Chapter Twenty-Four-Best Friends

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Location: Institute Kitchen.  Time:5.00pm  

A few days later....

The sound of a loud crashing coming from the institute kitchen took the attention of a young blonde woman as she stared down at the plate he'd smashed on the floor while she gave him a glare.

Flynn "Oops!" He says shrugging his shoulders.

Punzie "Flynn..." she said bending down to clean it up from the floor.

Flynn "Don't pick it up! You'll hurt yourself" he says slapping her hand away.

Punzie "I'm trying to help!" She stood back up on her feet with her hands on her hips.

Flynn rolled his eyes as he started to pick up the pieces of smashed pottery.

Punzie turned around as she huffed at her boyfriend when they both heard the footsteps of their friends come into the room.

Merida "What's going on here" her thick Scottish accents says taking over the room.

Punzie "Clumsy boyfriend that's what." She giggled.

Hiccup "Now why doesn't that surprise me, always getting himself into trouble" he rolled his eyes while walking to one of the wooden chairs under the table in the centre of the room.

Flynn "I don't mean to get into trouble all the time, trouble always seems to find me" he smirked.

Punzie "Yeah sure it does" she giggled again.

Merida "The wee lad finds him all sorts of trouble even when yah not around lass." She smiled taking a bottle of water out from the fridge.

Flynn threw the pottery into the bin beside the fridge while he continued to smirk at his girlfriend.

Flynn "Sometimes she lies trouble though." He gestured to his girlfriend.

Hiccup "Ew I don't need to know that Flynn!" He pulled a face at his friend.

Merida "I wonder where Frostbite is" she wondered asking them.

Hiccup "I haven't seen him for a few days to be fair."

Flynn "Probably off getting laid again." He smirked.

Hiccup "Actually he was telling the other day that he'd ended that with her."

Flynn "Wait seriously why?"

Punzie "Your such an idiot!" She slapped herself mentally.

Merida "It's pretty obvious dumb arse" she folded her arms.

Hiccup "It's pretty obvious of why he stopped it, haven't you not seen the change in behaviour since Elsa got back?"

Flynn "Well I suppose then you put it like that then yeah I have noticed the change in him."

Merida "It's about time that they were just honest with each other!"

Hiccup "Saying that I have noticed that since the other day when he came to talk to her that he seems distracted for some reason."

Punzie "Mmm maybe you should go chat to him about it" she said taking a seat at the table.

Hiccup "I don't want to pry." He shook his head.

Punzie "You're his best friend in pretty sure you won't be prying."

Merida "Come on Hic even I know that you two have a special relationship with each other it's why your so close. Your best friends it'll be fine just ask the wee lad he'll want someone to talk to anyways if there is something bothering him." She reassures him.

Hiccup "Yeah I guess you're right. I'll see him a little later." He sighs deeply.

Merida "Right lets get some wee dinner on, I'm starving!" she said getting up from the chair and darting towards the fridge.

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