Chapter Forty-Eight-The Past.

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Location: The Black Corporation. Time: 11.30AM.

Jack felt his heart beating heavily as they ran across the hallways in the building hiding as Pitch's Agents walked around with darkness in their eyes. as Elsa peered around another corner she swore she could feel her breath leaving her as the sight of something she'd never seen again. The dark grey brick walls that were cracked and abandoned with cobwebs and hanging damaged lights that crackled in the darkness sent her stomach swirling with emotions. No one was around not even a single person as Elsa walked down the hallway, it was as if the placed had been left without a thought. She peered into one of the plastic windows that hung above the wooden door like a window frame and as he fingers traced the security code numbers she felt her fingers press the numbers 22446, the door came open as she pushed it inwards and as Jack stood behind her she knew what his reaction was going to be as soon as he realised where they were. They stepped inside as Elsa shut the door behind them while Jack looked around at the empty dark greys walls as he shivered with the coldness of the room closing in on them and the dark grey concrete floor that needed patching up with the holes starting to grow wider. His heart thumped at the sight of the scrunched-up bed that was in the corner of the room, he could feel the tears pricking the back of his colbat orbs as he glanced up at Elsa who was preoccupied with touching the piled boxes around the room. Jack walked around the room taking in the heart-breaking scene of what used to be Elsa's room, he ran his fingers over the small unsecured desk that had a few photo's scattered across the wood, his eyes widened as he picked a few of them up running his fingers over the pictures he remembered. A couple of group photos and a few of Elsa and her sister with her parents drew him to tears, and as he swiped them across the table the one that was hidden underneath them all was a picture of him and Elsa..... his heart sunk at the sight of knowing she must have kept these to keep her somehow going these past five years. He picked them up taking a glance at his girlfriend who was still looking through the boxes as he slipped the photos inside the pocket of his leather jacket. The tray of shiny objects that had been hidden under the photo's took his attention as he gasped under his breath seeing something he'd never thought he would see again; he picked it up quickly securing it inside of another pocket in his jacket.

Jack "You really weren't kidding when you said you weren't used to the institute." He whispered quietly walking over to her.

Elsa "At least it was something." She said.

Jack "Elsa, this is a prison cell no wonder people want out of this place." He said softly.

Elsa "Come on.... The files aren't to far away from here now." She grabbed his hand while pulling him out of the room.

She fell quiet as she stopped in the head office where it laid in front of a training area where he would watch from the window creepily. Her heart was racing while her mind thought back to the many times of standing alone in his office waiting for him to take his chance of taking advantage of her. Elsa felt her mouth run dry as the memories that haunted her dreams and soon she felt her chest beginning to tighten, placing her free hand onto her chest she tried desperately to find some oxygen as he feet glued to the floor as she froze up on the spot. Jack quickly placed a hand onto her shoulder while the other laced with her fingers feeling the sweat that had gathered from her sudden lack of breath. he pulled them back into the shadows where nobody would see them while Elsa found the strength to face her fears.

Jack "Hey, its okay. I'm here you don't need to be afraid." He whispered under his honey toned breath.

Elsa choked on the words as she tried to speak but, nothing seemed to come out. The tightness in her chest seemed to grow heavier as they stood in the darkness, kneeling down to the floor she spaced out looking directly into the cemented grey cracked floor as she felt Jack crouch down to her level. The guilt that swirled deeply in her mind at the fact she'd brought them here for something so simple and here she was frozen on the spot as the emerged the office where the answers led. Jack squeezed at her hand as her eyes met his colbat orbs that pierced back into hers, she felt the butterflies forming down in her stomach while they fluttered more than usual and suddenly..... the fear seemed to slacken as she continued to stare into his blue-eyed gaze and as his thumb grazed over the back of her hand her heart swelled with love knowing he was concerned with where they were right now.

Jack "I don't care how long we take in this place as long as we come out alive together." He whispers softly.

Elsa "Sorry.." she breathed heavily catching her breath.

Jack "Again, I don't care how long we take. Are you okay?" he asked glancing around them with worry.

Elsa "Yeah...guess I forgot for a second about..." she trailed off.

Jack "I know, come on were so close to this we can do it."

Elsa took a deep breath as she stood back up on her feet, glancing around herself as she felt Jack stand up beside her tugging at her hand while she felt the bravery washing over her. Stepping back out and looking around the corner to see if there was anyone coming, the empty place made her feel nervous enough to step back into the head office where she'd just froze. Rushing over towards his desk she scrambled through the draws as she let go of her boyfriends hand checking each draw for the key to the filing cabinet. She crouched down as she pulled the last one open finding a hidden compartment that hid the key for the cabinet, fidgeting with the keys as she hurried to open the draws she dropped the keys to the floor in a panic while she picked them from the floor. Jack stood by the door watching out for people as they passed by while he heard the dropping of the keys, his head turned slightly to see his girlfriend in a panic.

Jack "Hey calm yourself, you've got this." He whispered across the room.

Elsa took a moment to gather herself as she closed her eyes taking in the air as she reopened her eyes, she took the keys in her hand as she unlocked the cabinet draws while her hands shook from fear at getting caught. The keys jingled while hanging from the cabinet, the draws rattling while she pulled them out flicking through them Fastly until she found her name. she whipped the file from its section as she placed it under her arm locking the cabinet closed and placing the key back where she found it she tiptoed back towards Jack who was currently looking around in case someone happened to walk by. Elsa found it strange how easy this had all been getting in and not being seen and the office being completely empty without no one in sight around made her stomach churn. They fled from the scene quickly following the darkness to where they hid in the shadows returning where they came from Elsa quickly scanned her bedroom door one last time before fleeing the scene, Jack watched as his girlfriend glanced back while their feet hit the concrete floor and as they came to a stop to the secret passageways.

The light hit their eyes as they ran outside legging it towards the bike that stood far from the building. Elsa's eyes burned from the sunlight as she blinked fast while she quickly placed the helmet over her head, Jack swung his leg over the bike as he waited for Elsa to jump on the back. He felt her arms wrap around his torso holding on tightly as his foot flicked the break as it swung up and as he hit the gas the engine roared against the road. The cold breeze made Elsa's braid fly into the air behind her as the bike grew faster in speed, Jack raced against the clock knowing it was only a matter of time that Will or Dean would figure out that they'd been lied too. Elsa was impatient as she wanted nothing more than to race back to the institute and read her file, the thought of dread and many questions that ha been lingering her mind was soon to be answered and as she felt her heart pounding against her chest at the fact it was going to be a wild wave of emotions she knew Jack would be by her side to comfort her...

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