Chapter Forty-Three-Tension.

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Location: Jacks Room.  Time:12.50PM.

Jack "I make you feel what?" He grinned flirtatiously.

Elsa "You umm...." She said growing incredibly shy.

Jack "You don't have to be shy around me Snowflake, you can say whatever you want." He smirked seeing her face grow red at his words.

Elsa stepped forward hiding her face into his chest as he chuckled at how embarrassed his girlfriend had gotten over the situation. He nuzzled his head into hers as he continued to chuckled at her actions, his hands moving slightly on her waist as he fumbled in nervousness not wanting to make any sudden movement that could disrespect her. He heard the sound of muffling as he moved his head away from his girlfriend's chuckling again.

Jack "You're going to have to speak up if you want me to hear." He giggled.

He heard the muffling again as he rested his head back against hers.

Jack "I still can't hear your snowflake."

He felt her head move slightly as he removed his from resting on hers as she looked up at him with blushing cheeks. Jack couldn't resist her lips any longer as her reached down to kiss them gently as she moved with him kissing him back with passion while her right hand laid on his cheek. She pulled him further down as he pulled away quickly from shock, Elsa pulled his chin back down as she kissed him again the burning desire for him to never stop kissing her had already formed into her mind and her body ached for his touch. Jack could feel Elsa's hand pulling his face down again as their kiss deepened, their hearts raced quickly as the butterflies swirling inside their stomachs seemed to flutter even more at both their actions. Jacks head was spinning with dizziness as he felt Elsa's lips kissing him passionately than before, he could feel them moving towards the edge of the bed as his heart fluttered with excitement knowing that they would soon have to stop his fantasy and as he felt the back of his legs hitting the bed he knew it was time to call it quits. He pulled away from her addictive lips taking a breath as he blushed brightly at her while holding her in the spot they stood, he kissed her again softly talking in between kisses.

Jack "" He said kissing her.

He pulled away again, looking down at her as she flushed madly up at him removing her hand quickly from his cheek while hiding her face once again in his shirt. She moved again taking a glance back up at him still blushing madly as his colbat orbs stared back into hers, Jack leant down giving her another kiss as she kissed him back while he places a hand on her cheek.

Jack "As much as I love kissing you we should stop, because I know what'll happen if we don't...and I don't think this is the right moment for that..." he blushed at his comment pulling away from the light kiss.

Elsa "I agree." She blushed.

Jack "So are you ever going to tell me how I make you feel or not?" he grinned.

Elsa "I.... I already did." She confessed.

Jack "Wait what?"

Elsa "Well, I-I've S-shown you" she stuttered from nerves.

Jack "Oh..." he said blushing furiously.

Elsa tucked a long strand of her blonde hair behind her ear as she stood in awkwardness. Her heart pounded against her chest as she glanced around the room feeling the heat rise to her cheeks until she felt Jack lace her fingers with hers again. She turned to face him as her blue gems locked onto his that sparkled in the sunlight, his other hand caressed her cheek lifting her chin as he leant forward pressing his lips against hers.

Jack "So I make you feel that way huh." He grinned down at her after pulling away from the kiss.

Elsa "Uh huh." She nodded flushing in colour.

Jack "I have an idea, if your okay with it?" he asked.

Elsa "And what's that?" she wondered.

Jack "Why don't you let me show you?" he stepped backwards sitting on the edge of the bed.

Elsa stood in front of him while she wondered what he was up to, her mind spun with endless thoughts of what it could be, but her mind went blank from the flushing of her cheeks. Her boyfriend reached his hand out for her to take and as her fingers lace with his he pulls her forward towards his lap where she sits unexpectedly. He kisses her softly as they both pull away looking at one another for what seemed like years, his hands rest on her waist recurring her as he held her tight so she wouldn't fall. Her legs dangle either side of him as she stares in his eyes continuing to be lost in them forever more.

Jack "You alright there?" he asked curiously.

Elsa "Yeah." She said breaking away from his gaze with a blush.

Jack "You sure? You seem to have some colour in your cheeks." He teased chuckling while doing so.

Elsa blushed madly at his words trying to hide the fact she was as she buried her face into her hands before Jack breaking them away.

Jack "What? Someone shy?" he teased again.

Elsa "Shut up." She reddened again.

Jack "Oh really? And what will you do if I don't?" he asked.

Elsa "I wont kiss you anymore." She teased.

Jack "Like you could resist my kisses." He rolled his eyes at her comment.

Elsa slapped his chest playfully as she chuckled rolling her eyes back as he started to lean down for a kiss until she moved away. Jack gasped shaking his head while he smiled at her actions tickling her sides as she laughed out loud.

Elsa "Jack.... stop..." she giggled between breaths at him tickling her sides.

Jack "Only if you kiss me." He suggested.

Elsa "Oh, its like that it is?" she giggled.

Jack "Oh yeah, its like that." he chuckled.

Elsa "Fine...fine I'll kiss you!" she yelled.

Jack "Now that's more like it." He flirts.

Jack leans down kissing her again as she kisses him back with passion, she pulls away as a question burns on her mind.

Elsa "Jack?" she asks.

Jack "Yeah?" he tucks a strand of hair behind her ear as he looks at her lovingly.

Elsa "What... what was the other thing you wanted to talk about?" she asked.

Jack "Well... I wondering...why didn't you tell me about the whole eating thing?" he gulped.

Elsa "Oh...that...I guess I forgot about it." She confessed.

Jack "You forgot about eating?" he looked at her concerned.

Elsa "Okay, don't look at me like that."

Jack "Look at you like what?"

Elsa "Like that..." she gestured.

Jack "I'm just concerned that's all."

Elsa "I didn't really think about eating when I was under his control..." she bit her lip from nerves.

Jack "Was the food really that bad over there?"

Elsa "If you could call it that." she went silent.

Jack "That bad huh." He sighed deeply.

Elsa "It wasn't the best place to work in, this place it like a dream compared to over there."

Jack "Snowflake, I'm so sorry for the way you were treated over there. No one should have to put up with that." he frowned looking down slightly, feeling her fingertips on his chin lifting it up to meet her gaze again.

Elsa "Its not your fault Jack, besides I'm safe now." She smiled.

Jack "You'll always be safe with me Snowflake." He smiled back at her.

Elsa "I know." She smiled again.

Jack "I don't know what were doing for the rest of the day but, we could stay here for a while?" he said.

Elsa "I'd like that." she said reaching up and kissing his cheek as he blushed.

Jack "Then that's what we'll do." He smiled.

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