest of the meetings would be just as crucial, just as intense. And I was more than ready to continue pushing Alexander's buttons, to see just how far I could go before he finally snapped.

Because in the end, this trip wasn't just about business deals. It was about proving a point-to him, to myself, to everyone around us.

And I was determined to win.

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